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Forums - Sales Discussion - NPD January: X360 #1 270k, 49% share, PS3 > Wii = 281k Combined

ethomaz said:
So... PS3 > Wii and Wii over 139k???

According to what I read.

PS3 2nd best (not clear if it includes handhelds)

4.25M 3DS sold at the end of January, meaning it it sold between 150-200k last month

Wii and PS3 combined for 280k, meaning that the Wii at best 140k.

Ps3 should be between 140-180k

Around the Network

Wow, the US market did pretty awful this month according to NPD.

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M.U.G.E.N said:
Jexy said:
Seece said:
This is a rough guess by me going by ranking.

360 - 270k
PS3 - 180k
3DS - 175k
Wii - 100k

100k for Wii?  I may or may not poop myself if that is the actual case.

which option will make you poop yourself? if it's true or not? :D

Depends on what I've ate the past day.  Also... I said depends... ha.  poop joke.


Keep it up MS.

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amaral_slb said:
ioi said:

We certainly have no intention of making and adjustments to our data for January.

I respect a lot this site and what it does when it comes to sales but I just don´t understand this position (including Pachter).

How can someone don´t believe these numbers as being "very close" to the actual numbers, when MS, Sony and Nintendo not only know they are, they actualy respond to them trying to spin them to their favor.

The reason why Nintendo didn´t do so was because the 3DS also sold badly, wich for a "new" console is bad, and the Wii most probably bombed hard like I said earlier (speculation). Someone said before that they probably didn´t release anything because they doubt the numbers, nonsense IMO.

When people start doubting numbers like NPD, you can start doubting every number except oficial shipped, and if only those numbers are important then these sales discussions lose all the flavour.

new consoles generally sell worse, what you talking about? its the preceding after models that sell better(well, except if you're the wii)

Around the Network

This monthly NPD's have become unbearable. As of late, each report tells us a little less than the previous one and what little we get turns out to be extremely circumstantial. Now it looks as if the hard data cannot even be trusted. Whereas do we seek true knowledge: on Nintendo, in March and maybe. Oh, the humanity!

360 (270K) > PS3 (?) > 3DS (-90% MOM) > Wii (?)

kowenicki said:

The elephant in the room is actually bright pink, wearing christmas lights and is playing "in the air tonight" on a set of drums....

Its represents smartphones and tablets.

I shall now await the usual response to this comment that convergent devices will not affect dedicated handheld devices and then I will shake my head at those totally illogical responses.... Ostriches.

(Btw, I believe TheSource is right on home consoles on this occasion - and thats the first time I think I have agreed with him...on anything.)

Did you just declare your future responders as... ostriches? 

I want to respond but I'm not sure if I want to be an ostrich.

Sh1nn said:

Here are the hardware rankings, based on unit sales, for January 2012 :

1. X360: 270K
2. PS3: ?
3. 3DS: ? (-90% versus the previous month)
4. Wii: ?

thank you..that should help shed some light on the matter..

does anyone remember how much 3ds did on NPD last month?

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3DS declined 90% compared to December. We don't have hard data for 3DS in December? Might want to update the OP Seece.

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