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Forums - Politics Discussion - Is pulling out of Afghanistan good for the people of Afghanistan?


IS pulling out of Afghanistan in 2014 the best thing for the Afghan people?

Yes, The Afghan people will be far better off 31 73.81%
No, the Afghan Government... 11 26.19%
spurgeonryan said:

As for this problem, There is not oil in Afghanistan. We have nothing, no reason to be there. We help other countries faster than we take care of our own. FEMA can barely handle our disasters, but we certainly can send billions of dollars to other countries, and help them when they ask for it. But when we help without being asked the whole world is against us. I know we do a lot of crazy things, but America helps a lot as well. 

I would hope that you are not serious about America going down. Over 300 million people in this country, and the world economy would crash! Including Canada which as far as I know we trade non-stop with, have an open border more or less, and have no problems with.

Politics aside, how about we start the Americas union so that we can all rival the E.U at its peak! EAch of our countries keeps it own identities, laws, etc. But we find a way to be like the E.U in some ways. Canada's common sense and America's might, along with other countries (Is Russia close enough to Alaska to include them?) would make us all unstoppable.


By the way I frequent VA hospitals once a month for appointments. All I will say from what I see there is that this war is over.........

There is a major reason to be there. Maintaining global stability and preventing terrorist networks from being able to operate freely without some kind of authority to pursue them and keep the heat on. If our Governments allow terrorist networks to operate freely in some countries do you honestly think they are going to stay in those countries? Every bomb attack going on, every assasination could easily be taking place in one of our countries. The second we stop our offensive we will be on the defensive again meaning terrorist groups will be able to shift focus from defending their countries to attacking ours.

Example dozens of Canadian terrorists have been captured or killed in many middle eastern conflicts. From accross the middle east and North Africa. The same goes for American's hundreds of American grown terrorists have been killed or captured abroad in combat in the middle east. The second they no longer have to fight in the middle east they will turn their full attention home to us. It is in the best interest of western countries to keep the terrorist groups on edge and not give them a safe place to operate from.

As for FEMA's inability to save American lives. That has nothing to due with a lack of budget or capabilities. FEMA is just run by morons they rented huge cruise liners during Katrina and then never used most of em. They spent billions on things they never needed or used and they were slow to react despite having state of the art technology. Also your American Government turned down international assistance, Canada. Britain , Japan and many other countries pledged to send help but the US Government insisted they didn't need it. It was American pride and over spending that lead to FEMA's failures during Katrina and other disasters. If the US had accepted even just Canadian help many lives could have been saved, but the US in its arrogance waited weeks before allowing Canada to fully help.

When I say go down I am not talking hell fire and brimstone. I am not talking go third world I am talking getting knocked off its pedistle. The US has gotten used to a position where their Government thinks they are the only thing that matters and the US people have gotten to the point where they no longer care about the rest of the globe or how their decisions effect other countries and their citizens.

I can't wait for the day when America is no longer the largest economy in the world. Though as I said that is conditionary on another better country replacing them like Canada or maybe Britain again or even France or Germany or the whole EU. The only thing I fear about the US losing its iron grip on the world is that China will replace them. P.S- Canada does rely heavily on the US and it going down would devestate us, but this is not because we can't find other markets and trading partners it is because we have been loyal to the US. Canada could have free trade with South Korea and Japan and other countries but we don't, why don't we? We could increase trade in the EU and such but we don't why don't we? Because America has put pressure on Canada to keep our exports cheap if we start trading with other countries and open up more markets for our products they will be in greater demand and boost prices for the US.

Essentially if the US went down we would most definatly be effected. But within a few years we would make a full recovery. We have the resources and the technology etc...etc.. to find alternate trading partners on a dime!

As for the North American Union it would be a foolish idea. Firstly Canada has the strongest Government system of our three countries. The US was going down and Canada was one of the least effected countries in the G20. Our banks were thriving and while our unemployment numbers rose they didn't go nearly as high as other countries. Secondly the United States is in severe debt and if they don't drastically change course are going to go down. The US is running out of key resources and is spiraling downwards they need to fix their affairs before considering creating a united America. Then Mexico is also in turmoil they can't control their country armed gangs roam the streets and the countries economy is weak in comparison to Canad or even America. In the end a Union would benefit Canada least out of the three countries. It would also tie our economies together in a way where Canada could not survive a downfall of the US like it could today. Look at the EU's troubles we would face similar ones. A union would be a very dumb idea for Canada to even consider. Free trade is about as far as we should go! Also Russia is too far to be included, also it would be very foolish to include them because the countries Government does not like any of ours.

Euphoria14 said:

Sorry you couldn't get in, I apologize.

Besides that, your monthly rent is only $300? O_o

Yah I live in a peice of shit one room apartment with a room mate. Rent is like 625$ a month, the only reason it is so low in I moved in when it was 400 something. Law in my municpality is that rent can only be raised by 25$ a year as long as the tennant does not move out or get evicted. So despite the rent being much higher for the same apartment if someone new moves in we still pay relatively cheap prices.

A new tennant moving in to the next door apartment which is the exact same as mine paid 850$ a month. My apartment has been trying to get rid of us for the last year. They do surprise inspecitions they constantly complane about anything they can. They went into my apartment and said I had to many electronic devices and that they were a fire hazard lol. They told me I could keep my TV but all my game consoles and the BluRay player had to go. I didn't get rid of them and they tried again threatening to evict us. This time I threatened to involve a lawyer and they backed off pretty fast.

Water is leaking in through my roof and the damage is clearly visable. I reported it and they said their was nothing they could do. I got a bed bug infestation and tried to get it dealt with but they suggested I move out.

Three times in one month they sent me eviction notices. One said that they didn't have my full information such as SIN number and a copy of my drivers liscense. They said if I didn't get it to them within the day I would have two weeks to clear out. Another stated my roomates vehicle hadn't occupied our parking spot in a few days and if it went unused we would no longer be allowed to have a vehicle at our building. Another stated I had been too loud and they were recieving complaints and if they didn't stop getting complaints they would evict us within the next two weeks.

Funny thing is I contacted the Apartment to find out how I could reduce my volume. They claimed I was having huge parties and had drunk friends who were causing damage to the building. I asked who had reported these things and they said one of the apartments that are next to me. I checked with my neighbours and none of them said they knew anything about the alligations. I then checked the apartment above me who also said he had no clue what was being said. Finally I realized my manager lives directly below me, so I confronted her and found out she had reported me lol.

Long story short I have been fighting eviction for the last year. The latest scheme they have is that they renovate the building. If they do a renovation then they can kick the tennants out and those tennants need to sign a new agreement for the new rooms. They sent us a few notices that they will be renovating the building and that we should look for another apartment soon because they will need to kick us out. But they have been sending these notices for the last few months and I talked to my neighbour and apparently we are the only ones recieving the notice.

In the end I have gotten some legal assistance and if they try to evict me again without good cause I will take action. They still refuse to spray for the bed bugs or deal with the water damage. I was told to let them know I had a lawyer but they don't seem to care. My lawyer said I am supposed to write a letter to managment about the situation and get it signed by me, my room mate and himself. But being a free lawyer he is very hard to actually get ahold of!


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