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Forums - Sony Discussion - Japanese Retailers drop Vita 3G price

Yep already predicted it. They should eventually do a blowout sale on all 3G models, discontinue them, then drop Wifi model to $199 - all right before the release of a huge game should do wonders.

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Train wreck said:
Just like the 3DS, the days of a 200+ $/Y/E handheld are clearly over.

those days never existed. 

pwin´ every other villain since 1994

1. the production cost of the oled screen will go down dramatically in the next two years due to more tv's, smartphones, etc using the tech. Right now, perhaps 5-10% of smartphones use it, so there's a lot of room for growth
2. vita will be able to offer substantial price concessions for users buying games from the psn. A $50 game from gamestop would probably cost $25 when bought on psn

Sony will keep the 3G model around for at least a year. If things haven't improved I wouldn't be surprised if Sony drops it then.

I think retailers in Japan are acting a little too hastily. Tales of Innocence is coming up for the Vita, things will improve with that title.

If I was making the decisions for Sony I would bundle Tales of Innocence with both models of the Vita, but do not raise the prices. A nice limited run bundle. After that I would put either Hot Shots Golf or Wipeout 2048 in the package.

RockMan10 said:

By the way, I live here in Tokyo and speak japanese.

I have also seen the commercials for this advertisement.

It is only one store (that I know of) and it is an after-holiday sale, not just on Vita but a lot of games..

And it is also a discount only given if you buy other stuff like games with the Vita.


its just like Best Buy or whatever bundling a console with a game 


take this as a confirmation it is not exactly true.

Maybe, but if you check out something like Kakaku then you can see that the 3g model is selling for much less than it's original price. The wifi version on the other hand has just the standard discount like if you bought it from one of the big electronic stores. (3g) (wifi)

I think Sony was expecting the 3g to sell quite a lot. The "first edition" of the 3g bundle (comes with 100hrs prepaid card) is "limited" to the first 500k buyers! After that the 3g buyers will only get a 20hrs prepaid card (for awhile). Needless to say the first edition is still very easy to find.

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

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yea i dunno i was just referring to the ad they were posting


but didnt everybody expect the 3g to not sell well? no games really use it now, and the data plans are stupid.. its not a surprise.

Around me the wifi models are sold out, only 3g are on the shelves. its pretty obvious the 3g wont be selling well.


I myself bought a 3g because it has GPS and because i got the free plan for a couple months. Its kinda nice, but i will probably only renew if something major comes out that supports it.

RockMan10 said:

yea i dunno i was just referring to the ad they were posting


but didnt everybody expect the 3g to not sell well? no games really use it now, and the data plans are stupid.. its not a surprise.

Around me the wifi models are sold out, only 3g are on the shelves. its pretty obvious the 3g wont be selling well.


I myself bought a 3g because it has GPS and because i got the free plan for a couple months. Its kinda nice, but i will probably only renew if something major comes out that supports it.

Really? Both models are in stock everywhere I've been to around where I live. (Nagoya, Aichi) I've also been to the neighboring prefectures (Mie and Gifu) and I've seen it there as well. There are absolutely no stock problems for the wifi model.

I was thinking about getting a 3g model myself as the price is getting closer to the wifi model, but I think I'll wait some more. Still going to sell my psp though as I never play it and I can still get a decent price for it.

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

Never understood why they released a 3G from the very start. It's not useful for online gaming, for downloading games the transfer limit hinders you, and for browsing, well that's what pretty much every phone does already.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

Oh Well...

Let s wait and see once again!


Bringing up that first edition 3g thing with the 100 hours, it makes me wonder what kind of plan they were using.
Recently we were told it was a monthly 15$ for 200MB or 25$ for 2GB.. where does the 100 hours fit in all this?