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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nitrobike

Has anyone seen any reviews? It's due out on the 17th but I haven't seen any. The previews looked promising so I'm really hoping it's worth getting.

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Looks like a pass to me....have you played Excitetruck? If you haven't, pick it up.

Not yet but it's on my to get list

Well put it there and drop Nitrobike down a few notches....I'm sure you won't regret it. The video I have seen of Nitrobike looks pretty bad, and it doesn't appear that you can even crash. The person I saw playing it was horrible....yet he never wrecked once.

That's disappointing to hear.

Excite Truck's down to £16.95 at Game Collection so I'll probably buy that or Endless Ocean (£15.99 at Powerplay Direct) next.