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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - WiiU HD game remakes/collections


Would you buy HD game remakes/collections for the Wii U

Yes 85 42.93%
90% yes 14 7.07%
70% yes 16 8.08%
50% yes 24 12.12%
30% yes 7 3.54%
10% yes 8 4.04%
Already own them on HD co... 16 8.08%
I don't own them and I'm not interested. 5 2.53%
No - other. 23 11.62%

Hey guys, the 7th generation of gaming is coming to an end. In the upcoming generation, Nintendo is coming forward with its HD offering (finally!), tentatively named the WiiU.

Granted, the HD twins had a fair share of 3rd party multiplatform games and exclusives. Question is, since most if not all can be ported to the Wii U, assuming they were, which series collections or remakes would you buy as a collection or port on the Wii.

To start, here are some ideas:




Guys, post yours.

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The only thing I'd be interested in would be:

"Legend of Zelda HD remake/remaster collection":

LoZ: Ocerina of Time
LoZ: Majora's Mask
LoZ: Wind Waker

That pack would be ultra awesome.

I want:
Assassin's Creed franchise
Dead Space 1 and 2
Batman Arkham City
Red Dead Redemption
Resident Evil 5(for completeness sake)
Mass Effect 1-3(not interested if only one or two of them)

worthy from HD twins hmm i think only few 2009 games and 2010+ games are worthy

I'd get Mass Effect Trilogy, and possibly Skyrim GOTY edition on Wii U if I hadn't bought it for 360 by then, otherwise I'm not interested.

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nope - already own them. also, seeing as the top selling re-releases are GoW collection at 1M and RE4wii at 2M with everything else far far below that ... it's probably not worth the time for most publishers to go into their back catalog for the wiiU. anything less then a year old maybe anything older than that really only has a market value of like $10 now-a-days.

kitler53 said:
nope - already own them. also, seeing as the top selling re-releases are GoW collection at 1M and RE4wii at 2M with everything else far far below that ... it's probably not worth the time for most publishers to go into their back catalog for the wiiU. anything less then a year old maybe anything older than that really only has a market value of like $10 now-a-days.

I couldn't afford an HD console, but if they were to bring them to Wii U I would get one or two new, the others I would wait till they lower in price (I'm cheap...). But at 2M sales for RE4 with minimal effort, it's def worth the time. I understand it's an upper cap, but many of them would be between 100k and 1M. Even Super Mario All stars sold 2.66M...

ROI is good here, I disagree kitler.

kitler53 said:
nope - already own them. also, seeing as the top selling re-releases are GoW collection at 1M and RE4wii at 2M with everything else far far below that ... it's probably not worth the time for most publishers to go into their back catalog for the wiiU. anything less then a year old maybe anything older than that really only has a market value of like $10 now-a-days.

Super Mario All-Stars sold 2.66m on the Wii and Twilight Princess did 6.41m as well by the way.



Addressing the op, I'm pretty sure a WiiU version of Arkham City has already been revealed.  Personally, Tales of Vesperia is the only one I really want to see.  On the other hand, I would love Nintendo to make a Mother Trilogy collection and for NoE to localise it.

happydolphin said:
kitler53 said:
nope - already own them. also, seeing as the top selling re-releases are GoW collection at 1M and RE4wii at 2M with everything else far far below that ... it's probably not worth the time for most publishers to go into their back catalog for the wiiU. anything less then a year old maybe anything older than that really only has a market value of like $10 now-a-days.

I couldn't afford an HD console, but if they were to bring them to Wii U I would get one or two new, the others I would wait till they lower in price (I'm cheap...). But at 2M sales for RE4 with minimal effort, it's def worth the time. I understand it's an upper cap, but many of them would be between 100k and 1M. Even Super Mario All stars sold 2.66M...

ROI is good here, I disagree kitler.

but RE4 is the exception imo or the best of the best if you will.  take a look at all the other re-releases that have more or less flopped.  financially perhaps they didn't lose money on them but i don't think they made much either.  and like you'd buy one or two of them to which i agree one or two games could probably do well but by and large i'd expect a lot of nothing.

...i mean really, wouldn't you rather be playing one of the new games that actually leverages the wiiU in a new way instead of something dated and old and probably ported in the laziest way possible?

...or put another way, like to admit it or not but game design is getting better every year.  once you get past the nostalgia of it, last generation games are just not as good as current generation games.  hell, early this gen games aren't as good as now gen games.  i expect that to be the case next gen too.

MrT-Tar said:
kitler53 said:
nope - already own them. also, seeing as the top selling re-releases are GoW collection at 1M and RE4wii at 2M with everything else far far below that ... it's probably not worth the time for most publishers to go into their back catalog for the wiiU. anything less then a year old maybe anything older than that really only has a market value of like $10 now-a-days.

Super Mario All-Stars sold 2.66m on the Wii and Twilight Princess did 6.41m as well by the way.



Addressing the op, I'm pretty sure a WiiU version of Arkham City has already been revealed.  Personally, Tales of Vesperia is the only one I really want to see.  On the other hand, I would love Nintendo to make a Mother Trilogy collection and for NoE to localise it.

i'll give you mario all-stars but twillight princess was a simutaneous release not a re-release/remake of an old games on a new system.