"Nobody go Quoting the show Ancient Aliens now! (A.P.M would not like it)"
Thank you.
"Nobody go Quoting the show Ancient Aliens now! (A.P.M would not like it)"
Thank you.
That video was pretty interesting, has it been dis-proven?
Time-travel would be really cool, but it would also really fuck everything up wouldn't it? Many people wouldn't want to live in the present, if people went to the past then they could easily completely change the future (butterfly effect), and if we really discovered time-travel, then doesn't that mean the future already has time-travel and would visit us first? Thinking about it makes my brain hurt.
And now for some shameless advertising of my own thread. Everyone click on the one titled "We're Alive: A story of survival."!!!!!!!!!!
We already can see the past, which is kinda like time-travelling, go look at some stars. You'll be looking millions of years in the past when you look at some.
spurgeonryan said:
You seem to know about John Titor. What happened to him? Is he still making predictions? |
Ah, you don't know the story?
I'll go over the gist of the story. I was heavy into the TItor saga back near its origination in 2000-2001. Time is an important key to his story. In 2011, its kind of funny/interesting but not plausible given what we know now about history, but back then, his predictions were scary and rather accurate initially.
Essentially, a guy went onto the Time Travel Institutes' forum and stated he was from the future, and since the multiverse was true, he had no qualms with discussing any topic of time travel and the future from 2000 to 2036, where he was sent from. His story was that America had undergone a nuclear war on December 21st, 2012, which destroyed a lot of America's environment, and fostered an era of self reliance and sustainability....But about 200 million less people in the US.
He then went on to make a lot of predictions about the future. His format was essentially a web Q&A and inferred a lot of details, but few names as to protect the identities of people. His story was essentially that the US was plunged into a violent civil war in 2004-2008 due to government encroachment on civil liberties brought about by.......Get this.......A huge terrorist attack. He also correctly predicted the year that we went to war with Iraq.
He posted on TTI's site for about 5 months, then said he was leaving to never return to our history ever again. On the day he said he'd leave, he was never heard from again. Supposedly, some forum posters had some legitimate interactions with him, and said the story was legitimate.
Of course, eventually, his larger predictions never occured. There was no American civil war or massive infectious outbreaks. Although the supposed nuclear war is yet to occur, its unlikely to happen. But back then, it was pretty scary and accurate through 2003-4.
JohnTitor.com has a good, succinct wrap-up on the story. I knew about the story prior to that website being established, and its pretty much an aggregate of what went down. The actual posts were or are preserved, and I can verify they happened for what its worth.
A lot of his future predictions about general life were scarily accurate from 2000-2001. He mentioned a ton of social things that have wound up happening. I could list them if you like, but the Titor site has most of the predictions.
Back from the dead, I'm afraid.
spurgeonryan said:
Did this guy know about the mayan thing back then. Actually I should say did anyone really know about it back then or was it even figured out yet or popularM that is very interesting that he would pick that date. |
You know what, my bad. I looked over some of the Titor stuff, and he said March 21st 2015, not December 21st 2012. I believe he said that something horrible did happen on December 21st, 2012, but it wasn't the end of the world.
Back from the dead, I'm afraid.
this is old and fake, bunch of losers trying to get a book deal
spurgeonryan said:
Will we ever need to send |
Humpback whales... not dolphins. :/
spurgeonryan said:
I didn't even click the link. I just really like that movie... and I'll see you then.