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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 38 - Portal Theme

Unless I missed a vote, you're at 3 of the 5 needed for lynch now.

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Linkzmax said:
Stefl1504 said:
Hummm... Okay... I kinda think I should rejudge wonk, he is a good player and made himself invisible to me with his whole flavour hunt at the beginning... tough I don't really think that he would take a flavour gamble when he is scum... at least if he is not 100% sure that its not a gamble... (like having a machine/other partner(since he claimed human)) also I don't believe that scum would claim with their question, but would rather wait for others to claim and then claim whatever appears save to them. When he pressured noctis it didn't look like he knew what his allignment could be... same goes for targeting other lurkers, tough that also could be a good scum tactic used by a good player... so well... I really don't think wonk is scum...

I will look at voting pattern that are going to cascade towards the end of the day and then cast my final vote, but for now I am going to change my vote so:

Vote: Prof

His lack of aggresivity is quite disturbing, I didn't go back to reread his posts, but I don't really think he behaves like ussual, also I think he was one of the major contributors so far, so it hurts me to choose him as my prefered target, but I think it is the wisest decision for now.

This whole post is just "What?!"... I guess you're not giving Wonk enough credit? And what happened to not wanting to vote prof or I because we're major contributors?


Unvote: Baalz
I'll revote before the estimated 8pm EDT deadline, but I don't want to chance a hammer while there's still stuff to say.

Well like you said, I am trying to make a statement here... Before revisiting wonks post he was just... well I did not give any attention to him, so I tried to built a real opinion and not just that what was my basic feeling...

Voting for prof is pretty much a no lynch vote... I did not think that he would be a sudden lynch candidate after my vote on him... and I pretty much thought that Baalz will be lynched even without my contribution. Also the no lynch was just a stupid placeholder for a serious vote... it was just placed in case I really didn't make it back to the thread in time.

 @prof - you are lacking aggresivity in general not only towards me...

How much time is left until the deadline...? those damn timezones are fucking confusing...  (I assume its about 2 hours or so)

There's roughly half an hour left if TOS sticks to what he said.

I feel bad that Baal is sick, but I wanted at least a line as to why prof was the only one he had something resembling an opinion on. The lack of that or even a claim for us to chew on... well I can't help but think he was making a last ditch effort to get a no lynch instead of his lynch.

Vote: Baalzamon

It still needs a vote... and I am not fully in agreement with lynching baalz so I would have a bad feeling doing so but I think since he does/did not defend himself I will also join the lynchtrain...

This is gonna be hard to do in 17 minutes, but here goes.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

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What is this sorcery! Are you being summoned?

Oh, how good I feel not having my vote dropped,,,

Tic, toc, tic, toc, tic, toc! About 8 minutes remaining.

Signature goes here!

To begin, I am baffled that Prof agreed that Radish was pushing the whole Cave Johnson thing, when Radish was doing nothing of the sort. Why Prof had to put the spotlight on Radish immediately, I don't know. On top of that, immediately afterwards, Prof makes a post of his own in regards to Cave Johnson. He follows this with a vote on Radish, which I feel was completely unacceptable.

This behavior simply does NOT seem like Prof in any way whatsoever.

Then, when people were claiming whether they were human, machine, or other. A fifth person claimed a human, and Prof would not stop attacking him. I know others were as well, and it was a bit suspicious...but I honestly don't know if I have ever seen Prof this aggressive on day 1.

At the end of the day, I know it was getting long for those that were in the game the whole time, but Prof was super pushy about ending the day.

Maybe I am interpreting these things completely wrong, but Prof does not seem like Prof to me this game, and that is why I am so suspicious of him.

Now today, Prof posted quotals. When the hell is the last time you have seen quotals posted? I know it seems really dumb, but what is with the change in gameplay that Prof thought it was essential to post quotals in this game?

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Suddenly a wild GLaTOS appeared.