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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - WiiU HD game remakes/collections


Would you buy HD game remakes/collections for the Wii U

Yes 85 42.93%
90% yes 14 7.07%
70% yes 16 8.08%
50% yes 24 12.12%
30% yes 7 3.54%
10% yes 8 4.04%
Already own them on HD co... 16 8.08%
I don't own them and I'm not interested. 5 2.53%
No - other. 23 11.62%
Barozi said:
happydolphin said:

True, many games barely sold in the millions, but even if the ports yielded 50k, 100k, it'll still yield ROI. But given the Wii single-plat base is starving for 7th gen HD content, I see a market. I have no facts to back it up, so we're both theorizing, given a measure of facts to work with.

I really, really, REALLY doubt that 50k sales would be enough to make a profit. If it was that cheap to make, everything on consoles would be on PC, everything on PC would be on consoles and everything last gen would be on current gen consoles.
At the same time these developers could work on a different project that is certain to make much higher profits (i.e. working on AC3)

Many games of this gen are very complex and would definitely need more time to port and thus more sales than ports from last gen.

Keep in mind, I'm mostly thinking ports and compilations here, with minor remastering when I say 50k sales. And that's bottom end of the spectrum. As my list shows, there are many games that sold in the hunderds of thousands. I was being conservative right.

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I´d buy a Mass Effect (2 and 3) collection, a Metal Gear Solid Collection, a Final Fantasy X or VII HD, Shadow Complex, Ghost Recon Future Soldier or GRAW collection, Crysis Collection.

Classic puzzle game compilation, featuring blood, explosions and nudity


The Metal Gear Solid HD collection with MGS 1 added exclusively to the WiiU version lol!

I would buy Mass Effect and Arkham City, simply because I haven't played those yet. Ah and in America they should release Xenoblade and Tha Last Story in HD.

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monkeymonk65 said:
The Metal Gear Solid HD collection with MGS 1 added exclusively to the WiiU version lol!

Twin Snakes?

oh yeah I want all my favorite gamrs from this gen remastered in HD!
Conduit 2, Naruto and especially Modern Warfare Reflex!

also maybe some artstyle games

Until you've played it, every game is a system seller!

the original trolls

Wii FC: 4810 9420 3131 7558
MHTri: name=BOo BoO/ID=BZBLEX/region=US

mini-games on consoles, cinematic games on handhelds, what's next? GameBoy IMAX?

Official Member of the Pikmin Fan Club

Platinum Games collection could convince me to pick it up, fo' sho'.

depends on title

saints row yes i would

test drive unlimited 2 -definatelly
but theres alot of titles that id rather see sequals to such as
dead rising
etc .

in fact hardly anything on hd consoles really were that good to deserve a remake.
seriously most of them only lasted me 2 -5 hours single player and their multiplayer would be dead any way so i just do not see a need for any hd console game besides racing games and saints row (a deeper single player mode) then anything else
the rest can just do better with sequals


I would do despicable things for an official Metroid 2 remake, though.


The Elder Scrolls > The Legend of Zelda > Halo > Metroid > everything else

Understand that this is MY opinion and (very much) does not reflect the majority of gamers.

Series' I have yet to really sink my teeth into (alphabetically):

Call of Duty, Final Fantasy, (modern) Mario's, MegaMan, Metal Gear Solid...

Logic, reasoning, and spell-check are your friends. Thank you.