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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 38 - Portal Theme

Next up Noctic. He's has very few posts as well.

First he just checks in and says he's a machine.

In his second post he doesn't want to vote or rush things and comments on spurge being quiet. Now this is before FF has posted at all and metal gear has only posted 4 times that really didn't have much content. After spurge had posted 5 times (although not much content)and once again on Noctis's second post.

Third post he's responding mostly to Spurge's response. He's accusing him of being over defensive when, in reality spurge asked a good question. Since Noc was focusing on him and ignoring other players.

Noc does have a good point when he mentions that spurge shouldn't be saying he thinks noctic is town. Noctis had only made 2 posts.

When he addresses me he doesn't realize he's missing my point from this post.

He reiterates that he doesn't want to rush things. When my point was more about him calling out spruge for activity when he hasn't being posting himself.

When everyone else had answered my question of course moreno was going to answer quickly there was then enormous pressure for him to answer. I don't think that itself is fishy.

His "observation" isn't even right. He accuses linkz of being one of the people who didn't want to claim. (he at least acknowledges that links responded quickly)

What he missed was that linkz has thought that discussing what roles could be scum was bad, not saying if you are human, machine or other. Linkz could have said that right when I fist asked.

He then FOS's moreno and that's his last post.

With how focused he was on spurge at first I'm surprised he didn't FOS then. He doesn't want to rush but he's not participating much. Asking many questions or sharing opinions about much of what is going on.

HOS: Noctis

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Metal gear. He's had 5 posts this game. 1 receiving his PM 1 a generic response for what he'll do today. 1 question about flavor 1 answering my question and the final one being a poorly worded question to one of moreno's odd statements.


Linkzmax said:


I'm feeling so refreshed after a loooong sleep. There's a fair amount of things to comment on since my last post, but instead of my usual n-tuple quote posts I'll just address the minor things in one post.

The radish situation:
radish is as obvtown as he can get. I've lost the little bit of trust I had for prof after voting radish for continuing to do what he does as town and then pinning him into one of two possible roles or saying he'll be lynched. I'm wary of FF as well, showing up finally and voting an easy target fairly quickly.
As long as I'm alive, we are not lynching radish, period. So @Final-Fan: please unvote.

I know I've quickly leaned town with a few people this round, but spurge called Noctis town after this and this. I know they have not played enough rounds together for either to recognize town-on-town interaction, and those two posts aren't telling either. What I see is spurge trying to imitate my behavior with Wonk, but as Noctis points out, scum(especially newb scum) have a habit of calling others town before they should know that.
As a side note, until he had caved, I did like spurge's reasoning for refusing to "type"claim.


I saw nothing wrong with his refusal to claim, but finally claiming when he was last does seem shady. I'm not making anything of the 5 human claims to 4 humans Portal characters though. He seems familiar with the theme and knew there were very few characters in Portal. I don't think he would make a mistake like that if scum. I'm not sure if that means we should look into one of the other human claims or if there is another explanation though.

I'm a bit surprised by your lack of any reaction towards Noctis as well in your Noctis/spurge observation/analysis

spurgeonryan said:
Well I have only played a few times, and I just remember that he ended up being town the few times his eyes were on me. But now this is reminding me of the Baalzamon disaster that I had either this past game or the game before where I said I thought he was always something. Do not remember the whole of it. It just seems to me in my mind that it seems like NoCtis is doing what he does when he is town.

Saying all that I cannot remember what NoCtis was the first time we played. I just remember that we got in some sort of fight because I thought he was saying something and I thought I was saying something.

But like I said above, no one is really suspicious to me as of right now.

so from 2 posts you concluded he was town?

FOS on spurge for focusing too mcuh on things from older games and unable to form opinions of anyone this game.

I've been playing a lot of EVE Online lately and I've been following the thread in the in-game browser, but maybe that splits my attention too much (away from this game). But I am not ducking the thread, I just don't see that much that arouses suspicion. I mean stuff is happening here, yeah, but nobody is setting off my radar. I am pretty dozy right now but later today, or tomorrow, I'll reread the thread to see if anything stands out.

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

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Wonktonodi said:
Linkzmax said:

I'm a bit surprised by your lack of any reaction towards Noctis as well in your Noctis/spurge observation/analysis

As you pointed out, there's far too much lurking. It's hard to say much of anything about those guys with so little to go off of.

I have a bad habit of always thinking Noctis is scum, but the biggest thing I didn't like is him making me out to have refused to claim, but I was waiting to see if he would push it further or if anyone would harp on that before disproving it with my post which warned against character claims. Your request narrowed options for people in a way that I didn't think would be too dangerous.

MG is a major lurker in most games. It's not wholly telling of his alignment.

FF has gotten hit or miss with his activity. It's easy for most to percieve radish as scum, but I'm glad I got him to unvote for someone I "know"(90+%) to be town though. It would be nice if he could find that contradictory statement from moreno, though his not jumping on the popular candidate again makes me feel slightly better about him.

If I were to vote any of the inactives it would likely be Noctis. His line about me feels like manipulation rather than misunderstanding, and what you bring up about him ignoring FF and MG to point out spurge is quiet makes me think he could be instructing a teammate to not be lurking. That would also explain spurge quickly trying to deflect the attention by calling Noctis town for no reason.

I already explained why these two statements don't jive together.

"Well, I think it'd be beneficial if we analyze Portal's characters.
There are very few characters, and apart from Wheatley and a turret, I wonder who could be Mafia." here

"I think telling whether you are human or machine can be pretty dangerous in a game with so little characters." here

moreno's explanation "Well, I wanted to analyze possible Mafia characters, but I didn't want townies or power roles to accidentally reveal themselves with a dangerous claim." doesn't add up to me either. Firstly, if scum have obviously bad characters then why would they claim them? Secondly, what's the point of figuring out who is likely Mafia if you're not going to try to use that information? Basically I think the first statement was meant to find out if it would be okay to nameclaim truthfully or if a fakeclaim would be needed.


Furthermore and more importantly, NEITHER statement makes sense if you're really an unnamed/Homeless Test Subject and think that other humans aren't named either. From your point of view Portal characters aren't actually used, and claiming human or machine wouldn't matter because everyone is probably a generic test subject.

Okay... I have had my head votals totally wrong... I thought moreno was at l-2 before I unvoted him ... once again:

Vote: moreno

Linkzmax said:

I already explained why these two statements don't jive together.

"Well, I think it'd be beneficial if we analyze Portal's characters.
There are very few characters, and apart from Wheatley and a turret, I wonder who could be Mafia." here

"I think telling whether you are human or machine can be pretty dangerous in a game with so little characters." here

moreno's explanation "Well, I wanted to analyze possible Mafia characters, but I didn't want townies or power roles to accidentally reveal themselves with a dangerous claim." doesn't add up to me either. Firstly, if scum have obviously bad characters then why would they claim them? Secondly, what's the point of figuring out who is likely Mafia if you're not going to try to use that information? Basically I think the first statement was meant to find out if it would be okay to nameclaim truthfully or if a fakeclaim would be needed.


Furthermore and more importantly, NEITHER statement makes sense if you're really an unnamed/Homeless Test Subject and think that other humans aren't named either. From your point of view Portal characters aren't actually used, and claiming human or machine wouldn't matter because everyone is probably a generic test subject.

I'm glad you continued the pace on moreno. I was interested in seeing what you'd do, but it wasn't my intention to drop attention on him. I was busy today, and thinking about IRL things. While walking around doing errands, I was wondering if you were actually mafia just siding with what I was saying (in the case the moreno was beyond saving), but you picking up the pace says town to me (if he actually does turn up mafia).

Anyhoo,yes, I agree it's illogical to want to analyze characters when he wasn't even a character himself.

Righting an oversight and putting my vote:

Wonktonodi said:

Third post he's responding mostly to Spurge's response. He's accusing him of being over defensive when, in reality spurge asked a good question. Since Noc was focusing on him and ignoring other players.

It was an observation, this is not his usual posting style in the last rounds. You also ignored that he thinks I always targets him  and it's always about him in all the round he has played. When in fact I am not.  He didn't even address my observation about him. That's what made me thinks he is being over defensive.

Noc does have a good point when he mentions that spurge shouldn't be saying he thinks noctic is town. Noctis had only made 2 posts.

When he addresses me he doesn't realize he's missing my point from this post.

He reiterates that he doesn't want to rush things. When my point was more about him calling out spruge for activity when he hasn't being posting himself.

I agree on that but you didn't even made it clear for me to understand on the first place.

When everyone else had answered my question of course moreno was going to answer quickly there was then enormous pressure for him to answer. I don't think that itself is fishy.

It seems fishy to me because he could have just claimed in the first place. 

He then FOS's moreno and that's his last post.

With how focused he was on spurge at first I'm surprised he didn't FOS then. He doesn't want to rush but he's not participating much. Asking many questions or sharing opinions about much of what is going on.

I was wating for him to respond but he didn't. He only responded to links when Links brought it up again. I just shifted focus on Moreno because I think his post was fishy.

HOS: Noctis

I applaud you for targeting the 3 lurkers including myself.

Anyway, just so you guys know. I haven't played portal yet.