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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Wii U Thread!: Pokemon Rubmle U coming to Wii U

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What old franchise should Nintendo revive first on the Wii U?

Star Fox 220 47.31%
F-Zero 110 23.66%
Wave Race 29 6.24%
Top-Down Zelda 55 11.83%
Show me the results. 28 6.02%
Mr Khan said:

If it doesn't have any internal memory, then it will have to be an included SD Card a la the 3DS. No internal memory, so long as they include a memory card, could be a good thing, because if your Wii U breaks down then you can just pop the memory unit and install it seamlessly in a replacement (hopefully), but it would be the acme of stupidity if the Wii U isn't usable out of the box.

And I hope to god that they include cables for HD right out of the box as well.  An HDMI cable would be fantastic, but even if it's just packaged with component cables, and they don't pull what Sony did with the PS3 in the beginning (AV only), it'll suffice.

Around the Network
archbrix said:
Mr Khan said:

If it doesn't have any internal memory, then it will have to be an included SD Card a la the 3DS. No internal memory, so long as they include a memory card, could be a good thing, because if your Wii U breaks down then you can just pop the memory unit and install it seamlessly in a replacement (hopefully), but it would be the acme of stupidity if the Wii U isn't usable out of the box.

And I hope to god that they include cables for HD right out of the box as well.  An HDMI cable would be fantastic, but even if it's just packaged with component cables, and they don't pull what Sony did with the PS3 in the beginning (AV only), it'll suffice.

I am betting on AV-only at launch, unfortunately.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

PSwii60 said:
I sometimes visit this thread and I'm met with an Autolycus virus

Its the ads. If you're using Chrome, Chrome will actually block the site from opening when the ad is being shown. Or there are other things you can do too.

spurgeonryan said:

I thought this was some exciting news, but I think we have heard about it before. Not sure.





You Can Purchase And Download Wii U Games While On The Go


Wii U users will have access to Miiverse from smartphones, tablets, PCs and Nintendo 3DS. Satoru Iwata announced that Wii U users will be able to use mobile devices to purchase downloadable Wii U games while they are away from their Wii U, and the titles will automatically start downloading on the Wii U console through SpotPass.

“Our goal is that, in the future, you will also be able to purchase games found in the Miiverse from that smartphone or tablet device and, by the time you arrive home, that game will already have arrived on your Wii U system through SpotPass.”

Oh man this is so so so so so so so amazing for me, personally. Now I can download games while I'm at work on release date, and when I get home they'll be done!


superchunk said:
WiiBox3 said:
superchunk said:
spurgeonryan said:


Wii U Features No Built-In Storage

by Danny Bivens - June 13, 2012 - 7:30 A.M.
Total Comments: 4 Source: NCL

Iwata clarifies the Wii U storage conundrum. 

The Wii U will not have built-in storage. Previous reports indicated that the Wii U would come with 8 GB of internal storage, but the information comes from a mistranslation from Nintendo’s E3 analyst briefing and Q&A session.

Iwata stated, “We haven’t said anything about a hard drive that we’ll be including with the system itself. But we have said, through the USB connection, consumers will be able to take advantage of a wide range of the hard drives that are available on the market, and for quite cheap now, to add memory to their system however they like.”

Even though Nintendo is not including internal storage with the Wii U, it is possible that Nintendo may include an SD card with the system.




There had better be some storage! But if they go for really cheap they may not...


wow at really poor reading skills.

That qoute very specifically is talking about a HARDDRIVE, not internal flash storage. Flash storage that has already been confirmed by numerous leaks and Nintendo's E3 page:  "Wii U uses an internal flash memory. It also supports SD memory cards and external USB storage."

How large of external USB storage do you think it will accept?

Idk. I don't see why there would be much of a limitation if that's the primary large storage they will go with. I'm hoping for at least 1TB.

Don't you think this might make them worry about users being able to play pirated games pretty easily?

Around the Network
spurgeonryan said:
Users play pirated games anyways. What are you going to do?

True, but you can limit how easy it is, so it will be a smaller percentage of people that do. Look at the PSP to see why you don't want it to be easy to pirate on a console.

Nintendo Everything interviews Shigeru Miyamoto

Who’s up for another interview with Shigeru Miyamoto? The latest discussion has the legendary game designer talking about how Wii U can change games, what the console’s message is, the differences in making Wii U and 3DS/DS games,  Miyamoto’s hobbies leading to new game ideas, and his small teams/future projects.

Head past the break for a full transcript of the Q&A.

Miyamoto on the central message for Wii U…

“For me, personally, what’s most important is the idea that when the family goes into the living room, that the first screen they’ll interact with will be the Wii U screen. Whether they’re doing that for social elements, or for watching television, or for games, that to me is the most important element of this new Wii hardware.

“In the past, we’ve seen things like connectivity, where you have two devices working together, but the challenge there is that not everybody has those two devices. With Wii U, you have both the console and the game screen together in one package, so everybody who owns it has exactly what they need to enjoy that asymmetric gameplay. That makes it easy for developers to take advantage of that unified ecosystem and build for it.

“One other thing that I think may possibly change the way people design games is because of the use of the motion sensing technology and the gyroscope, and combining that with the screen. Now you have the ability to look around in a space that expands beyond the TV, this world that completely surrounds you.”

Miyamoto on how designing a Wii U game is different than making a DS/3DS game…

“Well, I think from a game design perspective, in the living room, when you have one large TV that everyone is looking at, and you have this one smaller screen that a single player has, that they can hide from the others and do different things on. I think that creates very different game experiences from, just for example, having two screens locked together in one position.

“Of course, you could always use this to also take, for example, 3DS games and perhaps bring them to the living room. So perhaps you could have a Nintendogs game where you’re interacting with the dog on the Wii U Gamepad and then you see a bigger dog there. (The Wii U hardware is) really inspiring us and giving us a lot of good ideas.”

Miyamoto on how his hobbies lead to new ideas…

“Mr. Iwata always tells me I’m not allowed to tell anybody. It had been, for a long time, sort of a secret that I was going to art museums. But we just announced the project at the Louvre in Paris. So I can talk about that now. Maybe in the fall it might feel a bit more complete.”

Miyamoto on working with a small teams and his new project…

“One thing I want to clear up is, people like to ask me if I want to do a small project with a small team. I do like working with a small team, and I’m working with a number of small teams on a lot of different ideas, but the problem is because of all these different roles that I have to fulfill, it takes me a long time to write the design document. It’s not that it’s a small project, it’s that small teams take longer to do larger design documents. So maybe this time next year I’ll have something ready to show you that perhaps will illustrate that idea. I have some storyboards that I have to draw before I finish this trip. It’s fun, I use Flipnote Studio to draw my storyboards.”

It's funny. It seems to have developed 1413 random dll's. Most of the viruses I've encountered is purely trigger-based yet this acts in a most unusual ways as it seems to randomly create spams and at times surprisingly informative. For example, it had directed me to a Wii U articles and once to a 'Call Me Maybe' parody. Odd.

*Iwata hands Miyamoto the plane ticket to Paris*

Anyone manage to catch Amazon's meltdown today? They've sold Wii Us on pre-order for 200 quid here in the UK after earlier putting a price promise deal up and realized their mistake and now have to honour price. I manage to order in time as the deal has now been pulled.