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NoCtiS_NoX said:
Wonktonodi said:

5. Scum would rather lynch a town power than have to kill them themselves. Once the power is dead no possible night action left. Also It takes townies for there to be a lynch so it's not like all fingers point at scum.

5B. As for the Chell and Cube combo what does that have to do with me? I am not Chell. I am Caroline.

For stefls death making you thow all your theories out you sure have put a lot of effort into saying them again. Please explain why linkz would be the one to have your vote now if you had to vote.


5. I haven't thought about that though. Thanks for an insightful post so it's re-evaulation time.

5B. You haven't claimed your name yet until now yes? Although you did mention you are not chell.

Yes, you are right, I am on a roadblock when day 3 comes or back to square 1. The only thing that was shattered was the Prof&stefl scum buddies theory that  I have so the prof's rolefishing theory I have is still a valid argument.

Maybe I put an effort into it because Linkz is insistent on that subject. He loves to explain to me on how Illogical my thought process was so maybe I got stuck on defending it and got suck in that stefl rolefishing debate. 

I posted the long post so I can get a responses from the 3 person that was invovled on lynching of baalz and why I think stefl was killed. This 3 responded to me and Linkz response's  IMO is the scummiest although that is not enough to vote for him. He just jump from my top 1.

5. How could you not think about this? I even said, "But that would mean that scum would have to know that Stefl won't be protected or risk him using whatever power he has" in respnonse to "Secondly, Diverting to another town in hoping in catching a townie with a role so they can kill stefl at night."(you)

5B. No Wonk didn't claim Caroline until now, but it was the only named human left not flipped. Regardless, with Wonk saying he isn't Chell and prof saying that he is Chell, how could you push the idea of a Wonk/FF Chell/WCC scum combo?

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NoCtiS_NoX said:

If you have failed to notice at the start of day 3. Linkz is on attack mode with prof. It doesn't mean that much if he thinks FF and I are scum buddies. When he is putting his effort to make prof  a guilty scum. If he really doesn't want some people voting for him why did he even add that lines on the parenthesis?

I have a mixed feeling about him it doesn't = I want him dead. 

In case you failed to notice, prof said things at the begining of day 3 that were not true. It's similar to what you're doing on some points except he was man enough to eventually admit his mistake whereas you're shifting the goalposts. (Wonk and I want a lynch now... well not now, but in general!)

Final-Fan said:
theprof00 said:

what do you think of wonk and Linkz?

I think they're both good contributors, and less likely to be mafia than you, but much more likely than radish.  Links suspects me, and Wonk does too (though I think it's to a lesser extent), which makes me sadface, but I don't hold it against them. 

I would be somewhat surprised if Linkz turned out to be power.  I would be less surprised if Wonks did, though I'm not actually expecting him to be power either. 

Wonk has a vote on you while I do not. Care to explain how that means he suspects you less than I?

theprof00 said:
I'm just wondering why some people aren't suspecting linkz.
I have a feeling like just because I've pushed that he's town, it's just being accepted as such.
I'd have to read through, but noc pushing for linkz actually makes me feel better about him.

I'm not saying linkz is mafia, but I'm wondering why some people are treating him as if he's off the table.

Wonk pushed the notion before you did. So you're basically asking why radish and FF are treating me as if I'm off the table? One of which has already answered.

NoCtiS_NoX said:
Linkzmax said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

Because I can't seem to find a good arguments with you two being scum buddies.

Didn't you say FF was defending me? Wouldn't that be a good argument that we're scumbuddies? It's nice of you to admit you don't actually believe all the things you're saying though.

Ok let me get this straight. You said it doesn't add up because if I want to vote for you. FF should be your scum buddies but I never implied you guys were. I am pairing him with wonks or prof. I am supecting him for a different reason and on that theory you are a townie. 

Wonk asked a question and for me it's like who's no. 1 on your list? and I answered it's you.

I said it doesn't add up because you want to vote for me, yet instead of digging for evidence showing I'm scum with prof or Wonk, you instead show a link that implies you think FF is scum. This goes against your theories. You aren't narrowing your suspect pool, you're doing everything you can to keep everyone a possibility.

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Linkzmax said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

1.  I thought Stefl was rolefishing spurge. You also think he was. I told myself I need more evidence maybe stefl thought spurge is mafia and trying to make him slip. Start of day 2 Spurge flipped town-mason. Stefl posted random things like he was visited. OK this is weird and then I remember the convo between stefl and spurge so I look it up  and  then Rad postedthat  "He thinks it's not wise for the mason to claim because it will be an open target". Stefl responded with "it's ok for the mason to claim because of blah blah" so I am getting the feeling that he was really rolefishing so I tried to ask him what he meant by that post and then prof qouted me(rolefishing) and I clarified that "I think he got me wrong here and I want to ask stefl if he is admitting of some kind of a role". After that stefl answered it but the weird thing is I was the one who asked the question but he opted to respond to Prof so maybe I am just letting my paranoid self took over that I think they are making fake convo and making themselves look town. This was not the only reason I think they were scum buddies it already srpung from day 1. I am tired to put up links so look that for yourself. I also didn't buy his argument. I felt he is trying to pinned you down as a scum.

Anyways, I don't know why are so insistent on this subject. i really don't have clue anymore and I am getting annoyed that I have to repeat myself over over again. Why do you think it's not possible that I think stefl is rolefishing without this mafia tracker? Are you the mafia tracker? Because it's only logical if you are or maybe you really are the mafia blocker? And you did block stefl? And you want me think that having mafia blocker is not possible or maybe you just protecting prof because  you want to prove it to me that my suspcious of prof is illogical w/o this variables.

2. Isn't this about the rolefishing? Did I already back it up with links I provided? If not then please elaborate since I have been responding with You, FF and Prof. It's hard talking with 3 of you at the same time with the 3 of you asking different question.  

4. Just got a vibe from it. You also think he is going buddy buddy with you right?

5.  The language barrier is really killing me here. Anyways, Day 1 stefl is one of your suspect he was no. 1post, post, post and moreno replaced him and with how bad stefl  handled the situation. I think you are gonna vote for him since he was one of you suspects but if you were a scum seeing stefl confirmed he has a role then voting for stelf is a waste. Lynching him will not only garner attention  and it will be a miss oppurtunity to target another townie. Of course this not directed only to you but scums in here general. Maybe we have different views over with. It looks like I can't convince you that maybe one or two of the voters there sees an oppurtunity when you voted for baalz. I am town so in my perspective there will scummies in there. I tried to link the stefl and Baalz situation. The 3 of you that was involved in stefl and baalz. I also don't want to limit myself to the three of you that's why opening up the possiblity of a chell and cube combo because unlike you I won't ever dismiss that Wonk is mafia even if I feel he is town. I want the others to know the possiblity of it. 

6. A parrallel situation that I think there was a 3rd party and Didn't you also voted for me? You aslo said you want me dead and as a 3rd party it's beneficial for you if I got lynch. Please don't contradict yourself.

So like in this thread. Enlighten me with the parrellels that don't exist that you speak of.

Your PS: My intention was from the start is to see how guys will react because stefl flipping town shattered all my theory about him so I am back to square 1. stefl was my primary suspect followed by Prof but since stefl flipped town I have to re-evaluate. I tried to get a response from you guys with my first post but obviously a lot of you ignored it then I started with my big post then I got what I want. A lot responses. 

My own PS: If you are a townie. Why am I not surprised that you think me as a scum. Oh yeah! You have bad habit of thinking I am always scum.  

If you are a scum. You want me dead more than anything else because I am very active right now.

1. I did think he was. I also thought he was rolefishing I mentioned that I thought these things the day they occured. Why didn't you mention anything about Stefl/prof day two? Why would you only mention it today when it's proven impossible?

2. My whole line of questioning has been more about why you think prof, FF, or I should have voted Stefl rather than Baalz. The only thing you've come up with is that mafia would not want to put their vote on town power.(Though I've also explained why it doesn't make sense for scum to just let go of Stefl) You know who doesn't want to lynch possible town power? Town.

3. Are you even thinking about what you're saying anymore? IF Stefl were scum, he can't rolefish without actual knowledge that he was targeted at night. Being roleblocked obviously tells him that, but what you say you thought Stefl AND prof were doing would require them to have tracked/watched/whatever you/someone else targeting Stefl. Otherwise who says "Derp, I'm Town Moron, but I didn't target you Stefl, guuuuh". And eventually(not necessarily day 2) when claims come about and nobody claims to have targeted Stefl, he gets lynched for lying.

So I'm Mafia Tracker now? Which would mean I followed my scumbuddy roleblocker to his target. I guess I wanted to make sure he wasn't lying to me? Or maybe it's a town roleblocker/jailkeepey that I followed, which is tougher to refute because I would have to look back at day 2 and see what everyone seemed to be thinking to show that it would be more prudent to kill the protection that could block my scan or our team's kill than whatever Stefl was. Far too much effort for no gain, since I'm not mafia nor a tracker.

Mafia blocker is just dumb, because with all the suspicion Stefl had I could just block him "again", and watch the mislynch occur. There's no reason to risk killing him when he could be protected.

I said some of your argument for prof is valid. It's the Stefl AND prof stuff that I said was illogical, even ignoring Stefl flipping town.

4. You made none of these points(about suspecting Stefl or prof) yesterday, when it actually mattered. It's easy to say you were thinking just about anything then, but nothing backs it up.

5. He's been following me on the lynches, but I haven't had the time to look into whether it's indicitave of him being scum or not. I did not get the impression FF was defending me though, because Stefl's reasoning was illogical. It's something I'd have done if I was around and Stefl had named anyone else besides me instead.

6. I see your point now, but as I said here town doesn't want to lynch possible town power either. His claim of being blocked gave everyone a legitimate reason not to vote him regardless of alignment. I don't think you'll find anything by focusing on people not voting for Stefl. In the end it just has more to do with people voting for Baalz.

7. Wait, you think there's a 3rd party here? I haven't voted you once this game. You are one of my top suspects now, which does not equate to me wanting you dead. Let me spell it out again

practice round. I NEED you lynched in order to have a chance of winning.

now. If I were mafia and you were town, I DON'T need you lynched in order to have a chance of winning. In fact the only way it's a parallel is if you are scum here.

Yes, it was a bad habit of mine, which is why I didn't focus on you earlier in the game. Now, considering my opionion of Wonk and prof(and radish of course) there's greater than a 50% chance that you are scum and I'm not just seeing things incorrectly.

I'm not scum, but that's stupid as I would want any townie dead.

1. Nothing I am just posting my feeling and sharing my thoughts about it. You are just reading far into it.

And I was kinda busy playing with my PS3 that's the reason I was absent mostly on day 2. 

2. Wonk explain it better and simplier than you. So just read my response to him. I admit I was wrong.

3. Ahh I am getting the whole picture now. You got confused. That's why I can't understand on what you are talking about (language barrier. we are arguing without even understanding each other) because I never implied anything about stefl having a role or even prof having role when I thought they were role fishing. I just thought they are just plainly rolefishing because of their actions.

Are you guys confusing that I think stefl is a scum until now? I am sorry if my grammar was wrong or if my post was disorganize but let me get this straight. I know that he flipped town and he was paranoid cop.

My thought process: stefl flipped town since he said he has was blocked and he was paranoid-cop. Obviously he would know he was blocked because he won't be able to investigate so I am thinking that mafia blocker really exist and the reason the mafia are hestiant to address this was because of this role ( I totally forgot this one ). I would try to organize my thoughts before even posting now so I can avoid  any confusion.


In before you think. That i am thinking  you are the mafia blocker because of what stefl said no, I don't think you are.

4. See no. 1

5. I just get the vibe. Nothing more nothing less. If you think otherwise then ok.

6. See no. 2

7. I thought we are talking about the suikoden round? just ignore this I got confused on which or which.



Linkzmax said:

5. How could you not think about this? I even said, "But that would mean that scum would have to know that Stefl won't be protected or risk him using whatever power he has" in respnonse to "Secondly, Diverting to another town in hoping in catching a townie with a role so they can kill stefl at night."(you)

5B. No Wonk didn't claim Caroline until now, but it was the only named human left not flipped. Regardless, with Wonk saying he isn't Chell and prof saying that he is Chell, how could you push the idea of a Wonk/FF Chell/WCC scum combo?

5. When you said it was confusing or when I read it I was sleepy or tired. 

5B. Wait a minute did prof claimed chell already? Are talking about this one?

I am pretty sure that is not a claimed or is it? 


did you claimed Chell there?

NoCtiS_NoX said:
Linkzmax said:

5. How could you not think about this? I even said, "But that would mean that scum would have to know that Stefl won't be protected or risk him using whatever power he has" in respnonse to "Secondly, Diverting to another town in hoping in catching a townie with a role so they can kill stefl at night."(you)

5B. No Wonk didn't claim Caroline until now, but it was the only named human left not flipped. Regardless, with Wonk saying he isn't Chell and prof saying that he is Chell, how could you push the idea of a Wonk/FF Chell/WCC scum combo?

5. When you said it was confusing or when I read it I was sleepy or tired. 

5B. Wait a minute did prof claimed chell already? Are talking about this one?

I am pretty sure that is not a claimed or is it? 


did you claimed Chell there?


when I read it maybe I was sleepy and tired.

theprof00 said:
In my eyes there are 4 qiestion marks.
Ff wonk noc and linkz.
Mafia targets someone tonight.. generally they have to target some. Who seems cleared, so id say either linkz wonk or rad.
Rad will likely have protection. So they may skip him.
One of us five.
We then need complete agreement to lymch.
If any one of us is targeted it helps narrow down.
Although to a lesser extent, linkz and wonk imo.

Replace me with you and it's the same for me, though some are bigger question marks than others. And of course it's the same for everyone else involved.
Generally mafia can no kill if town can no lynch, but yes if they target someone it's probably myself, Wonk, or radish. There's no reason to do Town a favor and kill FF, Noctis, or yourself.
Rad will likely have protection. Can I point out the obvious or should I stay mum on it?
Assuming they take out someone, mafia now only need one misvote compared to two in order to quicklynch.
From my perspective and rationale, me or Wonk dying doesn't help matters any, but I can see how it would from whichever of FF/Noctis/you is town.

If we decide on NL, Wonk and radish will lay out their complete thoughts first. Pretty sure mine are clear, but I'll becontinue to answer questions if that isn't the case.

NoCtiS_NoX said:

1. Nothing I am just posting my feeling and sharing my thoughts about it. You are just reading far into it.

And I was kinda busy playing with my PS3 that's the reason I was absent mostly on day 2. 

2. Wonk explain it better and simplier than you. So just read my response to him. I admit I was wrong.

3. Ahh I am getting the whole picture now. You got confused. That's why I can't understand on what you are talking about (language barrier. we are arguing without even understanding each other) because I never implied anything about stefl having a role or even prof having role when I thought they were role fishing. I just thought they are just plainly rolefishing because of their actions.

Are you guys confusing that I think stefl is a scum until now? I am sorry if my grammar was wrong or if my post was disorganize but let me get this straight. I know that he flipped town and he was paranoid cop.

My thought process: stefl flipped town since he said he has was blocked and he was paranoid-cop. Obviously he would know he was blocked because he won't be able to investigate so I am thinking that mafia blocker really exist and the reason the mafia are hestiant to address this was because of this role ( I totally forgot this one ). I would try to organize my thoughts before even posting now so I can avoid  any confusion.


In before you think. That i am thinking  you are the mafia blocker because of what stefl said no, I don't think you are.

4. See no. 1

5. I just get the vibe. Nothing more nothing less. If you think otherwise then ok.

6. See no. 2

7. I thought we are talking about the suikoden round? just ignore this I got confused on which or which.

1&4. Do you at least recognize that by you not posting any of these thoughts or at least a vote on day two that it gives you less credibility?

2&6. Fair enough.

3. I'm not really confused. I think it's illogical to believe they could have been rolefishing together without roles letting them KNOW something happened. But there's no use arguing it anymore. We'll have to agree to disagree on this.

7. You brought up my hostility in the practice round. Nowhere was the suikoden round mentioned, but I'll have to look that one up now. I remember we had the same role there, but I was Town and you were Mafia.