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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 38 - Portal Theme

NoCtiS_NoX said:
theprof00 said:
Well, that got results.

unvote noctis

I am taking my vote off in order to let things settle down a bit, while I digest this post.

Don't flatter yourself. I am doing it for hours already

you mean days?

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So having reread the thread. I have some observations

Prof has gone after people for things they shouldn't know, or at one time me for saying I would say something latter. he seems more interested in context than content and he's not always been right about it.

FF has mostly lurked layed low and never really made a case against anyone on his own, only followed others. Thought on day one that Noc was a good alternative to moreno but never did anything on it himself.

Noc has also been mostly quiet. Was too focused on spurge day one. Has at least brought up some ideas of his own although I am not sure where he is going with the current one.

your strong ability is your weakness here noc
The last several games you've really impressed me with your ability to just pick out the mafia. This game, I don't think you're on any.

About FF, can you give a better explanation about why he is in that list? He appears sandwiched in, neither affected by recency or primacy, and his blurb is much shorter than mine or Linkz'. The end doesn't even look like a proper suspicion. It looks more like you are completely on the fence.

Linkzmax said:

Okay, where the hell is everyone? Scum isn't going to lynch themselves.

Still don't trust Stefl entirely, but I'm willing to give him another day and see what comes of it.

prof is the only other beacon of activity, so I'd rather not risk the mislynch without more solid evidence.

The back and forth I had with Wonk day one had me leaning town, but I don't like how he's said nothing of substance today and twice not delivered on follow ups.
here and here

I'm more suspicious of Baalz though. Four days ago he said he had no opinions and may have to re-read the thread. He still doesn't have any strong feelings about anyone. I'd expect that from a few players, but Baalz is not one of them. I want to hear some thoughts.

Vote: Baalzamon

I need to address this one with a seperate post. 

First off A convo between Stefl and Rad then you voted for Baalz after that you qouted Rad. Do I see some connection in there??  


@ Wonk

"The back and forth I had with Wonk day one had me leaning town, but I don't like how he's said nothing of substance today and twice not delivered on follow ups.

here and here" By links

I think this is the 3rd and we are still waiting for those lenghty posts.


noc I just covered most of it. as for the difference between linkz and prof. I don't that's as important to explain, although there is one.

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I want to see noc hit ff as hard as he can, and same for ff.
I want to see your most compelling reasons for each other. I don't care if you don't consider them suspicious. I want to see what you guys have to say. You both seem generally disinterested in each other.

theprof00 said:
your strong ability is your weakness here noc
The last several games you've really impressed me with your ability to just pick out the mafia. This game, I don't think you're on any.

About FF, can you give a better explanation about why he is in that list? He appears sandwiched in, neither affected by recency or primacy, and his blurb is much shorter than mine or Linkz'. The end doesn't even look like a proper suspicion. It looks more like you are completely on the fence.

With Stefl turning out town. I am back to square 1. Just like Radish said all of you are playing safe. This is my definition of a scum hunt and see how you guys will respond  and right now you are avoiding the topic about you. I am expecting atleast an explanation from you on why keep on rolefishing.

As for FF I included him because he is one of the people that have a convo with stefl and voted for baalz. 


Ninja'd by wonk.

NoCtiS_NoX said:
theprof00 said:
your strong ability is your weakness here noc
The last several games you've really impressed me with your ability to just pick out the mafia. This game, I don't think you're on any.

About FF, can you give a better explanation about why he is in that list? He appears sandwiched in, neither affected by recency or primacy, and his blurb is much shorter than mine or Linkz'. The end doesn't even look like a proper suspicion. It looks more like you are completely on the fence.

With Stefl turning out town. I am back to square 1. Just like Radish said all of you are playing safe. This is my definition of a scum hunt and see how you guys will respond  and right now you are avoiding the topic about you. I am expecting atleast an explanation from you on why keep on rolefishing.

As for FF I included him because he is one of the people that have a convo with stefl and voted for baalz. 


Ninja'd by wonk.

First of all, I don't need to rolefish to figure out who is who. It's generally easy enough to see who people are just by how they are playing. And furthermore, the roles that I consider to be the most important ones are people who I try to stay far away from; ie, I don't try to attack them too hard either.

Neither you nor FF have been on my case this game. Suddenly, this last day, I am the number one suspect? I can understand how you might've had suspicions before, but if I'm number one today, where was I yesterday? You say that going after stefl was a mistake? So then logically, I can assume that stefl wasn't more suspicious than I, and for that matter, Baal. So was I your number one yesterday? Seems to me like you're using evidence that we only discovered today to support a feeling you had against me yesterday.

theprof00 said:

1. First of all, I don't need to rolefish to figure out who is who. It's generally easy enough to see who people are just by how they are playing. And furthermore, the roles that I consider to be the most important ones are people who I try to stay far away from; ie, I don't try to attack them too hard either.

2. Neither you nor FF have been on my case this game. Suddenly, this last day, I am the number one suspect? I can understand how you might've had suspicions before, but if I'm number one today, where was I yesterday? You say that going after stefl was a mistake? So then logically, I can assume that stefl wasn't more suspicious than I, and for that matter, Baal. So was I your number one yesterday? Seems to me like you're using evidence that we only discovered today to support a feeling you had against me yesterday.

1. Riiight! that's why moreno and baal got lynch because you know their roles. You also think I am scum today, great read so far. You really know which is which. Please enlighten us with your great wisdom. Who do you think are the mafia and towns in here? since it's easy for you.

2. What makes you think you are my number 1 suspect I haven't even said you are. Are you basing it on what I posted that I think you and stefl are scum buddies  before? So to answer you question you're not my number 1 but it's stefl maybe you also missed that I have mixed feeling about you.

Didn't I told you I am back to square one and I am pretty sure that 1 or 2 out of 3  that have a convo. with stefl and voted baalz is/are scums. That's why I want to focus our discussion on that one.  All I need was an explanation no need to get defensive over it.


I want to see noc hit ff as hard as he can, and same for ff. 
I want to see your most compelling reasons for each other. I don't care if you don't consider them suspicious. I want to see what you guys have to say. You both seem generally disinterested in each other.

Ok I'll answer this one. You think I am not interested? I am reading the other rounds when FF was scum and ofcourse I am reading the otheres thread where he is not a scum. Obviously reading those threads will surely take a lot of time so I started with the easiet one to address. In any case it seems you are interested in it. I think FF flies off the radar when is a scum. FF was the last mafia standing in Twas night before Xmas.  And what I read so far in 999 it's the same thing aswell. With this thread it's also the same he is flying off the radar again until now with you suspecting of him. 

So far in this thread just like wonk said he is just following and voting on lynch train. When he sees a vote on someone he votes that guy. First, prof voted for Rad then FF vote rad aswell and when Rad scene is over prof unvoted and he uvnoted aswell. Again with moreno you guys voted for him and FF voted Moreno aswell. The same situation on Baalz aswell.  He doesn't initiate the vote, he lets other do it and then quickly voted if there's an oppurtunity. The only convo that grabs attention is again with Stefl scene.

I also think the joke theory by Stefl might have some validity on it. Chell and companion cube being scum. Obviously, 2 humans either you or wonks with FF being the companion cube (other). and what's interesting is 999 thread Wonks and FF were scums and in Twas night before Xmas you and FF were scums.

I don't think I've ever laughed so hard catching up in a thread. Thank you

NoCtiS_NoX said:


I want to discuss the Stefl scenario that happened on day 2. He said he was blocked. The reason I want to discuss this I am pretty sure that 1 or 2 out of the 3 is a scum. 3 people had convo with stefl about this if you include me that's 4. The thing that  strikes me is stefl turn out town. TBH I am thinking Stefl is a scum because I really thought he was rolefishing. I am thining of Stefl & prof because of this, but since Stefl turn out town I think mafia are hesitant to address this. A mafia roleblocker? or maybe they are hunting for more roles? IDK and waited for some townie to qoute it. TBH with links, wonk and Prof in here. I didn't get why they let this post slip by. It's also one of the first few post IIRC and one of the interesting post I might say. This one of the rare moments I miss Hatz in here. He won't let this post slip by regardless of his faction. 

Anyways, just like I said there are 3 people but I will start with Prof.

1. Prof

Rolefishing again?? And the responses of Stefl and this. I think prof succeded in fishing a role in here.

And the response of Prof. I think he is rolefishing again with the last paragraph and A thing I notice as well  is the Capitalized "WERE" from "Or maybe you WERE blocked by a jailkeeper" Maybe I am reading too much into it but I think if prof is a mafia he is hinting it to his buddy that we have a jailkeeper here.

And stefl qouted him again. And he also answered FF aswell.

2. FF and and wich stefl qouted and linkz qouted it.

With FF responses in here. I think he is trying to clear Linkz in here.

3. Linkz, With stefl's response,  and stefl responded with and stefl responded with 

With this questioning if you are townie, I expected you to vote for stefl since Stefl already confirmed he has a role lynching him would be a waste and I don't buy that you want to give Stefl a chance and to see how it goes and voting for Baalz.

TBH I am surprised that 3 of you didn't even vote for stefl and with the 3 of you voted for Baalz.

I love your numbers! If you're town then from your perspectice, radish is town and that means either Wonk is scum with 1 of the three of us, or 2 of the three of us are scum. AMAZING deduction.

Stefl claimed he was blocked and you thought he was rolefishing? Only a roleblocker/jailkeeper would know if they targeted Stefl, so why would scum Stefl announce to a town RB/JK that they chose well?

I didn't like prof in most of that discussion. He seemed opportunistic when you asked about Stefl's first post of the day, and he's obviously trying to figure out roles. Guess what though, the same can be said about you asking Stefl in the first place. Or does this not qualify as rolefishing?

What is the "this" that you think mafia were hesitant to address? If you're refering to the original post by Stefl, then I'm never one to talk about power slips/hints until it's an open topic. It's the kind of information that I think only benefits scum. Do you wish hat was here so that you wouldn't have had to be the one to ask about the post?


That isn't rolefishing. The second link is the same as the first... What is your point with the third link? Stefl hinted at power with his first post, so if prof is scum that was all he needed in regards to Stefl.

That isn't rolefishing at all. And it'd be a insanely stupid hint at a scummate that a town RB/JK exists. Scum would know Stefl is town and if they didn't block Stefl, which means they already know if a town RB/JK exists.

Your last link leads me nowhere, because my pages don't have the same number of posts as yours.


I think FF's latest response sums it up best. In the end, Stefl's case was that he was blocked and it's a null tell as to my alignment... What defense is needed? Again you have a link that leads me nowhere due to settings.


Okay, in the first link I made a mistake on one line. It should be "I liked the post too, to use your words it's a bit crazy and made me think not scum, which is why I haven't been after you." The original line made no sense or clearly I should have pressed Stefl more. 

The line of questioning isn't an attack on Stefl though. It's clearly trying to understand Stefl's thought process as well as explain my own, and by the end of it he's not my top suspect anymore. You expect me(or others for that matter) to vote to lynch claimed power BECAUSE it would be a waste. What the hell!?