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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii U vs PS4 vs Xbox One FULL SPECS (January 24, 2014)

JEMC said:
The 7 GB for games was almost expected, don't you think?

I mean, when designing the OS and features the console "only" had 4 GB, so reserving 1 for the OS was the absolut limit without hurting the performance. And when they went with 8... well, why change the OS then?

Good point.

Around the Network

Updated OP with a little house cleaning in the sources area.

Great post I found on GAF regarding WiiU and its DX11 comparison. I've always maintained that it was equivalient to DX11 features. This just proves is perfectly.

Originally Posted by Shin Johnpv:
I could have sworn I've specifically replied to you about this very same thing before. DX11 added 3 main features to the DX standard over DX10.1. The big main 2 were tesselation, and compute shaders. The 3rd addition was better support for multi-core processors. The only things we need to be looking at here are Tesselation and Compute Shaders. DirectCompute can be run on AMD 10.1 hardware. DX11's flavor of tesselation couldn't directly be run on the tesselators found in AMD's chips do to not supporting certain function calls of DX11. That said though other API's could absolutely make use of the Tesselators. Now it is a given that the Tesselators that followed were much more efficient, than the ones found in AMD's 7xx line of chips.

We know from the leaked specs that were confirmed by multiple insiders that the Wii U GPU supports Compute Shaders, and we know from Shin'en confirming that it supports a tesselator.

So the two main features added by DX11 over DX10.1 are there, though yes the Wii U hardware is not as powerful as the XO/PS4, but were talking feature set not power. Also yes DX11 spec parts are going to be more efficient, and also support shader model 5.0 but the main feature set is there.

So yes...

All three share the same basic graphical features. Just at different raw power levels.

Any confirmation yet on whether the Xbox's GPU has been underclocked?

brendude13 said:
Any confirmation yet on whether the Xbox's GPU has been underclocked?

Nope. Still at 1.2GF at this point.

Won't be confirmed by anyone for awhile I'd bet. MS won't reduce clock until it hits the point of no return if they don't want to delay the launch.

Around the Network

Updated OP regarding Xbone change in DRM policies.

Updated OP to account for new information on PS4 memory allocation between games and os.

4GB for games plus up to additional 1GB of flex memory. 3GB reserved for OS.

superchunk said:
Updated OP to account for new information on PS4 memory allocation between games and os.

4GB for games plus up to additional 1GB of flex memory. 3GB reserved for OS.

I saw that rumor updated saying it was a 6/2 split now

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platformmaster918 said:
superchunk said:
Updated OP to account for new information on PS4 memory allocation between games and os.

4GB for games plus up to additional 1GB of flex memory. 3GB reserved for OS.

I saw that rumor updated saying it was a 6/2 split now

still lists "up to 5GB for games" as of Saturday 27th, meaning hard lock on 3GB for OS, same as XBone.

Updated Xbone GPU clock speed based on Major Nelson podcast today.