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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Wii U Thread!: Pokemon Rubmle U coming to Wii U

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What old franchise should Nintendo revive first on the Wii U?

Star Fox 220 47.31%
F-Zero 110 23.66%
Wave Race 29 6.24%
Top-Down Zelda 55 11.83%
Show me the results. 28 6.02%

Meh, didn't really care for that title anyways :P still bad news for Wii U I guess though

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Around the Network

Anyone transfered data from Wii to Wii U? Were you surprised by what you saw? I know i was. Only Nintendo would do that! :)

Can we get a tread title change? I think that topic has run its course.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

I don't remember if this is old news or not, but it's better to post it twice than none, right?

Play limit on Wii U demos set by publishers, Nintendo says

Unlike PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 demos, trial versions of Wii U games downloaded from Nintendo's eShop are limited to a certain number of uses.

This number depends from game to game - FIFA 13 is 10 uses, for example, while Rayman Legends is 30 uses. Sonic & Sega All-Star Racing Transformed is 15.

Eurogamer asked Nintendo why the limits on different games varied - and why there were limits at all. The platform holder replied that it was a game's publisher that decided how many times you can try their game.

"Each publisher has the opportunity to decide how long demos will stay on the eShop, and how many times consumers can play them before they expire," a Nintendo spokesperson told us.

The same system is also implemented on 3DS.

So, what happens when you use up your demo limit? Does the trial version spontaneously combust? We downloaded FIFA 13's trial and clicked on it 10 times to find out.

On the eleventh try we were taken to a screen stating, "This demo can no longer be used. View information about the full version in the Nintendo eShop?" And we were taken to a page where we could buy FIFA 13 for £49.99.

Finally, we tried deleting the download and re-installing it - but the Wii U remembers your usage total.

Will PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720 also include such demo limits? Join us in [insert best guess here] months to find out.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

It the same on the 3DS, and really I wasn't able to tap out the demos before I bought the game or got sick of it. So I don't see it as a big problem.

Around the Network

Well we should be getting a ND this week. Since TVii and the major patch is suppose to be released in December so I'm thinking they will have a ND on Thursday or Friday to announce it and it will probably released on or near the 25th.

For those that haven't bought a Wii U yet, here's a pretty sweet deal. White Wii U bundled w/NSMBU & Zombi U for $377.97, NO TAX & FREE SHIPPING. Also barebones white Wii U goes for $284.99 free ship, as well as games marked $10 less.

Reggie Asks: Nintendo TVii



Hi, I'm Reggie Fils-Aime of Nintendo of America. Some of you may be wondering why we're holding a "Reggie Asks" to give you an in-depth look about Nintendo TVii, rather than localizing the Iwata Asks interview that Mr. Iwata held for the service. 

Even though Nintendo TVii will be released globally, the content and services that it offers will be drastically different by each region. In order to really communicate what Nintendo TVii will offer in North America, I felt that we needed to present you with details coming from those that are familiar with the services and features specific to North America. 

Mr. Iwata started the Iwata Asks interviews because, with his background as a game developer, he felt he shared the same way of thinking as the developers he would be interviewing, which would allow him to dive in to ask interesting questions. 

Two weeks before conducting this, I participated in an interview and was asked if I would ever consider holding an Iwata Asks. I answered honestly that in order to do an interview like this, it had to be on a topic where I had deep knowledge and high passion. Certainly this is true for the North American media business. For almost 30 years I have participated in the changing media landscape. I spent time in the content side of media with MTV Networks. I am an avid consumer of media, and debater of its direction with colleagues. So holding a Reggie Asks on this topic was a 'no-brainer.' I enjoyed the experience, and look forward to more situation like this one where I can leverage my background to help explain Nintendo's future direction.


The full interview can be found at the link on top. 

My school system is finally on break, so if anybody has news to post for the next couple of weeks, post it. I can keep the thread updated for the most part now (or at least until I go back to school).


Nintendo of Europe's President Converts his Wife from iPad to Wii U GamePad.

Satoru Shibata, the president of Nintendo Europe, has revealed that he turned his wife from a prospective iPad buyer to a fan of the Wii U GamePad. Shibata said that until recently his wife refused to try out the Wii U GamePad for unspecified reasons. Instead, she really wanted an iPad or a similar tablet device, but these were sold out. So Shibata casually asked his wife to try out browsing the web with the GamePad and she now appears to be a convert.

“Until recently, my wife did not want to try out the GamePad. But there has been a change lately and she began using the Internet browser on the GamePad. Actually, we went to buy a certain tablet one weekend, but what we wanted was sold out everywhere, so we gave up on getting one. Back home, I said, “Why don’t we try using the GamePad instead?”. I let my wife manoeuvre the GamePad and because she picked it up so effortlessly, I ended up having to watch Nintendo Direct on December 5th on the TV in our living room with her.”