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Forums - Gaming Discussion - HD Twins: Greatest Exclusive Lists (updated through 2011)

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sales2099 said:
As of Dec 21, 2011. A little outdated but then again not much released for PS3 and 360 in January.

This is how the 360 camps rolls. No biased filters. No screening. Just EVERYTHING.

Library comparison > Exclusive comparison. Truth is a real eye opener.


AAA (90+) = 43
AA (80-89) = 254
A (70-79) = 375


AAA (90+) = 39
AA (80-89) = 229
A (70-79) = 273



Plus, everything is a matter of preferences. I got 11 PS3 exclusives and 14 X360 exclusives + 7 X360 console exclusives. 66 retail games in total with multiplatforms.

Excluding digital distribution.

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RolStoppable said:
sales2099 said:

Just as I thought.......a  filtered list courtesy of PS3 propaganda.

- not including games rated 70-79% on metacritic is purely to cut off the 360s massive lead in that category over PS3. I dont understand how people could cut games that are the equivalent of a B to B+ in the school grading system.

- Not including XBLA. This is the area where MS ALWAYS outdoes PSN. 360s biggest games asset against PS3. And here you go.....filtering the whole damn thing out. 

- Not including party/casual/arcadey games. I thought we were talking about quality. But no....we have to filter and judge great games that dont fit our "core" tastes.

- Not including Kinect. Move flopped with ZERO move specific games above 80, where as Kinect actually has several, you should still count them anyway

This statement isn't going to hold true for much longer.

Your kidding right? There was a thread here that was showcasing the XBLA exclusives for 2012. 2012 is looking to be XBLA best year yet. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.


AAA (90+) = 43
AA (80-89) = 254
A (70-79) = 375


AAA (90+) = 39
AA (80-89) = 229 
A (70-79) = 273

For those who wanted links. Offcourse this shows everything, including things like DLC for both sides. Which I dont condone, but ill be damned if im gonna filter those out for 2 hours lol.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


oniyide said:
sales2099 said:
oniyide said:
LOL at Sales, its his damn thread if he doesnt want to add 70-79 games, he doesnt have too.
He didnt add XBLA games because they are bit harder to track, he didnt add PS3 games either, so why bitch??
I agree with the Kinect part if it scores 80 it should be on the list. But its funny how you didnt cry about him adding games to the 360 DESPITE them being on 360, making them NOT exclusive. Funnily enough he did this to make the 360 LOOK better to avoid lames like you and you still come here with sand in your ass

Actually including 360/PC games was unexpected and I respect him for that. It is a step in the right direction. 

If its on 360 and not PS3 (and vise versa), it deserves to be mentioned. 

There is no need to make 360 "look" better. I think me proving 360 has a vastly overall superior library speaks for itself. 

but isn't his focus mostly on retail releases v psn/xbl? 

LMAO, you didnt prove anything, you didnt list one game, at all.

And a C+ is a 65-69?? Where the f**k are you at, some down water state in Mississippi??? I have never seen it that low ever. Ive gone to school in NY, NC, and PA. Your either lying or they have low standards, if its the latter then that would explain a LOT

I live in Ontario, Canada. In our country the grading scale is:

A = 80-85, A+ = 85+

B = 70-74, B+ = 75-79

C = 60-64, C+ = 65-69

And so on until you get to F. Dont go now and insult an entire country, thats kinda different then insulting a piece of plastic. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


trasharmdsister12 said:

sales2099 said:

I live in Ontario, Canada. In our country the grading scale is:

A = 80-85, A+ = 85+

B = 70-74, B+ = 75-79

C = 60-64, C+ = 65-69

And so on until you get to F. Dont go now and insult an entire country, thats kinda different then insulting a piece of plastic.

I'm also from Ontario, Canada and I don't think it's completely set in stone as to what percentages go with which letter grades. In my experience it changes with the school (and person ). Most (in my case, all) of the variation tends to be in the upper echelon of grades (80-100%).

At my university it went like this (at least for my class):

A+: 90+, A: 85-90, A-: 80-85

B+: 77-79. B: 76-74. B-: 73-70

C: Same as B but in the 60's

D: Same as B but in the 50's

F: Lower than 50.

This is the most constructive thing I could think of adding to this discussion.

I was using the grading scale from the university I went to. Which one did you attend?

But to the Americans seeing this we both have the letter B in the 70's. I cant imagine a B being in the 60's lol that makes no sense to me. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Around the Network
RolStoppable said:
sales2099 said:
RolStoppable said:
sales2099 said:

- Not including XBLA. This is the area where MS ALWAYS outdoes PSN. 360s biggest games asset against PS3. And here you go.....filtering the whole damn thing out. 

This statement isn't going to hold true for much longer.

Your kidding right? There was a thread here that was showcasing the XBLA exclusives for 2012. 2012 is looking to be XBLA best year yet. 

I am dead serious.

On February 8 (so in a few hours), PSN will cease to exist and will be replaced by the Sony Entertainment Network. The days when XBLA always outdid PSN will officially be over.

So then XBLA officially won against PSN and will start a new trend in 2012 by dominating against SEN. Thats what im getting from this. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


trasharmdsister12 said:

sales2099 said:

I live in Ontario, Canada. In our country the grading scale is:

A = 80-85, A+ = 85+

B = 70-74, B+ = 75-79

C = 60-64, C+ = 65-69

And so on until you get to F. Dont go now and insult an entire country, thats kinda different then insulting a piece of plastic.

I'm also from Ontario, Canada and I don't think it's completely set in stone as to what percentages go with which letter grades. In my experience it changes with the school (and person ). Most (in my case, all) of the variation tends to be in the upper echelon of grades (80-100%).

At my university it went like this (at least for my class):

A+: 90+, A: 85-90, A-: 80-85

B+: 77-79. B: 76-74. B-: 73-70

C: Same as B but in the 60's

D: Same as B but in the 50's

F: Lower than 50.

This is the most constructive thing I could think of adding to this discussion.

Wow that's really surprising that failing is such a low number.

I remember when I was homeschooled, my mom set up failing as anything below 70% and then when I started public school I was amazed at how failing was anything below 60%.

trasharmdsister12 said:

sales2099 said:

I live in Ontario, Canada. In our country the grading scale is:

A = 80-85, A+ = 85+

B = 70-74, B+ = 75-79

C = 60-64, C+ = 65-69

And so on until you get to F. Dont go now and insult an entire country, thats kinda different then insulting a piece of plastic.

I'm also from Ontario, Canada and I don't think it's completely set in stone as to what percentages go with which letter grades. In my experience it changes with the school (and person ). Most (in my case, all) of the variation tends to be in the upper echelon of grades (80-100%).

At my university it went like this (at least for my class):

A+: 90+, A: 85-90, A-: 80-85

B+: 77-79. B: 76-74. B-: 73-70

C: Same as B but in the 60's

D: Same as B but in the 50's

F: Lower than 50.

This is the most constructive thing I could think of adding to this discussion.

THis makes a lot more sense, so Sales school doesnt go up to the 90 percentage??? that doesnt make any sense. Im not buying it, and even if it were true, its still stupid because its clear that the scale that the OP is using is quite different than what Sales is used to.  

@Sales you can either get with the program that everyone else is on, make your own biased thread to feel good, or just not say anything

oniyide said:
osamanobama said:
oniyide said:
sales2099 said:
oniyide said:
LOL at Sales, its his damn thread if he doesnt want to add 70-79 games, he doesnt have too.
He didnt add XBLA games because they are bit harder to track, he didnt add PS3 games either, so why bitch??
I agree with the Kinect part if it scores 80 it should be on the list. But its funny how you didnt cry about him adding games to the 360 DESPITE them being on 360, making them NOT exclusive. Funnily enough he did this to make the 360 LOOK better to avoid lames like you and you still come here with sand in your ass

Actually including 360/PC games was unexpected and I respect him for that. It is a step in the right direction. 

If its on 360 and not PS3 (and vise versa), it deserves to be mentioned. 

There is no need to make 360 "look" better. I think me proving 360 has a vastly overall superior library speaks for itself. 

but isn't his focus mostly on retail releases v psn/xbl? 

LMAO, you didnt prove anything, you didnt list one game, at all.

And a C+ is a 65-69?? Where the f**k are you at, some down water state in Mississippi??? I have never seen it that low ever. Ive gone to school in NY, NC, and PA. Your either lying or they have low standards, if its the latter then that would explain a LOT

i think you quoted the wrong person

oh S**t, my bad, my screen is kinda wonky. But we all know who im talking about

i was looking for the sales guy lol. it's ok dud but you were being alittle harsh, but this goes back to my question(that nobody cares to answer these days) isn't osaman's list based on retail releases?

it seems that way so i still don't see the problem?

oniyide said:
osamanobama said:
oniyide said:
sales2099 said:
oniyide said:
LOL at Sales, its his damn thread if he doesnt want to add 70-79 games, he doesnt have too.
He didnt add XBLA games because they are bit harder to track, he didnt add PS3 games either, so why bitch??
I agree with the Kinect part if it scores 80 it should be on the list. But its funny how you didnt cry about him adding games to the 360 DESPITE them being on 360, making them NOT exclusive. Funnily enough he did this to make the 360 LOOK better to avoid lames like you and you still come here with sand in your ass

Actually including 360/PC games was unexpected and I respect him for that. It is a step in the right direction. 

If its on 360 and not PS3 (and vise versa), it deserves to be mentioned. 

There is no need to make 360 "look" better. I think me proving 360 has a vastly overall superior library speaks for itself. 

but isn't his focus mostly on retail releases v psn/xbl? 

LMAO, you didnt prove anything, you didnt list one game, at all.

And a C+ is a 65-69?? Where the f**k are you at, some down water state in Mississippi??? I have never seen it that low ever. Ive gone to school in NY, NC, and PA. Your either lying or they have low standards, if its the latter then that would explain a LOT

i think you quoted the wrong person

oh S**t, my bad, my screen is kinda wonky. But we all know who im talking about

i was looking for the sales guy lol. it's ok dud but you were being alittle harsh, but this goes back to my question(that nobody cares to answer these days) isn't osaman's list based on retail releases?

it seems that way so i still don't see the problem?

I thought it was based on retail releases, i dont see a problem either. The only thing, that bothered me was again counting PC/360 games as exclusvie. Me personally I would never count DC Universe as an exclusive