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Not sure but likely ff

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Noc is giving me a run gor my money.
i honestly cant tell, but his tempertantrum is giving me a town vibe.

Wonktonodi said:
noc, prof, ff
if you had to vote now who would it be on?


Linkz? Very interesting

NoCtiS_NoX said:
theprof00 said:

How about the amount of exchange he had with (was it spurge?).

He want on an awful lot back and forth as my votals show. Spurge thought noc was mafia based on his insistence, I thought it looked town.

Given what was going on, would you say it would be stupid for mafia to garner so much attention?

1.Then, his insistence that I'm rolefishing. Would you venture to call these "little annoances" desperate attempts?

2. Further, there is something I noticed above when I mentioned that it was odd that noc had not considered me and linkz as being a scum team given my behavior today. When I mentioned that it seemed scummy to not mention the possibility of a linkz/prof scum team, one of his next posts was an HoS on Linkz.

Not only that, but (while I am not a cop), there could be the case that I am a cop, or something cop like. Why would he neither theorize that I am mafia cavorting with a teammate, nor a cop who has cleared linkz? And why would he continue to go after me with such weak analysis?

If he was mafia, would you say it looks like a pretty lazy effort? I would.

I'll first qoute this.

1. I already explain it and I am annoyed that I have to explain it again. Linkz was right all of you didn't bother reading my whole posts. You guys don't want to bother reading all of my posts. You guys read what guys want to read so if you see your name in there. You only focused on that and ignore the other points I am trying to make.

Anyways, I can't take off the feeling of rolefishing.  Usually I follow my guts. That's what happen when I played first time as a cop. Following post and then make a theory and follow my instinct. I won't always try to meta game. I will always think outside the box. With my experience playing here. Katherine a fucking vanilla only??? Cave johnson. A fucking vanilla??  That's why I open up another possibilities that stefl brought up like Chell and cube being scum. 

A. You know what I think about Rad. I really don't want to post this because this is wildest theory I have so far and will make myself look bad. I am thinking he is a mafia mason. Mafia mason even though a part of the mason group doesn't know the alignment of the other guy. You thoerize that there is a possiblity that Spurge doesn't know his fellow mason on day 1 and maybe the reason is that Rad is a mafia mason. I hope Rad will now contribute more with this.

2. Do you think that it didn't it occur to me? Why do you think I am targeting you two? Obviously, you don't see what I am trying to do and didn't you see the post that I think linkz is defending you. You didn't even bother reading my all of lenghty post. If you did you could have point out that some of my links only links towards to the pages and not the view post or maybe you notice it but don't want to bother telling me (i don't want you thinking that it didn't occur to me aswell). Also both of you have the same suspect. FF and me. Also 2 of you are in the stefl convo and voted for baalz. Also you 2 or 3 if you count stefl (which in before I thought your scum buddy) the front runners in lynching moreno. Did you read the part were I say 2 out 3 that was involved in there could be scum? Or am I not clear enough. And in before you said that I also could you and FF. Yes you are right but I am not ruling out the possiblity that you and linkz are scum buddies.

3. At the last paragraph do you think I am very stupid to post something oh maybe prof is the cop. Didn't it ever occur to you that it already run through my head re-reading and re-reading the whole thread? I already read some post thinking you are a cop. I am just opening up possibilities and one thing I learned from the other rounds is to never trust anyone if I am a town. I should always be supicious of the other players.  

Well, since you are the one who brought up the topic. I already have a theory if you are a cop then the stefl joke theory is valid. Imagine 1 human, 1 other and 1 machine. linkz is cleared and Rad is somewhat cleared. Why do you think I even brought up the chell scum theory? Do you think I didn't covered you being a cop already? Why do you think I want to read the 999 thread were FF and wonks are scum? I want to find clue on how they play as scum together. Do you think I am not that sucpicios of wonk?

Why do you think I don't want to post that I think you are a cop? If we lycnh a mafia or worst comes to worst we agree on a no-lynch. I will give of an important info for the scum they might kill you. Sigh!!!!


And Obviously, I also don't want to rule out the possiblity that you are scum since you are a human aswell.


In any case  I am going to list my of potential scum buddies.

Prof & FF= explained

FF & wonk= explained

Links & Prof= I kinda explained it.

Wonk & links= They want to have a lynch right now. If IIRC they haven't talk about themselved a lot this day 3 phase.

And Obviously, I also don't want to rule out the possiblity that you are scum since you are a human aswell.


PS: It's either you are underestimating my line of thought or if you are a scum you are using the no 2 and 3 to make look bad and using it against me. 

A. If you want radish to post more, great, so do I. There will be no considering a mafia mason in this game though. But why are you so concerned with how you'll look for it?

3. If prof is cop, then how could Stefl's joke theory be valid? prof is Chell, or at least claims to be and Wonk claims he is not Chell. And what are you talking about with "imagine 1 human, 1 other and 1 machine?" You realize that would group you, Wonk, and FF together as scum... not to mention the game would be over already.

The bold is an outright lie. I haven't tried to push a lynch at all today, in fact I've been cautioning against rushing one. What should I be talking about myself for? Or do you mean I haven't said much about Wonk, in case I'd ask you why should I be trying to hunt scum in someone I think is town?

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NoCtiS_NoX said:
Final-Fan said:
Right, so Noctis.

1. Day 1 he was absent for quite a while, then came back to congratulate Wonk (I think it was) on going after lurkers, which he freely admitted to being. Wonk shamed him into contributing a little more substantially. Then he disappeared again, only to randomly and uselessly vote radish when moreno/Baalz was in danger of being lynched. But as we all know, Baalz flipped innocent so I'm not sure of the significance there.

2. Day 2 he had a little activity. He asked radish and stefl about their claims, resulting in prof's gotcha post, and had an exchange with stefl who was making some very odd remarks at the time. Not much substance there that I noticed.

3. Day 3 he posted nothing other than "I have mixed feelings about prof" until he started making his big posts recent which I decline to recap.

4. The best case I could make against this is that it stinks of someone lying low, and then becoming active when he has a chance to push a mislynch for the win. He could have tried to take pressure off moreno to buddy up.

1. It was moreno that was about to lynch. I tried to prevent a lynch but no one bother aside from linkz but in a different way. He said that the lynch won't happen. Now that I think of it. It's like he wants me to vote for moreno so moreno could be lynch already. This is the posts. and  

Yup I agree with you. It's a useless vote in trying to prevent a mislynch from happening. 

2. I agree on this one. I don't have much activity. Blame that to my PS3.

3. I am already setting up my big post by re-reading the whole thread and from the other thread. Why don't want to recap it annd the chell cube scum combo?

4. The only conclusion is I am a scum and I want fucking mislynch. Great comeback. Can't even provide anything substantial and I want to buddy up with moreno when I even suspected him. Pretty disappointing. It seems you are on roadblock. Can't go anyting from there. Tsk.. Tsk..

Sooo let me ask you this. Can give me your thoughts on prof, Linkz, wonk and Rad? It seems you are so focus with me.

1. You're admitting it was a useless vote which means you weren't trying to prevent the mislynch? And did you just slip that you knew it would be a mislynch? As for the links, that was me pressing you to vote anyone besides radish. I would have loved to see a push for someone besides moreno as a lynch candidate, because I think more information is gained that way. But radish was not a good candidate.

2. I blame inactivity on you, unless your PS3 has a gun to your head in which case call the cops.

NoCtiS_NoX said:
Linkzmax said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
Anyways, this post by FF is really intriguing. Hmmm...
It looks he regrets claiming other.

Like this. What is the implication of the post to you? Why would he regret it?

Look at FF's post and a lot of you thinking I am just putting random links. Do I even need to explain it you should know by now on why if you are following the thread. Fuck this! This is so frustrating!  

Chell and cube scum combo.

You say this, and yet you say you'd vote me now if it came to it. And in your pairings of possible scum you don't list FF and I. It doesn't add up.

NoCtiS_NoX said:
Linkzmax said:

First, please address the bold, italicized, and underlined question.

1. This stuff about Stefl would all be relevant if you had mentioned anything day 2, or when I had originally made the point about rolefishing.

That is the only post of prof's of all the ones you claim to be rolefishing that I would agree with.(Some others are blatant nudges for claims, which as I said I didn't like, but it's different from rolefishing) However, it doesn't make sense to think that Stefl and prof are scummates in this case. They would have to KNOW you visited Stefl, which means one should have to be a Mafia Tracker, which followed you to Stefl. If you're investigative they're going to hope you don't claim damning info on Stefl instead of pushing you to reveal it. If you don't spill anything they can assume you're protective or something else, and possibly try to get you lynched. Either way they would be happy to kill you at night.

My second question was directly related to the first. How did you think scum Stefl was rolefishing with his first post, which he later clarified meant he was roleblocked?

2. See no. 1 as well. You made none of these points yesterday, when it actually mattered. It's easy to say you were thinking just about anything then, but nothing backs it up.

3. I appreciate you fixing the links. It's actually a bit bothersome that nobody else pointed out any of the errors, am I the only one that cared to read your post?

I mentioned it in no. 1, but that is rolefishing to me. Only makes sense as that with Stefl being town and prof being scum though. Mafia would know if they targeted Stefl and could try to pin it on someone else, or if they weren't the ones to target him they could try to figure out who was and net two town powers in one fell swoop. But I don't think asking the other mason to claim means much. There are pros and cons to making the information known, and I think in the end it benefits Town to know more than scum.

Now that post is a solid point for you. And it's a direct contradiction to what prof asked Stefl after Stefl claimed he was roleblocked. I don't think I was defending, just defining things, pointing out broken links, and explaining why I thought your theory was very unlikely or in other words what I think prof wasn't doing. I didn't explain what I thought prof was doing, and I'd like to hear that too. What's nagging me most with prof is he's avoiding a lot of the stuff asked of him. It's not enough to push him higher than you or FF on my scumspect list, but he's not moving down towards Wonk's level either.

4. Again, thanks for the fix. But you didn't answer my question, "In the end, Stefl's case was that he was blocked and it's a null tell as to my alignment... What defense is needed?"

5. I'd like to try to follow your logic as to how you think I'm preparing to vote for Stefl. Please give the links again and explain what I am saying in each one, in your opinion. Your new explanation still doesn't make sense to me. Why would scum try to divert their votes away from the claimed power?

In the practice round you didn't have me "figured out" as in you realized I was a SK. I was hostile towards you because as third-party my only chance of winning was to have you mislynched and then hope the right actions occur to let me survive until the end. Here, even if I were mafia and you were town, I'd have 3(or 2 accounting for radish's "confirmedness") other people I could push to be mislynched. There's no need for hostility in that case. If I'm hostile it's because I most likely need two correct lynches out of two chances. So if you're town, I don't want to read a wall of text with little to no point or an illogical point. I'm pushing you to prove to me that you're actually town or to crack as scum.

1. Didn't you ask why I think Stefl was rolefishing? Read qoute box aswell.

You said "1. Stefl claimed he was blocked and you thought he was rolefishing? Only a roleblocker/jailkeeper would know if they targeted Stefl, so why would scum Stefl announce to a town RB/JK that they chose well?" So I answered you that not the only reason. 

It only makes sense if there is a mafia tracker in order for them to be scum buddies. Wow! just wow! What a load of bullshit! So in order for them to be scum buddies is there should be a mafia tracke? I don't know if I am going to be annoyed or laugh or be sad. sigh!

Can't it be the timing or They device a plan from day 2 that they will rolefish because stefl gets away with it (spurge)? Can it be I am thinking they are making a fake a convo about stefl being the target of the mafia or the mafiablocker/jailkeeper.  Can i just think I didn't buy any of those and think they are both scum for doing that or can I just can't think that this 2 guys is nudging, rolefishing or whatever and think it has some connection to it. So help me understand that in order to it make sense is to have a mafia tracker and I have a role?

I think I already answerd this the no. 1-3 from that post and the other post I made about the rolefishing. If it's unlikely for you then it's likely for me so It's up to you if you will consider it or not. The same goes for the other players in here.

4. Isn't this about FF?

5. Although this is not about you. Scum in general. It's waste in my eyes. A confirmed role and lynching him has a side effect onto it. First, it grabs attention if he flipped town with a power role which he was. Secondly, Diverting to another town in hoping in catching a townie with a role so they can kill stefl at night. 

last paragraph. I never said I figured you out I said I am getting close. Didn't I said in that round there was a 3rd party? The moment you saw that you become very hostile. With my investigation read do you think it didn't occur to me that it's either you ar Baalz is the a 3rd party?

What is the "this" that you think mafia were hesitant to address? "by linkz"

First of I think I screwed on my sentences again. It's clear enough to my point because of my continues editing to check if I have wrong grammar before I post it. I think I accidentally deleted some sentence/s and when I edit it. I thought my other sentences is still part of the the other sentences.

Anyways, I am conveying 2 different points.

A. With stefl flipping town. The mafia doesn't want to address this anymore because maybe stefl was right that there is a  mafia roleblocker. Again with prof's rolefishing when he qouted me. If prof is scum he doesn't want to address this.

B. With stefl first response. I think the mafia's is waiting for some townies to qoute stefl. If someone will challenge it. I think the scums is hunting for more roles.

So is that clear enough?


PS: Changing you tone is not gonna help you in convincing me you are a town. 

1. You said you thought Stefl was rolefishing with his first post of day two, which is later explained to be a softclaim that he was roleblocked. I explain how that's illogical.

prof and Wonk should be able to back me up on this one. One cannot claim to be roleblocked and expect it not be exposed as a lie. If Stefl and prof were mafia, then yes they would need proof that Stefl was visited, ala a Mafia Tracker.

Stefl being town though means you could be right about prof rolefishing when you asked Stefl what his post meant. He doesn't need proof that you actually visited Stefl, and if you did visit him then you could slip something out revealing your alignment/role.

2. I appreciate you trying to skip over my point.

4. Yes. You are claiming that FF was defending me. I am asking you what defense I needed?

5. Still waiting to hear why you think it looks like I was going to vote Stefl.(Or prof or FF for that matter)

I see, that makes more sense. But that would mean that scum would have to know that Stefl won't be protected or risk him using whatever power he has.

The point still stand that if I were mafia, I wouldn't need you to be mislynched as I did as SK in that practice round. You are drawing a parallel that can't possibly exist.


Your explanation as to why "this" was unclear, not being clear inofitself notwithstanding:

A. The other option is that Stefl was targeted by a town jailkeeper, and mafia don't want to address that because it will look like they're hunting for town power.

B. I suppose that is possible. I'm never one to highlight hints like Stefl made because it rarely ends well for town. I'll bring it up if it hasn't been discussed and I think the time is appropriate, but otherwise I prefer actual claims as it shows the person actually wants the information out there.

P.S. I am not concerned with convincing you of anything. Your case against everyone(including myself) is weak, and I'm trying to determine for sure if you're scum and who your scumbuddy is if so.

NoCtiS_NoX said:


I forgot to add both linkz and wonks wants prof. dead at the start of day 3 phase.

Proof please? Oh right, you have none.

Final-Fan said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

1. It was moreno that was about to lynch. I tried to prevent a lynch but no one bother aside from linkz but in a different way. He said that the lynch won't happen. Now that I think of it. It's like he wants me to vote for moreno so moreno could be lynch already. This is the posts. and  

Yup I agree with you. It's a useless vote in trying to prevent a mislynch from happening. 

2. I agree on this one. I don't have much activity. Blame that to my PS3.

3. I am already setting up my big post by re-reading the whole thread and from the other thread. Why don't want to recap it annd the chell cube scum combo?

4. The only conclusion is I am a scum and I want fucking mislynch. Great comeback. Can't even provide anything substantial and I want to buddy up with moreno when I even suspected him. Pretty disappointing. It seems you are on roadblock. Can't go anyting from there. Tsk.. Tsk..

Sooo let me ask you this. Can give me your thoughts on prof, Linkz, wonk and Rad? It seems you are so focus with me.

1.  "It was moreno that was about to lynch."  No, he was about to BE LYNCHED. 

My point is that you didn't "try to prevent a lynch" by actually defending him; rather, you tried to divert attention by attacking someone else.  If you thought moreno was innocent AND radish was guilty, you could have done both, but you didn't.  Therefore, your behavior was the same as the classic scum tactic of (clumsily) trying to prevent a scumbuddy's lynching without appearing to be defending them. 

Your radish vote was useless in terms of lynching radish because it wasn't going to happen, and useless in terms of defending moreno because IT'S NOT A DEFENSE OF MORENO. 

3.  Because it just fucking happened.  I didn't want to make my recap needlessly large; everybody should already be aware of your big posts, and they can easily reread them directly. 

1. Could you clear this up a bit? Are you saying Noctis was trying to prevent scumbuddy moreno's lynch without appearing to be defending them? moreno flipped town.

3. Is prof your mafia partner?