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Forums - Sports Discussion - Abu Dhabi - FORMULA 1 2015

sethnintendo said:
justinian said:
I love this track.

Yep, my friend has been at the races since Friday.  He showed me a few videos he captured on his phone.  He is at the turn right before the longest straightaway.  So they come into the turn hauling a little ass (from a small straightaway) and just get on it after the turn.

the girls look alright to me they just gave the drivers a cowboy hat each

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Around the Network

Congrats Hamilton, Vettel and Alonso.

Congrats for constructors for Red Bull.

For Brazil:

1: Webber
2: Vettel
3: Raikonnen
DNF: Alonso

I have to believe!

Proclus said:
Congrats Hamilton, Vettel and Alonso.

Congrats for constructors for Red Bull.

For Brazil:

1: Webber
2: Vettel
3: Raikonnen
DNF: Alonso

I have to believe!

they'll never let webber lead vettel,you crazy mill :)

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zuvuyeay said:
sethnintendo said:
justinian said:
I love this track.

Yep, my friend has been at the races since Friday.  He showed me a few videos he captured on his phone.  He is at the turn right before the longest straightaway.  So they come into the turn hauling a little ass (from a small straightaway) and just get on it after the turn.

the girls look alright to me they just gave the drivers a cowboy hat each

Yep, my friend talked to a few of them on a shuttle bus the other day and got one of the girls number.  He hasn't gotten too much action lately so hopefully that works out for him.  I just thought they should be wearing more appealing clothing considering all the other countries girls pics you posted showed them usually in a more revealing outfit.

(just realized I used Yep, my friend in both of my responses...)

congrats to redbull,horner and newey too for the constructors,3 in a row great stuff and real competition now for ferrari now

don't think mclaren have won a constructors for donkeys years but might be wrong,worry a bit for them next season with button and perez they are not near hamilton as a driver

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Around the Network

YES! Renault Won already the constructors title

kyu23 said:
YES! Renault Won already the constructors title

yep,congrats to renault too they power lotus aswell who do well,good engine

god knows why there is not  a french GP anymore apparently they were near to one next year

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zuvuyeay said:
Proclus said:
Congrats Hamilton, Vettel and Alonso.

Congrats for constructors for Red Bull.

For Brazil:

1: Webber
2: Vettel
3: Raikonnen
DNF: Alonso

I have to believe!

they'll never let webber lead vettel,you crazy mill :)

Haha, probably not, but something can always happen and Webber is quite good on Interlagos

Great track and great race, some nice passing in the 2nd half of the race especially Hamilton taking over 1st from Vettel... he seemed PISSED on his radio after that happened. Probably still cursing the DRS system lol.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

Brasil Zuv Mill Rain Cone Kowen Jonop Hax Bren




Championship PTS W P R GP
Jonop 330 6 5
Kowenicki 320 5 6 1 19
Zuvuyeay 315 4 5
Rainbow Yoshi 265 2 6
Haxxiy 180 1 5 1 11
Conegamer 170 1 3   17
Millenium 160
Brendude13 100 1 2   12

well done brendude for winning the week and jonop for increasing his lead,so lat week next weekend in brasil should be good,such a great place

it's pretty close really only 13 points between vettel and alonso if one of them DNF it's over,should be good pressure

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