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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 38 - Portal Theme

Stefl1504 said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:
Stefl1504 said:
radishhead said:

I'd vote Baalz, because I've got a really neutral feeling on him, and they always seem to turn out Mafia

Hmm... okay... interesting...

well, as for me if I were to vote now, I would probably not vote for linkz or prof, just because both are heavy contributers and the game would die off even more with one/both of them gone, revisiting my/his old posts, I discovered that FF just isn't that likely to be scum when I ranked players earlier on day 2... then the others have gathered to little suspicion on them to really vote for them... humm... well I will have to look back again...

@ Bold

That is a bad logic. Why would you not vote for them. What if one of them or both of them are scums?

That isn't that bad logic... the game should remain somewhat interesting and I have no real evidence really... profs laking aggresivity being the only evidence towards scum I can possibly come up with, and there is still the problem of the low activity of some of the players, which leaves me with no/little posts to look on when I want to get a read... and lurking or semi-lurking is always driffting people towards scum in my eyes, I am quite used to it when final fan does it but from the little posts he made I still think he is not too likely to be scum (at least not as likely as rank 3 on my list)

HUH? What was I thinking of writing that... EBWOP

maybe I meant in the game there should remain some scum so it stays interesting ;P

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fun it should be fun not scum... lol^^ I think I will reread noctis next...

Stefl1504 said:
fun it should be fun not scum... lol^^ I think I will reread noctis next...


Then please do so. I won't mind. 

Anyway, you missed my point and we are already on a stage if we mislynch again it will be a very disadvantageous for us. Your refusal to vote for either them because it won't be fun will surely cost us if one or both of them are scum and isn't lynching a scum will make the game more interesting?

As for Baalz I will wait for his response. 

I'm terribly sorry about the lack of responses guys. When taking over the game, I figured I would have tons of time because of my spring break starting.

Turns out I started getting sick, with by far the worst part being what I would call extreme tiredness (After waking up from a 10 hour sleep last night, I felt like I didn't even sleep. I just slept for another 3 hours, and am almost ready to go to bed for the entire night I am so tired (I have been awake a total of like 8 hours today). I've also had some of the most messed up mind feeling since Tuesday that I have never before experienced (Seeing #'s wrong at work, not being able to focus on things). I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, but it has made things very difficult.

@Linkz: You are perfectly right to suspect me about my lack of opinions. It just plain isn't me. #1 on my suspicion list is still Prof, yet I cannot even get myself to pinpoint my thought process into why I am suspicious of him.

I absolutely hate being the guy making a lame excuse such as this one for why I'm not participating in a game, but as of now, my illness has consistently been getting worse since Tuesday with no signs of stopping, and I can guarantee you guys nothing will change with my activity if I feel like I am dead all day tomorrow.

If anybody has a clue what I have, I would be very interested to hear (other symptoms are a small sore throat that just began today, as well as a slight stuffed up nose).

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Baalzamon said:
I'm terribly sorry about the lack of responses guys. When taking over the game, I figured I would have tons of time because of my spring break starting.

Turns out I started getting sick, with by far the worst part being what I would call extreme tiredness (After waking up from a 10 hour sleep last night, I felt like I didn't even sleep. I just slept for another 3 hours, and am almost ready to go to bed for the entire night I am so tired (I have been awake a total of like 8 hours today). I've also had some of the most messed up mind feeling since Tuesday that I have never before experienced (Seeing #'s wrong at work, not being able to focus on things). I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, but it has made things very difficult.

@Linkz: You are perfectly right to suspect me about my lack of opinions. It just plain isn't me. #1 on my suspicion list is still Prof, yet I cannot even get myself to pinpoint my thought process into why I am suspicious of him.

I absolutely hate being the guy making a lame excuse such as this one for why I'm not participating in a game, but as of now, my illness has consistently been getting worse since Tuesday with no signs of stopping, and I can guarantee you guys nothing will change with my activity if I feel like I am dead all day tomorrow.

If anybody has a clue what I have, I would be very interested to hear (other symptoms are a small sore throat that just began today, as well as a slight stuffed up nose).

Hahaha... not that I am a doctor... but go see one, he can tell you more... for the sleeping problems... well, if you have them a long period of time without a fever it can hint at a depresion knocking at your door, other than that it could just be the early year demotivational syndrom... ;P I don't know it's proper name, but have you had a decent amount of stress lately and have overcome it? (like testing in school, finishing a big work project and other stuff) It can just be that now, when you have little to do are kind of unmotivated... it usually goes away with time... but if it keeps up go see a doctor ;P about sore throat... a cold... but thats usually not conected to more serious issues like sleeping problems...


Just out of curiosity... what do you think of wonk in particular?

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Final-Fan said:
It's true that Baalz's participation has left much to be desired, though I'm aware I'm not in a position to throw stones; and it's also true that he inherited his position from someone who was also acting suspiciously; and finally, I would not like this day to end in a No Lynch.

Vote Baalz

You're not the role model for activity this game, but there's no sense of "wait FF's playing?" I would have an issue with your vote if that were the case.

NoCtiS_NoX said:
Stefl1504 said:
fun it should be fun not scum... lol^^ I think I will reread noctis next...


Then please do so. I won't mind. 

Anyway, you missed my point and we are already on a stage if we mislynch again it will be a very disadvantageous for us. Your refusal to vote for either them because it won't be fun will surely cost us if one or both of them are scum and isn't lynching a scum will make the game more interesting?

As for Baalz I will wait for his response. 

I think you're missing Stefl's point that he wouldn't vote for us now. Any mislynch is disadvantageous, but a mislynch of an active player is worse than an inactive one. Scum love to hide in the inactivity. Not being forced to post makes them less likely to slip up and it's unlikely that town will come to a consensus on a lynch.

prof is still high on my suspect list, but I don't want to risk a day three with an over/under of 50 posts if he's town and I'm killed tonight. If he is scum and I'm killed tonight, I have faith that night actions or his posts will out him.

Baalzamon said:
 @Linkz: You are perfectly right to suspect me about my lack of opinions. It just plain isn't me. #1 on my suspicion list is still Prof, yet I cannot even get myself to pinpoint my thought process into why I am suspicious of him.

I think the medical stuff(Maybe mono?) is genuine, because it'd be really lame to make that up. But I don't think it's a town or a scum tell either. 

I hope you'll feel good enough to try and make a case though.

Damn it... I still did not come up with who to vote for...

Okay.... looking back at most of noctis's posts I don't really believe he is scum... (his FoS/Voting behaviour is genuine to me... at least so far, tough I find it kind of odd that he was FoSing moreno quite early but in the end did keep his vote on radish...)

So I am stuck with Linkz, Prof, Baalz again... and Wonk maybe Wonk...

Vote: no lynch

I am going to glance through Wonks posts next, he has stayed totally under my radar, thats also why I kept him so low on my scumspect list...