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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mario Kart Wii Sells 30 million! Sports Resort wants to be next. 100 million Wii Sports at some point?

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spurgeonryan said:
amp316 said:
I looked for the option that says "according to my stats I beat Rol 1 in 3 times. It wasn't there.

Honestly, Mario Kart Wii is my all time favorite racing game and it deserves these kinds of sales.

Mario Kart Wii is your all time favorite! No Need for Speed, or Breakout, or Ridge Racer, Beetle Adventure Racing, GT, any of thaat? Wow!

Yep, it's my favorite since it is the most fun and takes a high level of skill when you're playing the top racers (contrary to popular belief).

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

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famousringo said:
I remember waaaaay back, probably in 2008, betting with some dude called PeterPotamus that Gran Turismo 5 would not outsell MKWii.

Too bad he dropped off the site soon after the bet was made. Where ever you are, Potamus, know that I am gloating!

You can still gloat in the GT5 responses that we still get constantly.

Pineapple said:
famousringo said:
I remember waaaaay back, probably in 2008, betting with some dude called PeterPotamus that Gran Turismo 5 would not outsell MKWii.

Too bad he dropped off the site soon after the bet was made. Where ever you are, Potamus, know that I am gloating!

 I went back and read some of the threads from when Mario Kart Wii launched. Before Mario Kart Wii launched, there were actually several threads discussing whether Mario Kart Wii or Gran Turismo 5: Prologue would sell the most. Most people landed on MKWii winning it, but quite a few thought Gran Turismo 5: Prologue would sell more. It seemed like roughly half the people expected the "real" Gran Turismo 5 to sell more than Mario Kart Wii. Which is quite amusing, as Mario Kart Wii looks to sell between 8 and 9 times as much as GT5:P and nearly 4 times as much as GT5.

I'm not that much better myself, though. I remember predicting Mario Kart Wii and Brawl would sell as much as each other, both at 13 million. MKWii is looking to nearly triple that.

Yeah, I remember predicting Brawl would beat MKWii by some holiday season, too. Seems so silly now.

Here's that bet:

It was actually at the end of 2007, and I never did get Potamus to settle the exact terms of the bet. I think he figured out that his 4 million units margin was utterly ridiculous. Turns out I could have given him GT5: Prologue sales and he'd still be 23 million units short!

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Wii Sports won't hit 100 mill, it's at 79m~ with a 92M base with Wii Sports seemingly bundled with less than half of Wii's on shelves. Meaning Wii has to sell another 42 mill, 134m lifetime.


Nintendogamer said:
30M and still going strong, the best selling Mario kart game eve and I think it can go on and sell another 3M.

Well seems like Mario Kart 7 is on a pace to out sell it once it start slowing down.

"Nintendo fan for life"

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If you look at the top 20 best selling games of all time you have to get to about 17 before you get a game not by Nintendo or a Nintendo exclusive. I think 17 is a Grand Theft Auto but 1-16 i'm sure were all Nintendo. Sales like that are for a reason.