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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 38 - Portal Theme

NoCtiS_NoX said:
Wonktonodi said:

1. Third post he's responding mostly to Spurge's response. He's accusing him of being over defensive when, in reality spurge asked a good question. Since Noc was focusing on him and ignoring other players.

Noc does have a good point when he mentions that spurge shouldn't be saying he thinks noctic is town. Noctis had only made 2 posts.

2. When he addresses me he doesn't realize he's missing my point from this post.

He reiterates that he doesn't want to rush things. When my point was more about him calling out spruge for activity when he hasn't being posting himself.

3. When everyone else had answered my question of course moreno was going to answer quickly there was then enormous pressure for him to answer. I don't think that itself is fishy.


4. He then FOS's moreno and that's his last post.

With how focused he was on spurge at first I'm surprised he didn't FOS then. He doesn't want to rush but he's not participating much. Asking many questions or sharing opinions about much of what is going on.


HOS: Noctis

1.   It was an observation, this is not his usual posting style in the last rounds. You also ignored that he thinks I always targets him  and it's always about him in all the round he has played. When in fact I am not.  He didn't even address my observation about him. That's what made me thinks he is being over defensive.

2.  I agree on that but you didn't even made it clear for me to understand on the first place.

3.  It seems fishy to me because he could have just claimed in the first place.

4.  I was wating for him to respond but he didn't. He only responded to links when Links brought it up again. I just shifted focus on Moreno because I think his post was fishy.

5.I applaud you for targeting the 3 lurkers including myself.

Anyway, just so you guys know. I haven't played portal yet.

1. Isn't him saying always part of his ususally posting style?  How does not adressing something make him overly defensive?

2. Then why not adress it now. Why did you focus on spurge and his "lack" of posting instead of the others?

3. I do agree he could have or at leaste made a better case why not to have people answer my question. Why did you only say fishy and leave it at that?

4. IF people don't resspond to things you want them to respond to hound them. Also you aren't adressing that you aren't participating much or interacting with many players. 

5. Stop applauding and help find scum.

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theprof00 said:
Linkzmax said:

I'm glad you continued the pace on moreno. I was interested in seeing what you'd do, but it wasn't my intention to drop attention on him. I was busy today, and thinking about IRL things. While walking around doing errands, I was wondering if you were actually mafia just siding with what I was saying (in the case the moreno was beyond saving), but you picking up the pace says town to me (if he actually does turn up mafia).

Anyhoo,yes, I agree it's illogical to want to analyze characters when he wasn't even a character himself.

Righting an oversight and putting my vote:

Why do I feel so dirty, like you're using me?

spurgeonryan said:

Quick question to everyone. Does Wonktonodi usually get this active in mafia? I know I was told to not dwell on previous games, but I do not remember Wonk ever being this active! If this is true, does that mean something? Is there something different about him?

Ofcourse I am posting less than other games as well. Not to leave myself out of the mix.

Are we talking about me being overly defensive? I was just making an observation of something that I noticed. Something sparked my memory about NoCtis. Now whether I remembered correctly what it was about is another matter. I did not go through the old games to re check how they went down. Just going off memory.


As for who am I suspicous of. I would have to agree with most of you that Morenoingrato is acting suspicious. Also I "always" say I want to wait till it gets close to the end so we can hear everyone out before I decide to vote or not. That has not changed. Maybe Morenoingrato had a good reason to not say everything.

This is only the first day. I understand that everyday that we do not vote and figure out who is mafia is one more day they could kill town, but I hate being responsible for making a bad decision. Which I do a lot. So I want to hear everyone out before I vote for a lynch or anything else.

Yes, Wonk is usually quite an active player.

I don't like that you "always" wait until near a deadline(which we don't have here by the way) to vote. It gives less time for the rest of us to react. But I gather that if you were to vote at this point in time it would be morenoingrato. I'd like to hear your #2 suspect though, preferably with an explanation why.

If you're town,(and for future games) stop being so worried about mislynces. We try not to have them, but they WILL occur nonetheless. Such is the case for being uninformed. Mafia games are balanced knowing that town won't be perfect. The plus side is a lot of information can still be gained from mislynches. Moreso when there's a close race between two lynch candidates, which unfortunately is rarely the case here.

spurgeonryan said:
Linkzmax said:
theprof00 said:

Why do I feel so dirty, like you're using me?

Because you two go back and forth with a wall of words analyzing each other. In the long run I think you both end up using each other, in the end.  I wonder if the Glados would make you two power players both on the same side? Kind of an unfair advantage if that is the case. So I doubt that he did. One of you must be mafia. Unless this is another randomly picked game.

Have we really analyzed each other that much this round? I know we've both stated suspicions of each other,(and I think I stated I leaned town on him at first, at the least I was thinking that early on) but he's hardly been my focus. And I only recall one post of his really about his suspicion of me.

Welcome to the redundant department of redundancy :P

Roles are assigned randomly almost every game. Only prof would know if he fan-serviced hatmoza, or if the luck of gave him his favorite character.
If this game wasn't random, then yes I think prof and I both being a part of the scumteam would probably slaughter town. Being town, I know that can't be the case. I wouldn't rule out prof also being town though just because he's good. That line of thinking depends far too much on trying to figure out the setup, and while I do like to think about that angle, it's far too early to do so nor do I think it prudent given random roles is much more likely.

spurgeonryan said:
I do not have a second suspect as of yet. You are correct in saying morenoingrato would be my first suspect. I will make sure I vote before any time is reached.

What do you mean there is not a deadline? I missed the message about that.

Why don't you have one? We haven't had an abundance of activity, but enough has gone on that someone besides the lynch leader should stick out to you.

No deadline has been given. Sometimes there'd be a message that there IS a deadline, but there hasn't been one this round. It's possible we could vote for one though.

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spurgeonryan said:
I do not have a second suspect as of yet. You are correct in saying morenoingrato would be my first suspect. I will make sure I vote before any time is reached.

What do you mean there is not a deadline? I missed the message about that.

Games may be designed in different ways and in this game the game master decided not to ad a standard deadline when the day ends, unlike me and my suikoden game or prof with his 0.5 round.

Oh and linkz... I still don't get why you think that I somehow play different than usual, okay laying out traps that may actually work is not 100% my style, but I don't think I really play that different - it is just that I am not being put under such fucking pressure this early in the game...

"Oh and"! That's my line... Anyway, the traps not being your style was exactly my point about you playing differently. You explained it by saying you've played some great games. I'm taking your word for it given I could "just" look back and check it out. Why are you still hung up on that of all things?

spurgeonryan said:
Stefl1504 said:
Oh and linkz... I still don't get why you think that I somehow play different than usual, okay laying out traps that may actually work is not 100% my style, but I don't think I really play that different - it is just that I am not being put under such fucking pressure this early in the game...

I think that any traps that you set for me was probably over my head. Anyone watch the world series of poker? These days the actual experts cannot really use some of their strategy because there are so many green horns that do not really know what they are doing that the strategy just does not work. The new players are just playing and they do not have too much experience. So no matter how much they try to bluff or push the new players the new player only knows what he is comfortable with.


What I am saying is that I had no idea that you were setting a trap and still barely know what the trap was.

I was trying to get you to involuntarily hint at your scumbuddy because of you reading your PM and then writing a post on it. (in case you are mafia) The problem with that is. as linkz pointed out, I could be rolefishing (which I was not aware of at that point but sounds logical) or you could be hinting at your neighbor if you are one without realising and then appear scum.

Stefl claims he was trying to get you to look at your role, and if you're mafia you would slip out something you shouldn't know if you were actually town. Seems foolish and far-fetched to me, but then again most traps are. What stings in my mind is that other traps(for example, telling a lurker they were scanned guilty when they finally reappear to see their response) generally have no downside, while if you are town you could have slipped out valuable information to scum.(power or not)