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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Possible Smash Bros Brawl Demo coming?');margin: auto;">

Rumortoid: Super Smash Bros Brawl Demo Coming Soon

by Jonathan Holmes on 01.06.2008 48 comments

Rumors are flying around the internet that Nintendo will be bringing a downloadable demo of their sure-to-be-hit game Super Smash Bros Brawl to the Wii sometime between now and when the game drops on February 10th.

Nintendo has thus far been extremely sheepish about both online promotions and playable demos for their upcoming games. But due to the type of game that Super Smash Bros Brawl is, I believe this rumor could be the truth. Where a small portion of Super Mario Galaxy or Metroid Prime 3: Corruption would likely take up huge chunks of memory, a demo for Brawl with just a couple of stages and characters may only take up the same amount of space as a N64 game. In fact, a brief inspection of the pic above tells that depending on the amount of memory you wish to spend on this demo, you can download more or less characters and game modes.

If anything makes me suspicious of this pic, it's that the concept seems a little too awesome for Nintendo to think of themselves. This is the sort of thing that a fan would think of, because unlike the the suits at Nintendo of America, the fans actually know how fun a demo channel like this would be. 

Thanks JJBro1!

[Via WiiCharged




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Yeah...if I was trying to create a credible rumor I wouldn't have taken that pic. Not saying that it isn't real necessarily, but why from that nauseating angle?

*begins hyperventilating*

While I don't necessarily believe that picture I could believe a SSBB demo. They did something similar with MP3 and it worked great so why not make one for this game?

When did they make an MP3 demo? There was the MP3 preview channel, but all it did was stream videos.

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if the Demo was on a Demo disc such as the one's found in some of the game mags then yes it will most likely happen, but if it's downloadable then no I don't see it ever happening.

Here's to hoping!




MrPickles said:
When did they make an MP3 demo? There was the MP3 preview channel, but all it did was stream videos.

 That's what I walk talking about.  They could do an actual demo or do the video thing, either would be cool and good for them.

I believe that picture came up on the IGN boards 2 or 3 months ago, and they guy who posted it eventually admitted to photoshopping it. Its too bad, because it would be fun as hell (and could maybe get SOME new consumers), but realistically who here with a Wii isn't going to buy Brawl whether there is a demo for it or not?

RolStoppable said:
Kim Possible in Smash Bros. Brawl? Yay!

I am so going to get the game now.

yay, its fun to pretend!