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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - MEGATON! Monster Hunter 4 for 3DS!

FinalEvangelion said:
brendude13 said:
Good news for Nintendo, although I haven't played a Monster Hunter game it seems like a killer game for handhelds and something that could really help the Nintendo 3DS take off.

As for the Nintendo "fans" in this thread, don't get too excited, just because a great game has been announced for your system doesn't give you the right to start patronising and mocking the Vita and its followers. I'm happy for you, but seriously, grow up. More than likely a Monster Hunter game will be announced for the Vita, they aren't going to turn their backs on arguably their biggest fanbase, so don't start making these "PS Vita is doomed" threads.

That's the way it is around here.  It's been a while since they could throw eggs at Sony.  I love Nintendo (not Nintendo of America, though) and I love Sony but sometimes Ninty's fans can get on my nerves.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

That's a great way to put it, "It's been a while since they could throw eggs". As for Nintendo as a company, I hate their guts, I love their development teams though.

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NiKKoM said:
bmmb1 said:

All the above said, is anyone doubting there will be a MHP4rth for the Vita (or maybe the PSP)? I am certain there will be. Which raises the question why are some people angry about MH4 being on the 3DS?

It slightly increase the chance of the 3DS not being d00med... we already ordered the stuff for the 3DS d00med party... you know how expensive that stuff is.. that's why people are angry...

Indeed the Sonic party has been postponed thanks to Sonic Generations and there was Colors before that...It's hard to be a Sega fan unable to throw a party of it's mascots d00medness...

Former something....

NiKKoM said:
bmmb1 said:

All the above said, is anyone doubting there will be a MHP4rth for the Vita (or maybe the PSP)? I am certain there will be. Which raises the question why are some people angry about MH4 being on the 3DS?

It slightly increase the chance of the 3DS not being d00med... we already ordered the stuff for the 3DS d00med party... you know how expensive that stuff is.. that's why people are angry...

ROFLMAO...they could always save it for the Vita is dOOmed party.  I heard that party was still a go. o_O

brendude13 said:
FinalEvangelion said:
brendude13 said:
Good news for Nintendo, although I haven't played a Monster Hunter game it seems like a killer game for handhelds and something that could really help the Nintendo 3DS take off.

As for the Nintendo "fans" in this thread, don't get too excited, just because a great game has been announced for your system doesn't give you the right to start patronising and mocking the Vita and its followers. I'm happy for you, but seriously, grow up. More than likely a Monster Hunter game will be announced for the Vita, they aren't going to turn their backs on arguably their biggest fanbase, so don't start making these "PS Vita is doomed" threads.

That's the way it is around here.  It's been a while since they could throw eggs at Sony.  I love Nintendo (not Nintendo of America, though) and I love Sony but sometimes Ninty's fans can get on my nerves.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

That's a great way to put it, "It's been a while since they could throw eggs". As for Nintendo as a company, I hate their guts, I love their development teams though.

don't forget dem eggs were stinky tooo!!!!

megaman79 said:
"I don't know, you will have to ask Capcom".

I guess that's a confirmed exclusive then.

Right, you'd figure an answer like that would lead that way

Doesn't bar them splitting the franchise, continuing an MHP on Vita, though that is the harder point to assess.

And from an objective perspective, yes, this is crippling to Sony at least as far as Japan is concerned, and that is still the main arena for the handheld devices. Inertia is a hugely critical component of these console wars, and even if Vita gets a monster hunter down the line, the fanbase will already have migrated (since people are loyal to games and not to manufacturers) and the balance shifted in Nintendo's favor. Historical precedent shows that such a balance is not irreversible, but Sony would have to rely on another miracle like the emergence of Monster Hunter Portable on the PSP to save the Vita, or else begin generating hugely compelling local multiplayer content of their own accord. The Final Fantasy X remake is there, and will bear a good deal of weight on its own, but it can only serve as something to tide the market over in promise of original content in the future, much like how Nintendo worked on OoT3D as a means to tide over the 3DS base

Long story short, without the powerful brands behind it, Vita has its work cut out for it.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Around the Network
NiKKoM said:
bmmb1 said:

All the above said, is anyone doubting there will be a MHP4rth for the Vita (or maybe the PSP)? I am certain there will be. Which raises the question why are some people angry about MH4 being on the 3DS?

It slightly increase the chance of the 3DS not being d00med... we already ordered the stuff for the 3DS d00med party... you know how expensive that stuff is.. that's why people are angry...

It doesn't make sense to release a portable version of game that's already being developed for a portable gaming system.

3DS Friend Code:   4596-9822-6909

oni-link said:
FinalEvangelion said:
brendude13 said:
Good news for Nintendo, although I haven't played a Monster Hunter game it seems like a killer game for handhelds and something that could really help the Nintendo 3DS take off.

As for the Nintendo "fans" in this thread, don't get too excited, just because a great game has been announced for your system doesn't give you the right to start patronising and mocking the Vita and its followers. I'm happy for you, but seriously, grow up. More than likely a Monster Hunter game will be announced for the Vita, they aren't going to turn their backs on arguably their biggest fanbase, so don't start making these "PS Vita is doomed" threads.

That's the way it is around here.  It's been a while since they could throw eggs at Sony.  I love Nintendo (not Nintendo of America, though) and I love Sony but sometimes Ninty's fans can get on my nerves.

It's the nature of the beast's not like Sony fans haven't thrown rotten eggs on Nintendo's fanbase as well.  It's only natural since Nintendo and Sony have been rivals for quite sometime.  So this time Sony fans gets to smell those same rotten eggs this time and doesn't seem to like it!!! It's hypocritical (IMHO) and ppl need to just take it if they like to dish em.  (my 2 cents)

Quite true. However, there are some users who have always keep their thoughts coherent, one must admit that.

Ot: It is indeed quite a blow to Sony, and a nice add to the 3DS, might pick it it up.

brendude13 said:
FinalEvangelion said:
brendude13 said:
Good news for Nintendo, although I haven't played a Monster Hunter game it seems like a killer game for handhelds and something that could really help the Nintendo 3DS take off.

As for the Nintendo "fans" in this thread, don't get too excited, just because a great game has been announced for your system doesn't give you the right to start patronising and mocking the Vita and its followers. I'm happy for you, but seriously, grow up. More than likely a Monster Hunter game will be announced for the Vita, they aren't going to turn their backs on arguably their biggest fanbase, so don't start making these "PS Vita is doomed" threads.

That's the way it is around here.  It's been a while since they could throw eggs at Sony.  I love Nintendo (not Nintendo of America, though) and I love Sony but sometimes Ninty's fans can get on my nerves.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

That's a great way to put it, "It's been a while since they could throw eggs". As for Nintendo as a company, I hate their guts, I love their development teams though.

Yeah, I don't remember as many Sony fans saying the 3DS is doomed.  The news has been saying it.  At least I never said the 3DS is doomed although I admitted that it had a bump in the road.  The PS3 is doomed stuff in 2007 was way worse than the recent 3DS stuff.  You would nearly get banned from this site if you said the PS3 wasn't doomed.  In my experience, Ninty fans on this site take the victim stance and then act way worse than their perpetrators given the chance.

I'll let the "Vita is Doomed" orgy continue here.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


FinalEvangelion said:
brendude13 said:
FinalEvangelion said:
brendude13 said:
Good news for Nintendo, although I haven't played a Monster Hunter game it seems like a killer game for handhelds and something that could really help the Nintendo 3DS take off.

As for the Nintendo "fans" in this thread, don't get too excited, just because a great game has been announced for your system doesn't give you the right to start patronising and mocking the Vita and its followers. I'm happy for you, but seriously, grow up. More than likely a Monster Hunter game will be announced for the Vita, they aren't going to turn their backs on arguably their biggest fanbase, so don't start making these "PS Vita is doomed" threads.

That's the way it is around here.  It's been a while since they could throw eggs at Sony.  I love Nintendo (not Nintendo of America, though) and I love Sony but sometimes Ninty's fans can get on my nerves.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

That's a great way to put it, "It's been a while since they could throw eggs". As for Nintendo as a company, I hate their guts, I love their development teams though.

Yeah, I don't remember as many Sony fans saying the 3DS is doomed.  The news has been saying it.  At least I never said the 3DS is doomed although I admitted that it had a bump in the road.  The PS3 is doomed stuff in 2007 was way worse than the recent 3DS stuff.  You would nearly get banned from this site if you said the PS3 wasn't doomed.  In my experience, Ninty fans on this site take the victim stance and then act way worse than their perpetrators given the chance.

I'll let the "Vita is Doomed" orgy continue here.

I actually have the opposite view point.  But then again we both have diffrent experiences when it comes to this site.

FinalEvangelion said:

Yeah, I don't remember as many Sony fans saying the 3DS is doomed.  The news has been saying it.  At least I never said the 3DS is doomed although I admitted that it had a bump in the road.  The PS3 is doomed stuff in 2007 was way worse than the recent 3DS stuff.  You would nearly get banned from this site if you said the PS3 wasn't doomed.  In my experience, Ninty fans on this site take the victim stance and then act way worse than their perpetrators given the chance.

I'll let the "Vita is Doomed" orgy continue here.

DOOMED!? Not with the recent announcement of Final Fantasy X and Metal Gear Solid HD Collection on the PSVita, that's the best peice of news about the system I've heard about so far!

I'm surprised nobody has picked up on this, especially since MGS3 on the Vita means the 3DS has technically lost one of its biggest exclusives.

Okay, I'm going off topic, I'll leave now.