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By all means, if we have a pro-town killer, kill F-F. Splatter his fucking brains for saving his scum buddy Radish from today's lynch!

Doctor, it is really important that you ensure baalz and I's safety. Just do your best damn it. And if I do fall, remember, ponder at my revealed role and think doubly hard on who to protect the following night.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Around the Network

Well, It was to be expected. Just be sure to check on Wonk, too. He's flying way too much under the radar for my taste.

updated: 14.01.2012

playing right now: Xenoblade Chronicles

Hype-o-meter, from least to most hyped:  the Last Story, Twisted Metal, Mass Effect 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Playstation ViTA

bet with Mordred11 that Rage will look better on Xbox 360.

Final Day Two Votals:
[3] Silver-Tiger: TruckOSaurus, Wonktonodi, Final-Fan
[2] radishhead: hatmoza, Baalzamon
[1] Vetteman94: Silver-Tiger

By player:
Silver-Tiger: Vetteman94
hatmoza: radishhead
Baalzamon: radishhead
TruckOSaurus: Silver-Tiger
Wonktonodi: Silver-Tiger
Final-Fan: Silver-Tiger

Despite their intentions to move on, the group couldn't get over the loss of another member. Accusations began that it was an intentional action, and they wanted to know who came up with the plan. The focus began on two people that had moved through the puzzle room with Lotus.

"No, it wasn't my idea. But I did agree with it somewhat."

"I thought it was awful! I didn't want to go along with it, but I was afraid to speak out. They're right though, it wasn't their idea either."

Somehow, attention turned toward a third person. Everyone thought surely she was to blame, jealous of the others' looks most likely. They split into two groups that could get through the doors without her, opened them, and watched to make sure she didn't try to come along.

"But I wasn't even in the same group with her!.."

Silver-Tiger has been left behind. He was Clover, Town Avenging Day-Vig.

* Night Two Start *

Linkzmax said:

Flavor in a few minutes, but I want to kick night off.

Silver-Tiger has been lynched. He was Clover, Town Avenging Day-Vig.

* Night Two Start *

GAAAHHHH! I still have pointers!!! BASTARD!

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Around the Network

It's quite a wonder nobody has realized you're blind yet. Since the last puzzle was too visual, you made yourself scarce and waited for the others to solve it so you could continue on. You figured this time would be the same, only you fell asleep while waiting and nobody realized you were missing.

Vetteman94 has been left behind. He was Snake, Town Commuter.

In the other group, the one known as Baal slipped on some ice and hit his head pretty badly. He seemed okay and made sense for the most part, but nobody was going to trust him to make decisions for a while.

Baalzamon was paralyzed. He has no vote today.

The two groups rejoined once agian in the next meeting hall, discussed what they each experienced, and began the process of figuring out which groups could pass through the next set of two doors.

With 5 players eligible to vote, a majority requires 3 votes.

Day ends at 6PM US Eastern, Friday.(Unless the site keeps acting up)

* Day Three Start *

Let me just say, for the idiot town players who decided to go against baalz and our suggestion and ignore Radish's lynch... Go fuck yourselves. You cannot possibly comprehend the superior insight I have over you ... and to go against.... tsk curse you bastards. Alas, I can't blame you guys for your inability to read behaviors like I do. My high horse is thirsty today.

by default:
Vote Radish.

Now we're set back a day because of newbs like Wonk and their opinions. Tonight I will go back and review the flow of votes that dispatched of ST. Who by the way was cornered before I even had a chance to free him from that god awful lynch based on shit concepts. I blame myself for not getting here earlier.

F-F I owe you an explanation. The main reason I believe you're scum is because you did nothing but parrot all game long. This is a severe case of active lurking and I never expected it from you out of people.

Tonight, I will present more of my conclusions.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson


I'm going to work on my Quotals tonight.

Baalz, tell me what you think. Of the two pairs I present, who more likely represents the mafia faction?

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Vote: Hatmosa

You've been eager to get rid of me during day 2 as well as now - I'm certain that you're mafia because a town wouldn't be so convinced that I'm a safe lynch candidate (Hat knows that I'm a town-aligned role).

For the record, I have some level of insight too, but I'm not revealing/using it to help my cause.

How can you vote me from default? I know that I'm town-aligned, so there must be a mistake in your calculation. Either you are mafia, or you're missing something important.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~