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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vgchartz Greatest User Tournament 2011 - Round 22

man-bear-pig said:
5p 1p 4p 2p 3p
MrBubbles (seems familiar) Haphaestos (don't like the avatar) zarx (is that a skyrim avatar?) Aldro (seems like a well known user?) Zucas (first mordred and now zucas? what the hell is this sites obsession with Andrew stone? :O)

You know it's a weak list when the description behind the 1st placer position is "seems familiar"

* No offence to any on the list.

** Except MrBubbles, I want you to be offended.

Around the Network

5p - Aldro
4p -  Zarx
3p - Hephaestos
2p - Mr Bubbles
1p - Zucas (i have never seen this user)

op edited

Seece said:
Mr Khan said:

Tough round, but in the opposite way. I don't feel particularly strongly about any of these users.

5p - Zucas
4p - Mr Bubbles
3p - Zarx
2p - Hephaestos
1p - Aldro


Also: question on the next round, is it going to be 16 rounds with 3 per contest and one winner? That seems like it'd be the easiest way to get the remaining contests down to a power of 2.

Oh sheesh, that'd take ages!

No it's going to be the remaining 64 losers split into 2 rounds, top 2 going through each round.

Bringing it to 48 finalists.

Then 12 rounds of 4, top 2 going through, bringing it to 24, then whittled down to 12, 6 and then 3 in the final.

no, lol, i meant the next circuit of rounds (the 48 finalists). You could reduce things to head-to-head matches by taking the 48 finalists and running them through 16 matches of 3 with one winner, then head to head 16-8-4-2.

Your system seems to work as well, of course. My way would just yield a one-on-one final, and in fewer rounds (31 my way, 33 yours, if i'm doing the math right). More tension and hype ;)

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
Seece said:
Mr Khan said:

Tough round, but in the opposite way. I don't feel particularly strongly about any of these users.

5p - Zucas
4p - Mr Bubbles
3p - Zarx
2p - Hephaestos
1p - Aldro


Also: question on the next round, is it going to be 16 rounds with 3 per contest and one winner? That seems like it'd be the easiest way to get the remaining contests down to a power of 2.

Oh sheesh, that'd take ages!

No it's going to be the remaining 64 losers split into 2 rounds, top 2 going through each round.

Bringing it to 48 finalists.

Then 12 rounds of 4, top 2 going through, bringing it to 24, then whittled down to 12, 6 and then 3 in the final.

no, lol, i meant the next circuit of rounds (the 48 finalists). You could reduce things to head-to-head matches by taking the 48 finalists and running them through 16 matches of 3 with one winner, then head to head 16-8-4-2.

Your system seems to work as well, of course. My way would just yield a one-on-one final, and in fewer rounds (31 my way, 33 yours, if i'm doing the math right). More tension and hype ;)

Well, can always have the lowest one out of the final 3 exit, and then carry over the votes and do 1 on 1, I dunno, will see as we get closer.


First time I participate in these, here we go:

5p Zarx (great poster, I remember you from back almost 2 years ago talking with some Nintendo doom Maelstromite poster about why Nintendo was in the right direction, but he insisted it wasn't so.)
4p Hephaestos (despite the disinterest in topics at times, it was interesting to watch you play Mafia.)
3p MrBubbles
2p Zucas
1p Aldro

Around the Network

5p - Zucas
4p - Hephaestos
3p - Mr. Bubbles
2p - Zarx
1p - Aldro

5p - Aldro
4p - Hephaestos
3p - Zarx
2p - Mr Bubbles
1p - Zucas (i have never seen this user)

You've never seen Zucas? He's been here forever! Guess he doesn't post much anymore.

5p - Aldro
4p - Zucas
3p - Mr Bubbles
2p - Zarx
1p - Hephaestos

Jay520 said:

I'm trying to search for that Haphaestos character, but I can't find him.

EDIT: The second letter should be an 'e' instead of an 'a'

Thanks I changed it.


5p: Hephaestos

4p: Zucas

3p: Zarx

2p: Mr. Bubbles

1p: Aldro

You know it was about a few weeks ago when I was talking to Winston (Outlawuron) about this thread and saying how I would never be in it because no one knows who I am anymore. To my surprise, the one random time I decide to click on it just to see who is involved, well there I am haha. And yea I guess I'm just an "old fart" now so guess people don't know who I am, although I guess it is my own fault as I really don't post anymore haha. But still,we should know who I am just because the stories and lore to this site should include me as some mythological creature... ya know in the stories that matter haha. I kid haha. Oh, and BTW, I am the original Leon Kennedy avatar supporter, so yea don't see my avy as some new obsession with the character because of RE6. Been the same avatar since I joined this site. Never changed it once haha.

I guess I should vote, but don't feel comfortable doing it because I feel like I should put myself last, but that isn't accurate to how I actually think it should be ordered so will just abstain from it. Very well-thought out thing you are running here Yo-John, btw. Keep up the good work.

Zucas said:
You know it was about a few weeks ago when I was talking to Winston (Outlawuron) about this thread and saying how I would never be in it because no one knows who I am anymore. To my surprise, the one random time I decide to click on it just to see who is involved, well there I am haha. And yea I guess I'm just an "old fart" now so guess people don't know who I am, although I guess it is my own fault as I really don't post anymore haha. But still,we should know who I am just because the stories and lore to this site should include me as some mythological creature... ya know in the stories that matter haha. I kid haha. Oh, and BTW, I am the original Leon Kennedy avatar supporter, so yea don't see my avy as some new obsession with the character because of RE6. Been the same avatar since I joined this site. Never changed it once haha.

I guess I should vote, but don't feel comfortable doing it because I feel like I should put myself last, but that isn't accurate to how I actually think it should be ordered so will just abstain from it. Very well-thought out thing you are running here Yo-John, btw. Keep up the good work.

You can give all the props to Seece because he is the brains behind the Greatest User Tournament. I'm just co-hosting it with him.