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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GT5, HALO3, MGS4, GTAIV, FFXIII..Did they deliver?

RolStoppable said:
Gran Turismo 5 - No. Most cars were only upscaled PS2 models, the damage model was still unsatisfying and most importanly, it had jaggy shadows. It was also a major letdown on the story side of things. Sylvester Stallone's Driven is a masterpiece compared to Gran Turismo 5 and you all know how horrible that movie was.

Halo 3 - No. It was basically Halo 2 in HD. Or rather Halo 2 in sub-HD resolution. Another letdown was that players were supposed to finish the fight, but now there's not only going to be Halo 4, but also 5 and 6.

Metal Gear Solid 4 - No. I have watched much better movies in my life and I haven't even watched many. As for the game itself, Kojima and his team went beyond the limits of Blu-ray capacity which is why important aspects needed to be cut. Most prominently, Snake's penis.

Grand Theft Auto IV - No. It was supposed to kill the Wii, but its biggest accomplishment ended up being responsible for the hilarious GIF titled "360, PS3: game of the generation; Wii: just another month".

Final Fantasy XIII - No. The PS3 version dragged down an otherwise great game, because Sony didn't allow Square-Enix to ship the game on multiple Blu-ray discs, forcing the developers to compromise the originally planned open world design to a corridor game.

As much as it pains me, this man speaks the truth. Although Halo 3 could still be seen as a succes looking at the sales and the amount of satisfied people still playing online every day.

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Gta 4 - not as good as it should have been but still decent; sure
Gt5 - sure
Final fantasy 13 - FUCK NO, GTFO, disappointment in every sense of the word.
halo 3 - sure

"Defeating a sandwich, only makes it tastier." - Virginia

Played all but MGS4 and they were all let downs.

GT5- Took forever and standard cars with no cockpit view, stupid leveling up system aswell.
H3- Not HD, poor level design and just a poor game overall.
GTA4- No fun at all, not a single thing to do in the game but the missions. The constant phone ringing even if i turn it off. Poor mission structure, and the option of either A or B in missions added nothing to the game.
FF13- No towns, worst battle engine in any RPG ever. Weapons, items, gold and stores had no meaning in the game, grinding levels didn't really do anything either. The game was a total mess.

pezus said:
adriane23 said:
pezus said:
RolStoppable said:
pezus said:
The GTA4 dislike is still surprising to me. It was in no shape or form a bad game. A bit overhyped, but not bad for sure!

It didn't kill the Wii. You should have been here when the game got released, it was madness when NPD numbers for April 2008 were released. The supposed game of the generation put the 360 and PS3 each at around 190k units for the month while the Wii was above 700k. It was then when it ceased to be cool to like GTA.

Ooh, I was here actually (lurking and enjoying it) and I remember the meltdown. That was in the good-old days when Nintendo actually had a solid strategy.

Maybe it's because of the disappointing hardware boost that so many people dislike it?

I don't think so. Not a lot of people care about sales figures. For example, I never even heard about this site until 2009 and when I discovered it, I didn't even come here for sales numbers. A lot of people don't like the game because it wasn't San Andreas 2 or Vice City 2. The story was boring, the humor was almost non-existent, and the game didn't have a lot of variety to it.

o.O This was actually the first GTA where I enjoyed the story (and completed it). They fixed the gunplay (let's face it, it was mostly crap in the PS2 GTAs) and the new physics engine was awesome to play around with. 

I definitely agree on the gunplay and physics, but that was all it did better than the PS2 games. The main attractions of Vice City and San Andreas were that they were caricatures of the real world. They were completely nonsensical which made the games feel like gigantic playgrounds. GTAIV doesn't feel like that.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


GTA4,MGS4,HALO 3,GT5, yes

FF13, no .

Atto Suggests...:

Book - Malazan Book of the Fallen series 

Game - Metro Last Light

TV - Deadwood

Music - Forest Swords