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Forums - Sales Discussion - 10 Week Countdown 2011 - End Results

I can't even see how it's possible. For week 3, we've predicted from 250k to 500k, and an average of 393k. So either it's well under 300,000, or it's well above 500,000. Both seem a tad hard to believe.

I'm going for "he's just messing with us".

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Pineapple said:

I can't even see how it's possible. For week 3, we've predicted from 250k to 500k, and an average of 393k. So either it's well under 300,000, or it's well above 500,000. Both seem a tad hard to believe.

I'm going for "he's just messing with us".

GIven how much it increased last couple of years it's probably gonna be around 450k, unless Skyrim has a much bigger than expected influence.

All I know is my PS3 and Wii predictions are gonna suck

Machina said:
Damn, we're all gonna be waaaaaaay off on 360 this week.

I have the highest prediction for 360 next week at 500k, and honestly I only held back because the average was so low. Lets soo how far I'm off, last year 360 did 541k for the same week.

I think my PS3 might also be low as well at 440k..

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Michael-5 said:
Machina said:
Damn, we're all gonna be waaaaaaay off on 360 this week.

I have the highest prediction for 360 next week at 500k, and honestly I only held back because the average was so low. Lets soo how far I'm off, last year 360 did 541k for the same week.

I think my PS3 might also be low as well at 440k..

Last year week 3 was 521k not 541k and that was a 44% boost over a 361k week 2.... this year week 2 is 278k

I think your PS3 prediction is looking pretty good actually, i reckon PS3 will get to about 450k along with X360.

TWRoO said:

Last year week 3 was 521k not 541k and that was a 44% boost over a 361k week 2.... this year week 2 is 278k

I think your PS3 prediction is looking pretty good actually, i reckon PS3 will get to about 450k along with X360.

Last year COD also coincided with Kinect Europe Launch and Kinect Americas Week 2. Though we do have Skyrim this year.

Machina's comment smells like 550k, but that would be madness.


Well perhaps he means we're way off numbers wise, but relatively it should be ok (for some of us).

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OMG! I'm actually doing good in this! Hurray!

Sorry about not entering 3DS predictions, I was under the impression it was optional. I really don't care about handhelds.

Signature goes here!

TWRoO said:
Michael-5 said:
Machina said:
Damn, we're all gonna be waaaaaaay off on 360 this week.

I have the highest prediction for 360 next week at 500k, and honestly I only held back because the average was so low. Lets soo how far I'm off, last year 360 did 541k for the same week.

I think my PS3 might also be low as well at 440k..

Last year week 3 was 521k not 541k and that was a 44% boost over a 361k week 2.... this year week 2 is 278k

I think your PS3 prediction is looking pretty good actually, i reckon PS3 will get to about 450k along with X360.

I dunno, MW3 is bigger then Black Ops, and ontop of that Skyrim released too. Both will likely help boost 360 sales more, I expect 360 to be noticably above PS3 this week.

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TruckOSaurus said:
OMG! I'm actually doing good in this! Hurray!

Sorry about not entering 3DS predictions, I was under the impression it was optional. I really don't care about handhelds.

Well really it's all optional :) and I think I stated to at least enter Wii, PS3 and X360. Last year 6 people didn't do handhelds which kinda splits the competition and is a little more work to organize, but I think giving you just an extra 100 points has solved this. So it's all fine.

Curious how MW3 propels X360 so much in the Americas, while doing nothing for PS3.

Media Create is also in.

Looks like I'm going to be about 40k-60k low on 360 this week. Not too bad but not great either. I'm probably going to be low on PS3 as well though. It only needs a 15% increase in EMEAA to hit my prediction. Probably going to be about 20-30k low on that too, damn. The other 2 look good though.

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