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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 38 - Portal Theme

Linkzmax said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

Ok let me get this straight. You said it doesn't add up because if I want to vote for you. FF should be your scum buddies but I never implied you guys were. I am pairing him with wonks or prof. I am supecting him for a different reason and on that theory you are a townie. 

Wonk asked a question and for me it's like who's no. 1 on your list? and I answered it's you.

I said it doesn't add up because you want to vote for me, yet instead of digging for evidence showing I'm scum with prof or Wonk, you instead show a link that implies you think FF is scum. This goes against your theories. You aren't narrowing your suspect pool, you're doing everything you can to keep everyone a possibility.

Like I said. You are my prime suspect. It's just a normal question that I answered since it is not yet happening I am not paying attention too much into it. I am still trying to look for a scum. Just so you know I haven't formed anything concrete yet that guarentees a vote for you or any other players in here.



I am still waiting when are you planning to reveal it?

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Ahhh, so you don't want me dead. :P

Linkzmax said:

1&4. Do you at least recognize that by you not posting any of these thoughts or at least a vote on day two that it gives you less credibility?

2&6. Fair enough.

3. I'm not really confused. I think it's illogical to believe they could have been rolefishing together without roles letting them KNOW something happened. But there's no use arguing it anymore. We'll have to agree to disagree on this.

7. You brought up my hostility in the practice round. Nowhere was the suikoden round mentioned, but I'll have to look that one up now. I remember we had the same role there, but I was Town and you were Mafia.

7. Yes, yes I meant the practice round and yes I am a mafia along woth moreno and rad suikoden.

I really blame that Amercana dawn from siliconera aricle. It reminds me of suikoden. 

Linkzmax said:
Ahhh, so you don't want me dead. :P

Huh!?  Please don't put words in my mouth


Votes for:

Final-Fan: theprof00, Wonktonodi

Non-voters: Final-Fan, Linkzmax, NoCtiS_NoX, theprof00 , radishhead

Player L-3 L-2 L-1 Testing chamber time


theprof00               votes for           Final-Fan
theprof00               unvotes             Final-Fan
theprof00               votes for           NoCtiS_NoX
theprof00               unvotes             NoCtiS_NoX
Wonktonodi               votes for           Final-Fan

Signature goes here!

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Linkzmax said:

7. You brought up my hostility in the practice round. Nowhere was the suikoden round mentioned, but I'll have to look that one up now. I remember we had the same role there, but I was Town and you were Mafia.

Ok, I miss this one. Lol

Keep dreaming. Don't be coy about it if you really want to vote me for go ahead. You are really itching do it.   

Sooo you can end this round already. trololol!!

NoCtiS_NoX said:
Wonktonodi said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
theprof00 said:

1. First of all, I don't need to rolefish to figure out who is who. It's generally easy enough to see who people are just by how they are playing. And furthermore, the roles that I consider to be the most important ones are people who I try to stay far away from; ie, I don't try to attack them too hard either.

2. Neither you nor FF have been on my case this game. Suddenly, this last day, I am the number one suspect? I can understand how you might've had suspicions before, but if I'm number one today, where was I yesterday? You say that going after stefl was a mistake? So then logically, I can assume that stefl wasn't more suspicious than I, and for that matter, Baal. So was I your number one yesterday? Seems to me like you're using evidence that we only discovered today to support a feeling you had against me yesterday.

1. Riiight! that's why moreno and baal got lynch because you know their roles. You also think I am scum today, great read so far. You really know which is which. Please enlighten us with your great wisdom. Who do you think are the mafia and towns in here? since it's easy for you.

2. What makes you think you are my number 1 suspect I haven't even said you are. Are you basing it on what I posted that I think you and stefl are scum buddies  before? So to answer you question you're not my number 1 but it's stefl maybe you also missed that I have mixed feeling about you.

Didn't I told you I am back to square one and I am pretty sure that 1 or 2 out of 3  that have a convo. with stefl and voted baalz is/are scums. That's why I want to focus our discussion on that one.  All I need was an explanation no need to get defensive over it.


I want to see noc hit ff as hard as he can, and same for ff. 
I want to see your most compelling reasons for each other. I don't care if you don't consider them suspicious. I want to see what you guys have to say. You both seem generally disinterested in each other.

Ok I'll answer this one. You think I am not interested? I am reading the other rounds when FF was scum and ofcourse I am reading the otheres thread where he is not a scum. Obviously reading those threads will surely take a lot of time so I started with the easiet one to address. In any case it seems you are interested in it. I think FF flies off the radar when is a scum. FF was the last mafia standing in Twas night before Xmas.  And what I read so far in 999 it's the same thing aswell. With this thread it's also the same he is flying off the radar again until now with you suspecting of him. 

So far in this thread just like wonk said he is just following and voting on lynch train. When he sees a vote on someone he votes that guy. First, prof voted for Rad then FF vote rad aswell and when Rad scene is over prof unvoted and he uvnoted aswell. Again with moreno you guys voted for him and FF voted Moreno aswell. The same situation on Baalz aswell.  He doesn't initiate the vote, he lets other do it and then quickly voted if there's an oppurtunity. The only convo that grabs attention is again with Stefl scene.

I also think the joke theory by Stefl might have some validity on it. Chell and companion cube being scum. Obviously, 2 humans either you or wonks with FF being the companion cube (other). and what's interesting is 999 thread Wonks and FF were scums and in Twas night before Xmas you and FF were scums.

see the boled

this was withough a doubt day 3

See the underlined bold I am pretty sure Prof is asking me who is my number on suspect list on day 2.

Sorry your bad grammer makes it hard to tell when you are talking about today vs day 2.

Final-Fan said:
Linkzmax said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
theprof00 said:

I'm sorry, I didn't know your name was FF.

Oh I am sorry I thought you guys are talking about me. Oh you guys are talking about noctis. Silly me. I really thought I was Noctis there for a second. My bad!  

Both of you stop being bad. Noctis you called me out for responding to part of a post that was directed at prof even though I was named in a group with him.

prof's right that FF should have answered the post, but getting others' thoughts on a matter is important too.

Sorry, I've read Noctis's posts but I guess I missed where he called me out on something that I didn't address.  I'll check that. 

Also, I really want to vote Noctis now but I kind of want to look at prof first which will take a while.  I was going to do it last night but I was busy. 

But (to answer Wonk's question) if I had to choose right now it would easily be Noctis. 

Thanks for the answer. So that leaves it

prof ==> FF

FF ==> noctis

Noctis ==> linkz

NoCtiS_NoX said:
Wonktonodi said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
Linkzmax said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:


I forgot to add both linkz and wonks wants prof. dead at the start of day 3 phase.

Proof please? Oh right, you have none.

First off. Prof is one of your suspects and don't deny this one.

2nd your convo at the start of day 3

3rd. Please don't tell me you don't have an intetion wanting us to vote for Prof with the qoutation below from you post and your convo with prof on the start of day 3. 

"(though if you think it's prof you should be voting him, right?)" by linkz.


As for wonks

1. You accuse us of wanting him dead at the start. Your evidence is. Linkz saying that if people think he's scum they should vote for him. Meaning you completely ignore is post where he says he thinks you and ff are the most likely scum pair. two posts before the post you mention of him.

2. There is also your first post of the day

So did that mean you "wanted prof dead" too? Or do you now realize how ridiculous what you are saying is?

If you have failed to notice at the start of day 3. Linkz is on attack mode with prof. It doesn't mean that much if he thinks FF and I are scum buddies. When he is putting his effort to make prof  a guilty scum. If he really doesn't want some people voting for him why did he even add that lines on the parenthesis?

I have a mixed feeling about him it doesn't = I want him dead. 

He was questioning him. That also doesn't = he wants him dead.  When you question people you can get information and form opinions. And how can you focus on the question and ignore the rest of the post. Even if he said that in a void. "DON'T vote someone if you think he is scum" is a staments I don't see how you can see this a pushing for a lynch. In context your conclusion makes even less sense.

Nor does me saying I am likely to vote for someone mean I want them dead, it mean I though prof was scummier than anyone else. Prof then made some points that eased some of my suspicions.

I think you are desperate and grasping at straws.

So after my three top suspects have answered my question. Noctis is significantly the odd man out. For him to be town I don't know how he could be looking more at linz thank prof or FF.
It's one thing to be a very paranoid townie. It's another to be making points out of nothing.

prof choice of FF makes sense as a townie. Since he could eliminate himself and radish and most players seem to have town reads on myself and linkz.

FF's choice seemed like the easy choice. Noctis is making some really bad post today. I half expected him to say prof though.

So with these three being my top suspects I will rank the order of how I see the scum teams. Starting with most likely.

FF and noctis.

FF and prof. Yes I do rank this over a noctis and prof scum team.

Noctis and prof.