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hatmoza said:
TruckOSaurus said:
hatmoza said:

Explain Trucks ...

And convince me why I souldn't unvote Radish and lead a crusade on your ass like I initially planned 2 seconds ago. Convince me why this is not an elaborate plan to bank on a mislynch and a night kill to lock in a scum victory. Choose your words carefully persian because I hope it's not for the reason I'm thinking it is, I reason I can quickly challenge.

You're no fun. You don't even want to venture a guess? Fine then.

I'm a Detective (not a cop). I scan someone and get three roles. One of them is the player's role and the two others roles from other players. I don't know which one is which. Following your hunch, I scanned Final-Fan and got lucky. I got back two scum roles and one town role so unless Final-Fan claims that one particular role, he's scummy scum scum.


No. What was the third role.

Why would I give Final-Fan the one role that would save his ass?

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