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Forums - General Discussion - Rotate your owl

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LOL!! What the heck?! XD

It's important to rotate your owls every 5,000 miles so that they wear evenly.

spurgeonryan said:
Is that the Beastie Boys? They must have some sort of mouse in the back ground that he is focusing on. Or the Owl has just given up on life.

I think he has given up on life... just look at the sad look in his eyes... :/

Nature's gyroscope.

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It's weird, but I actually enjoyed that one.

Need something off Play-Asia?

About time, we'd gone too long without one of these Galaki threads.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


TWRoO said:
Nature's gyroscope.

Gyroscopes are a fad.

i fucking hate owls. The freak me out and they just stare at you. Its like they have something to prove.....

Not another note that was weirdly interesting

Hmm... As far as I know, cats actually do the same thing if there's something interesting to stare at. Unless they want to get dizzy they're doing what they're supposed to do.