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I stll gotta get Alan Wake sooner or later

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Alan Wake looks very impressive.

Come on Microsoft, where's the release date?

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

pezus said:
How did Naughty Dog develop two games at once?

That's what I'm saying.

Alan Wake looks pretty good. Hopefully it will be a budget title.

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

OMG ... Miyamoto actually wasted his time to come to VGA's

Carl2291 said:
Rob-Ot said:

To be fair ME2 had fun gameplay, at least it wasn't like a RPG trying to be a very poor hack n slash game (Dragon Age 2)

Another series that was started great but ruined by BioWare.

Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins were great. Both were great RPG's. One was something new, an RPG set in space, with great RPG elements like exploration for example. The other was the spiritual successor to the greatest WRPG ever, another great RPG filled with great characters, exploration, a fantastic battle system... Etc.

Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age 2 weren't great. One was focusing more on shooting and mining ffs. Every character had a mummy or daddy issue and the final boss was just stupid. The other was a rushed piece of casualised shit.

Haters gonna hate.

I hope you mean Baldur's Gate 2? I agree.

And I agree with everything you said, I have been so disappointed by Bioware this generation, I was hoping this new IP would be a return to form but its fucking Command & Conquer...what the hell.


I think this is in-game graphics.

Don´t forget, that this game, can, acording to rumors, been in development since 06.

kowenicki said:
psrock said:
kowenicki said:
Blood_Tears said:

Joystiq is reporting that Sony confirmed Last of Us will be released in 2012.

like that means anything....

it means you are wrong. This is Naughty Dog , not polyphony Digital. 

lighten up.. its a joke ffs

I'm pretty sure he was joking too. Notice the comical dig at Polphony Digital. Compare that to your post which was devoid of any apparent humor & I'd say his post is reasonable.