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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony CEO: Casual Games on PS2 to Compete with Wii Coming

I think anyone thinking this is some new direction or new decision is missing the point.

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they should definitely focus on the PS3 unless they use the money made on the PS2s to drop the price of the PS3 so it would sell more but i say stick to working on the PS3

Played_Out said:
Given that the PS2 sold more in the last year than either the 360 or the PS3, I would say it is far from being a poor business plan.

By covering both high and low-end markets, Sony actually managed to sell more home consoles last year than super-mega-hit-makers Nintendo, yet there are people who still prophesise doom for Sony and fail to understand the logic of their strategy.

BOTTOM LINE: They are better at business than you are.


You say Sony sold more consoles than Nintendo? Oh, of course, I see, you limit the playing field to home consoles, removing the amazingly successful DS out of the equation and having Nintendo's mainstay hampered by supply. So basically what you're saying is that with two products, aimed at two completely separate markets, Sony managed to outsell a single product from their competitors (not even their most successful one at that), that was severely supply constrained?


Yes, you would be correct there. The Sony totals add up to 16,826,956, which shows when you cherry pick your data you can find a way that Sony has beaten Nintendo (just). All hail Sony, they managed to... wait, what's this?


What's this? You thought the Gamecube was dead? Well, it has risen to steal victory for Nintendo from the very jaws of defeat! Even when you tilt the odds as much in favour of Sony as you possibly can, Nintendo still manages to defeat them, selling 16,948,100 consoles, more than 100,000 above that of Sony.

Life is cruel, sometimes. Especially if you're a Sony fanboy =)

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

omgwtfbbq said:
Played_Out said:
Given that the PS2 sold more in the last year than either the 360 or the PS3, I would say it is far from being a poor business plan.

By covering both high and low-end markets, Sony actually managed to sell more home consoles last year than super-mega-hit-makers Nintendo, yet there are people who still prophesise doom for Sony and fail to understand the logic of their strategy.

BOTTOM LINE: They are better at business than you are.


You say Sony sold more consoles than Nintendo? Oh, of course, I see, you limit the playing field to home consoles, removing the amazingly successful DS out of the equation and having Nintendo's mainstay hampered by supply. So basically what you're saying is that with two products, aimed at two completely separate markets, Sony managed to outsell a single product from their competitors (not even their most successful one at that), that was severely supply constrained?


Yes, you would be correct there. The Sony totals add up to 16,826,956, which shows when you cherry pick your data you can find a way that Sony has beaten Nintendo (just). All hail Sony, they managed to... wait, what's this?


What's this? You thought the Gamecube was dead? Well, it has risen to steal victory for Nintendo from the very jaws of defeat! Even when you tilt the odds as much in favour of Sony as you possibly can, Nintendo still manages to defeat them, selling 16,948,100 consoles, more than 100,000 above that of Sony.

Life is cruel, sometimes. Especially if you're a Sony fanboy =)

Heh, clever. 

While I think this would work for a while (and short term is probably the best move open to Sony Entertainment (remember they have seperate divisions, BR, TV, etc. are not all lumped up with the Playstation division) this shows they have a problem with the PS3 right now - namely with its price point and power graphics it is seen as more of a hardcore console (despite the brand image) and is not selling well enough to more casual market.

If they do push PS2 for another year or two they need to get a proper transition strategy in place this time that would take people from PS2 to PS3 in the casual market.