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Let me just say, for the idiot town players who decided to go against baalz and our suggestion and ignore Radish's lynch... Go fuck yourselves. You cannot possibly comprehend the superior insight I have over you ... and to go against.... tsk curse you bastards. Alas, I can't blame you guys for your inability to read behaviors like I do. My high horse is thirsty today.

by default:
Vote Radish.

Now we're set back a day because of newbs like Wonk and their opinions. Tonight I will go back and review the flow of votes that dispatched of ST. Who by the way was cornered before I even had a chance to free him from that god awful lynch based on shit concepts. I blame myself for not getting here earlier.

F-F I owe you an explanation. The main reason I believe you're scum is because you did nothing but parrot all game long. This is a severe case of active lurking and I never expected it from you out of people.

Tonight, I will present more of my conclusions.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson