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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 38 - Portal Theme

It would have been foolish to try and guess which of Wonk or radish might die and I can't protect myself. Had to try to stop the source of the kill rather than the destination.

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I guess Noctis thought it'd be easier to set me up for a lynch than Wonk

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

That was pretty dumb, you're still "confirmed" no matter what anyone says. You couldn't be lynched without my vote(or your own) and there's no way that would happen.

Or he switched to not suspecting me in hopes that you guys would take up that cause instead.

Finally a quick decision. Too bad it was the wrong one.

The poor Aperture Science Turret (NoCtiS_NoX) you just sent to the testing chamber was harmless... oh well, he's even more harmless right now since he's dead and all.

In the very short Night Cycle that followed this very short Day Cycle, Wheatley took care of dismembering ATLAS and scattering his parts all over the facility. I don't think we'll ever be able to put him back together. Not that it was my intention at any point.

This concludes the experiment, the Murderous Test Subjects won! No, that's not true, science is the winner here. Your interactions have provided precious data on how test subjects react when forced to kill each other. The data has been filed away and will be used... um... probably never.

Signature goes here!

Good job with a fast mis-lynch. Lol

It's really funny. If you linkz and prof are telling the truth then Rad is teh mafia lol.

I am turret a town watcher. The flavor will prove it. If townies here thinks that we won then too bad we lost. Sayonara suckers!! ;-P

@ linkz
Why? I thought it's wonk who is gonna be killed. If he was killed then I would know who did it right?

Obviously if you meta the flavor then it's Chell&Wcc. >_>
Linkz if you are really a townie great job. /s Your bias against me is really something and if you are the mafia then bad job. /s

Watching you means I thought you are gonna killed. I already anticipated that I will not be killed and I really wish I am tracker and not a watcher now.

When I thought the game is over already. I posted all the things I saved when the site went down. It was a big mistake on my part. Day 3 was really a frustrating day for me. It feels all you are all against me.

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Noctis for future reference, if you get watcher then you watch claimed power which, as you said yourself, mafia will want to eliminate.

So is prof/Chell a Bus-Driver or just a Randomizer?

You are the mafia blocker aren't you?

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