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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Still No Progress on Wii U, 3DS Smash Bros

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"Super Smash Bros. is currently scheduled to come to Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS, but work still hasn't started on either title. That update comes courtesy of project lead Masahiro Sakurai, who posted a quick comment on his Twitter account last night. 

Sakurai's comments come on the heels of rumors of leaked spec sheets suggesting the title of the Wii U version of the game will be "Super Smash Bros. Universe." Sakurai noted all of his attention is dedicated to Kid Icarus Uprising, and that Smash Bros. "will not progress" until Icarus is completed. Sakurai also added that "characters have not been decided at all." Uprising was recently delayed into 2012. 

The 3DS and Wii versions of Smash Bros. were announced at Nintendo's E3 2011 press conference nearly four months ago. Sakurai mentioned then that development hadn't started on either project, and that the announcements were more intended to facilitate eventual team assembly. "


...well don't expect a new smash at launch

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I thought Nintendo doesn't announce games years before they release?

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Nintendo doesn't announce games years before they release unless it's Super Smash Bros.

The exception to the rule

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Euphoria14 said:
I thought Nintendo doesn't announce games years before they release?

i'm not sure but some leaked info recently ( like an apparent leak of the games title ) seemed to demonstrate that progress was being made on the game... but now we have this guy saying he won't start work on it till kid icarus is finished

Smash Brothers seems to be the exception. Iwata's pulled this trick twice, first at E3 2005--announcing work on a new Smash Bros was underway, that it would be a Revolution launch title with online, and then this year announcing a cross-platform Wii U/3DS title would be developed long before the development had started.

I'm not sure what the benefit of this is--with Kid Icarus delayed once, and no work due to start on a cross-platform Smash Bros until Kid Icarus is done, the next Smash game is years away. Brawl eventually came out in 2008, and had a massive development team--I shudder to think how long it'll take Sakurai to cook-up a 3DS/Wii U Smash Bros game.

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ZaP~ said:
Nintendo doesn't announce games years before they release unless it's Super Smash Bros.

The exception to the rule

or any zelda, or metroid games, or kid icurus uprising.

kitler53 said:
ZaP~ said:
Nintendo doesn't announce games years before they release unless it's Super Smash Bros.

The exception to the rule

or any zelda, or metroid games, or kid icurus uprising.

In that case any Sakurai game, because Metroid doesn't take that long usually one year after being announced. With Zelda the trouble is that Aonuma or Miyamoto got asked about the next Zelda since has been stated by long that they start working on Zelda after they finish one and showed that picture on E3 2009, but the game itself was announced a lot later. With all that backslash about the "crappy graphics" on E3 2010.

BTW and off topic your avatar is awesome

WiiU/Wii/3DS/DS/Xbox360/PS3/PSP Owner 
3DS FC: 1032-1246-9162  (Nacho)
Nintendo Network ID: Zap786
If you add me, please let me know to add you back

They clarified just after E3 that work would start once they were completely done with Kid Icarus, so this is pretty much no different to what we knew already.


This news makes me a very sad panda.

Signature goes here!

ZaP~ said:
kitler53 said:
ZaP~ said:
Nintendo doesn't announce games years before they release unless it's Super Smash Bros.

The exception to the rule

or any zelda, or metroid games, or kid icurus uprising.


In that case any Sakurai game, because Metroid doesn't take that long usually one year after being announced. With Zelda the trouble is that Aonuma or Miyamoto got asked about the next Zelda since has been stated by long that they start working on Zelda after they finish one and showed that picture on E3 2009, but the game itself was announced a lot later. With all that backslash about the "crappy graphics" on E3 2010.

BTW and off topic your avatar is awesome


great observation, i wouldn't have put that together on my own.

thanks!  xD