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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN's The Last Story Review

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RolStoppable said:
I would give the graphics a 7.5 too, but for entirely different reasons, because I know what I am talking about. The graphics aren't superb for the Wii, because aside from the water there really aren't any great special effects or advanced textures to be seen. Despite this, the game suffers from slowdowns every now and then, both during gameplay and cutscenes created with the ingame engine.

You already finished the game? What score would you give?

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RolStoppable said:
Faxanadu said:
RolStoppable said:
I would give the graphics a 7.5 too, but for entirely different reasons, because I know what I am talking about. The graphics aren't superb for the Wii, because aside from the water there really aren't any great special effects or advanced textures to be seen. Despite this, the game suffers from slowdowns every now and then, both during gameplay and cutscenes created with the ingame engine.

You already finished the game? What score would you give?

No, I haven't finished it yet. Far from it. I can rate the graphics though, because it's unlikely that they will get notably better.

From what I've played so far, I wouldn't rate the game anything above 8.0. I miss the freedom and comfort of Xenoblade Chronicles a lot. However, the battle system and other stuff are still building up, so my opinion may very well change for the better as I play more. The lack of colors in this game isn't helping though.

Thanks. I didnt want to imply that you need to have finished the game in order to rate the graphics.

Its just that I assumed since the game has now launched and you have it, that you already finished it...

Any message from Faxanadu is written in good faith but shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting a commitment by Faxanadu except where provided for in a written agreement signed by an authorized representative of Faxanadu. This message is intended for the use of the forum members only.

The views expressed here may be personal and/or offensive and are not necessarily the views of Faxanadu.

Wagram said:
Mad55 said:
Wagram said:
Did I read that correctly? 20 hours? Really....Really? REALLY!?!?

I'm not paying full price then.

They also said 13-2 was 20 hours i think or around there. I think its a bit longer it took a friend of mince 35 hours to beat it, but who knows. 

Took me 35 as well, and I skipped content. I would like to know if that 20 was with some side quests, or just straight run through of the 20 because for a JRPG that's really low.

From what I have read, it was designed to be about 20 hours on a straight run through -- with other options available to extend playtime.

If it is a good 20 hours -- that' s $2.50 per hour. Compare that to a movie which usually comes in at $4-6 per hour.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


Someone should tell that writer at Ign that you're supposed to rank the graphics of Wii games compared to OTHER Wii games. NOT games on other consoles.. If that were the case, ALL Wii games would score bad in the graphics department.

Aside from that typical stupidity from ign though, it is a great score. I'm psyched that this game is finally being localized. Should be a nice last hurrah along with DQX.

comparing Wii graphics too the HD twins is stupid! She is stupid!

waits for torillion to come and defend her >_>

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

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RolStoppable said:
I would give the graphics a 7.5 too, but for entirely different reasons, because I know what I am talking about. The graphics aren't superb for the Wii, because aside from the water there really aren't any great special effects or advanced textures to be seen. Despite this, the game suffers from slowdowns every now and then, both during gameplay and cutscenes created with the ingame engine.

Thats exactly how i found it to be aswell.

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Dr.Grass said:
Zim said:
.... good god I hate Keza. She has the worst reviews. A 7.5 for graphics because even though it's superb for the Wii it doesn't look good compared to the 360/ps3...... so using this logic why doesn't every single PS3/360 game get at best a 7 because compared to the PC version they aren't as good?

I've heard this several times now (and also over a long period in time), and while I agreed initially, I started seeing it from the reviewers perspective...

Times change. 

If you boot up ANY PSOne title now, the visuals will detract from your experience. Right now the accepted standard for graphics is PS360. The Wii owners don't like it and the PC owners don't like it. But that's how it is. I booted up Twilight Princess recently and it was difficult to play in seriousness. You may take this how you like, but it's coming from someone who has spent a considerable amount of money on Nintendo consoles and games.

For a Wii game to get 10 in the graphics department it would have to have exceptional art direction primarily. 

I'm sorry Dr. Grass but I have to call bullshit on this statement.  If you really think this then you have become one of them...  I can load up Ice Hockey (NES/VC) and do you thinkthat my enjoyment in the game is lowered now because it is an 8 bit game?  No, it is still fun and a blast to play.  If a game was a blast to play in the past mainly due to having good gameplay then just because the graphics are showing age doesn't really mean shit.

Zim said:
.... good god I hate Keza. She has the worst reviews. A 7.5 for graphics because even though it's superb for the Wii it doesn't look good compared to the 360/ps3...... so using this logic why doesn't every single PS3/360 game get at best a 7 because compared to the PC version they aren't as good?

Because the difference comparing PC and PS360 is no where near as big as comparing Wii and PS360. And if we compare PC with PS360 why not compare PC with Wii as well?

pointless comparing wii graphics to PS3/360 its obvious that they arent going to measure up to those more powerful systems.The score should reflect the system it is on,i think that a majority of gamers have become more snobbish this gen regarding the wii has worse graphics than the HD machines,"no shit,you dont say"but i can say that i have played a whole bunch of HD games that although look great,could have greatly benefitted from having superior wii controls.Im looking at you Rage!!

It's funny but for some strange reason when I play I think of Vagrant Story .

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot