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hatmoza said:
TruckOSaurus said:
hatmoza said:

Explain Trucks ...

And convince me why I souldn't unvote Radish and lead a crusade on your ass like I initially planned 2 seconds ago. Convince me why this is not an elaborate plan to bank on a mislynch and a night kill to lock in a scum victory. Choose your words carefully persian because I hope it's not for the reason I'm thinking it is, I reason I can quickly challenge.

You're no fun. You don't even want to venture a guess? Fine then.

I'm a Detective (not a cop). I scan someone and get three roles. One of them is the player's role and the two others roles from other players. I don't know which one is which. Following your hunch, I scanned Final-Fan and got lucky. I got back two scum roles and one town role so unless Final-Fan claims that one particular role, he's scummy scum scum.


No. What was the third role.

Why would I give Final-Fan the one role that would save his ass?

Signature goes here!

Around the Network
TruckOSaurus said:
hatmoza said:
TruckOSaurus said:
hatmoza said:

Explain Trucks ...

And convince me why I souldn't unvote Radish and lead a crusade on your ass like I initially planned 2 seconds ago. Convince me why this is not an elaborate plan to bank on a mislynch and a night kill to lock in a scum victory. Choose your words carefully persian because I hope it's not for the reason I'm thinking it is, I reason I can quickly challenge.

You're no fun. You don't even want to venture a guess? Fine then.

I'm a Detective (not a cop). I scan someone and get three roles. One of them is the player's role and the two others roles from other players. I don't know which one is which. Following your hunch, I scanned Final-Fan and got lucky. I got back two scum roles and one town role so unless Final-Fan claims that one particular role, he's scummy scum scum.


No. What was the third role.

Why would I give Final-Fan the one role that would save his ass?

Wrong answer. Why would you hesitate to provide a role another player could confirm as theirs? I call your bluff sir... unless you enable me to believe you by stating the 3rd role, and have another player confirm it.

I will however wait for F-F to roleclaim before you provide us with the third role however. I think that's fair enough.

F-F, get your ass in here and roleclaim. If your claim matches Trucks 3rd role. I'll believe you are town. If Trucks is town, he will have no problem clarifying you as town. If you and him differ, either you are truly scum (another player can confirm the 3rd role exists) or Trucks is bluffing, and we lynch his ass for this gutsy gambit.

I think that plan is pretty air tight. Refusal to follow this plan pretty much proves you are scum.

What do you think trucks?

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza said:
TruckOSaurus said:
hatmoza said:
TruckOSaurus said:
hatmoza said:

Explain Trucks ...

And convince me why I souldn't unvote Radish and lead a crusade on your ass like I initially planned 2 seconds ago. Convince me why this is not an elaborate plan to bank on a mislynch and a night kill to lock in a scum victory. Choose your words carefully persian because I hope it's not for the reason I'm thinking it is, I reason I can quickly challenge.

You're no fun. You don't even want to venture a guess? Fine then.

I'm a Detective (not a cop). I scan someone and get three roles. One of them is the player's role and the two others roles from other players. I don't know which one is which. Following your hunch, I scanned Final-Fan and got lucky. I got back two scum roles and one town role so unless Final-Fan claims that one particular role, he's scummy scum scum.


No. What was the third role.

Why would I give Final-Fan the one role that would save his ass?

Wrong answer. Why would you hesitate to provide a role another player could confirm as theirs? I call your bluff sir... unless you enable me to believe you by stating the 3rd role, and have another player confirm it.

I will however wait for F-F to roleclaim before you provide us with the third role however. I think that's fair enough.

F-F, get your ass in here and roleclaim. If your claim matches Trucks 3rd role. I'll believe you are town. If Trucks is town, he will have no problem clarifying you as town. If you and him differ, either you are truly scum (another player can confirm the 3rd role exists) or Trucks is bluffing, and we lynch his ass for this gutsy gambit.

I think that plan is pretty air tight. Refusal to follow this plan pretty much proves you are scum.

What do you think trucks?

Bolded was directed mainly at F-F

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Back, and before I can give my opinion, I need to make sure I'm understanding this right. Was that not actually a generic night kill but some other action?

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

hatmoza said:
TruckOSaurus said:
hatmoza said:

No. What was the third role.

Why would I give Final-Fan the one role that would save his ass?

Wrong answer. Why would you hesitate to provide a role another player could confirm as theirs? I call your bluff sir... unless you enable me to believe you by stating the 3rd role, and have another player confirm it.

I will however wait for F-F to roleclaim before you provide us with the third role however. I think that's fair enough.

F-F, get your ass in here and roleclaim. If your claim matches Trucks 3rd role. I'll believe you are town. If Trucks is town, he will have no problem clarifying you as town. If you and him differ, either you are truly scum (another player can confirm the 3rd role exists) or Trucks is bluffing, and we lynch his ass for this gutsy gambit.

I think that plan is pretty air tight. Refusal to follow this plan pretty much proves you are scum.

What do you think trucks?

Don't worry before this day is over, I'll give you the town role and both scum roles.

Signature goes here!

Around the Network

OP says "murdered" so I'll take it as just that.

In that case, I'll say the following. Assuming the loss of vote and the kill involved separate mafia roles/characters, Radish isn't mafia. You might want to get your vote off of him immediately hat.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Baalzamon said:
OP says "murdered" so I'll take it as just that.

In that case, I'll say the following. Assuming the loss of vote and the kill involved separate mafia roles/characters, Radish isn't mafia. You might want to get your vote off of him immediately hat.

So now our pool is limited to Wonk Trucks and F-F. Town wins :D


Don't get me wrong, as soon as F-F refuses to follow my suggested plan, or unless he comes up with the precise role Trucks obtained from his detective work -that is then confirmed by nobody challenging it; I'll switch my vote to to him [F-F]

Radish being town does not wave the possibility of Trucks trying to pull off a quick bluff.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

TruckOSaurus said:
hatmoza said:
TruckOSaurus said:
hatmoza said:

No. What was the third role.

Why would I give Final-Fan the one role that would save his ass?

Wrong answer. Why would you hesitate to provide a role another player could confirm as theirs? I call your bluff sir... unless you enable me to believe you by stating the 3rd role, and have another player confirm it.

I will however wait for F-F to roleclaim before you provide us with the third role however. I think that's fair enough.

F-F, get your ass in here and roleclaim. If your claim matches Trucks 3rd role. I'll believe you are town. If Trucks is town, he will have no problem clarifying you as town. If you and him differ, either you are truly scum (another player can confirm the 3rd role exists) or Trucks is bluffing, and we lynch his ass for this gutsy gambit.

I think that plan is pretty air tight. Refusal to follow this plan pretty much proves you are scum.

What do you think trucks?

Don't worry before this day is over, I'll give you the town role and both scum roles.

Yes. Essentially, if you're being true to us, process of elimination points to Wonk being F-F's scum buddy. And town wins, unless there's a 3rd scum which I doubt.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza said:

Explain Trucks ...

And convince me why I souldn't unvote Radish and lead a crusade on your ass like I initially planned 2 seconds ago. Convince me why this is not an elaborate plan to bank on a mislynch and a night kill to lock in a scum victory. Choose your words carefully persian because I hope it's not for the reason I'm thinking it is, I reason I can quickly challenge.

TruckOSaurus said:
hatmoza said:

Explain Trucks ...

And convince me why I souldn't unvote Radish and lead a crusade on your ass like I initially planned 2 seconds ago. Convince me why this is not an elaborate plan to bank on a mislynch and a night kill to lock in a scum victory. Choose your words carefully persian because I hope it's not for the reason I'm thinking it is, I reason I can quickly challenge.

You're no fun. You don't even want to venture a guess? Fine then.

I'm a Detective (not a cop). I scan someone and get three roles. One of them is the player's role and the two others roles from other players. I don't know which one is which. Following your hunch, I scanned Final-Fan and got lucky. I got back two scum roles and one town role so unless Final-Fan claims that one particular role, he's scummy scum scum.


The bolded is why I insist F-F and Trucks follow through the plan. The way I see it, this is more likely a bluff on Trucks side. Notice how trucks jokingly says I should have taken a guess. In his dreams... the fact that he said that tells me he was disappointed that I didn't allow him the opportunity to feel out what I know, and what I meant when I said I would challenge him if he gave the wrong reason. Therefore, he took the safe route and said he was a detective instead of a cop. It's a safe claim because a real cop would confront his claim. In this case, me saying I would challenge him if he didn't provide a sound reason forced him to make that safe claim. Can I be wrong? Absolutely, but I insist that we make sure we F-F is scum before we lynch him.

F-F, if you have nothing to fear, you will roleclaim. Only your roleclaim can clear you if you are really town.

A detective getting 3 roles from an investigation ... and 3 roles from the actual game no less ... all it would take is 2 days and Trucks could have at least 50% of the roles in the game. This stinks ... this fucking stinks trucks. Your roleclaim, really really stinks. Did I mention how much your role stinks, trucks?


Grrr, F-F get in  herE! My brain has to know that this is a bluff!

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Day ends in 63 hours, 53 minutes.

With 5 players eligible to vote, a majority requires 3 votes.

[1] radishhead: hatmoza
[1] hatmoza: radishhead
[1] Final-Fan: TruckOSaurus

By player:
hatmoza: radishhead
radishhead: hatmoza
TruckOSaurus: Final-Fan