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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Wii U Thread!: Pokemon Rubmle U coming to Wii U

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What old franchise should Nintendo revive first on the Wii U?

Star Fox 220 47.31%
F-Zero 110 23.66%
Wave Race 29 6.24%
Top-Down Zelda 55 11.83%
Show me the results. 28 6.02%
DélioPT said:
DanneSandin said:
DélioPT said:
DanneSandin said:
DélioPT said:

I won`t even ask for much: GTA V and Watch Dogs will be enough! :D

I hope so! We have some insight of titles coming next year, but there really isn't any "big" games that we know of. GTA5 would be great to have! I'm not playing that franchise myself, but it's a must have if you wanna be seen as a hardcore console. What I'm hoping for for the next e3: GTA5 and some awesome footage from Bayo2 that puts all critics to shame...

I`m nor interested in playing GTA because of all the violence. I think the game looks great, to be honest, but it`s my thing. I`m more interested in Lego City! :)

I haven't played a GTA since 3 :P and the one I played the most is 2 ^^ But it would be great to have it in the Wii U library!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the next Direct!!

It would mean a lot for Wii U`s library!
I only played the first on PC and even then it was only a demo. It was pretty good! Never bothered looking at the rest of the games, though.

I`m expecting a Christmas present for Mr. Iwata! :D

Well, as someone who has played the last GTAs (from Vice City to the Episodes fomr Liberty City) as well as Sainst Row, I must say that GTA coming to WiiU is a big deal to me.

In fact, it's the game that could make me buy the WiiU sooner than I have planned... as long with other games like NSMB U, Pikmin 3 and Zombie U among others, ofc (who in their right mind can buy a console just because of 1 game?). And if Watch Dogs is also coming then it's even better.

By the way, don't expect too much from that Nintendo Direct. GTA will only be announced along with the PC version after it launches in PS360, and Watch Dogs platforms will probably revealed during the next E3. No, if this Nintendo Direct is late in December, expect a "happy holidays and happy new year" kind of direct, with new footage from the announced games comming for both WiiU and 3DS in 2013.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Around the Network
Veknoid_Outcast said:
kain_kusanagi said:
pimpcoop said:
kain_kusanagi said:
I don't think 3rd party devs fail Nintendo. I think they try, fail and give up.

I'm part of the problem. For my Nintendo systems I buy mostly Nintendo 1st games, mainly Mario, Zelda and Metroid. I buy a few3rd party exclusives, but for me gaming systems by Nintendo are Nintendo game boxes. When I buy a Wii U it will be for Mario, Zelda and/or Metroid just like how I buy Xbox for Halo and Playstation for Team Ico games.

Like I said I'm part of the problem, but it's the millions like me that have convinced 3rd parties to risk less on Nintendo consoles.

I'm sure 3rd parties looked at the Wii sales and giant userbase and thought it would be the land of milk and honey, but instead they got lost in the desert. They watched their games die on Nintendo machines while Nintendo sold their games at record numbers for years and years. Mario Kart Wii continues to sell well and has barely dropped from it's launch price. 3rd party games don't sell and then they go to bargain bins and don't sell.

I'm not really sure how Nintendo can fix this. Their fans, me included, love their games. They make plenty of them and that's what we want. Nintendo fans get what they are craving for direction from Nintendo. I guess 3rd parties need to convince non-Nintendo fans to buy Wii U for their games instead of Nintendo games. But so long as Nintendo games dominate all that's left is crumbs for others. I can't really blame 3rd parties for not investing tons of cash and their best talent while the risk is so high.

Your still missing the bigger picture. If you look at the Wii libray of games that third parties put that 80 percent is crap. Most of the games are not worth buying unless your a little tween kid. Even the good games were still not like OMG I have to own type games. They still manged to fail hard. There were no third party games like God of War,Gears of War, or Forza Horizon, Battlefield ect.. Those games are the type were people really want them. Not like people can say if it goes down in price I will maybe pick them up. That is and was the problem with the Wii and third parties. We got either shitty ports or really bad exicuted attempts at third party games that were trying to be clones of other games.

The reason that "80%" of the Wii Library is "crap" for "little tween kids" is because 80% of Wii owners are "tween kids". Publishers aren't going to make AAA games for 20% of the userbase when they can make shovelware for nothing and sell it to 80%.

The Wii didn't have the types of games you mentioned because the Wii couldn't handle them. That's why ports of games like COD were so gimped.

Kain, your first post was tremendous, but this most recent one is just reinforcing a bad stereotype. It's not fair to depict 80% of Wii owners as prepubescent kids.

Well, I don't actualy believe 80% of Wii owners are kids, I was just quoting an exageration to make a point. I do think that the Wii success is due to an overwelming swellof non-gamers jumping into the Wii Sports fad. Tons of soccer moms and grandparents bought Wiis for Wii Fit and Wii Bowling. They didn't help publishers decide to make expensive AAA  Wii games.

JEMC said:

Well, as someone who has played the last GTAs (from Vice City to the Episodes fomr Liberty City) as well as Sainst Row, I must say that GTA coming to WiiU is a big deal to me.

In fact, it's the game that could make me buy the WiiU sooner than I have planned... as long with other games like NSMB U, Pikmin 3 and Zombie U among others, ofc (who in their right mind can buy a console just because of 1 game?). And if Watch Dogs is also coming then it's even better.

By the way, don't expect too much from that Nintendo Direct. GTA will only be announced along with the PC version after it launches in PS360, and Watch Dogs platforms will probably revealed during the next E3. No, if this Nintendo Direct is late in December, expect a "happy holidays and happy new year" kind of direct, with new footage from the announced games comming for both WiiU and 3DS in 2013.

Yeah i know. I`m pretty sure something like GTA V won`t be announced at the next ND. Still, the gaming is coming in Spring, so an announcement before the year is over wouldn`t be that weird.
If something is revealed, a smaller game is more likely. The only games that matter that are coming out next quarter and haven`t been announced for Wii U, are: Anarchy Reigns, Devil May Cry, Dead Space 3 and Metal Gear Rising.
So, either a port from one of these are something from Nintendo themselves.

I am a proud owner of a Wii U! :)

Yoshi Land coming to Wii U??

A listing on Best Buy’s website suggests that Yoshi’s Land is coming to the Wii U. Here’s the description that was pulled from the listing:

Take Yoshi on an epic adventure to remember in Yoshi Land for Nintendo Wii U. Check out Yoshi as you’ve never seen him before: in glorious high definition. Enjoy dual-screen control thanks to the Wii U Touchscreen GamePad, while you’ll also be able to experience full integration with Nintendo’s MiiVerse service.

Since the Wii Mini was leaked on the same website, there’s a lot of reason to believe this might be real. Still, for the moment, it’s definitely a rumor.


Around the Network
DélioPT said:
I am a proud owner of a Wii U! :)


Which games did you get?

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:
DélioPT said:
I am a proud owner of a Wii U! :)


Which games did you get?

So far, i only got Mario! I also have Nintendoland because of the Wii U deluxe.

You bought your own or thinking of getting one?

RolStoppable said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

Kain, your first post was tremendous, but this most recent one is just reinforcing a bad stereotype. It's not fair to depict 80% of Wii owners as prepubescent kids.

Isn't "tremendous" an adjective with a positive meaning?

I can see why you are confused, but no, tremendous is a neutral adjective often assumed to imply something positive. Examples of tremendous used in a negative context:

"That is a tremendously large brain tumor"

"The hurricane caused tremendous damage"

"Kain, your first post was tremendous"

DélioPT said:
JEMC said:
DélioPT said:
I am a proud owner of a Wii U! :)


Which games did you get?

So far, i only got Mario! I also have Nintendoland because of the Wii U deluxe.

You bought your own or thinking of getting one?

Still waiting for that game that makes me say, "go get it!".

But hey, I said the same thing with the Wii and I bought it in Dec. 2006 (yep, almost at launch) when supposedly i was impossible to find one , so who knows.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:
DélioPT said:

So far, i only got Mario! I also have Nintendoland because of the Wii U deluxe.

You bought your own or thinking of getting one?

Still waiting for that game that makes me say, "go get it!".

But hey, I said the same thing with the Wii and I bought it in Dec. 2006 (yep, almost at launch) when supposedly i was impossible to find one , so who knows.

Kinda reminds me when i bought Mario Kart Wii. Ever since it was announced i didn`t want it, felt like it wasn`t anything big. Came launch and a guy put online some video of him playing and that was it! I was sold! :D