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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Square Enix SCANDAL DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION

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LEVEL another Swedish magazine said this "I've looked trough what we signed to get access to Deus Ex, and there is nothing special at all. The usual embargo were we promise not the spread material or info about the game, publish before date and so on. Extremely standard. We sign similar papers for the most big titles. I can't say anything about Gamereactor (the other magazine that refused to sign), but we haven't made any compromises at all."


So who knows what the issue is?

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Sounds like crap to me, especially when you take OPM's score into account.

And everyone who played the beta leak said it was good stuff.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

well it looks great so far so i'm in all the way but its not a purchase until this time next yr

Zlejedi said:
baggy said:
Why aren't people allowed to review it how they want to isn't that censorship and against freedom of speech?

To review a game you need a review copy or a shop copy.

You get review copies from publisher if you sign agreement with them. If you buy it from a shop you can write whatever you want but your review is delayed 1 month compared to competitors.

Oh ok thanks for that

Sounds like BS to me, to be honest. There's enough video and gameplay footage out there that we don't NEED reviews at this point, I pre-ordered this last week and I have a very strong feeling that it's going to be GOTY.

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brianblair said:
Sounds like BS to me, to be honest. There's enough video and gameplay footage out there that we don't NEED reviews at this point, I pre-ordered this last week and I have a very strong feeling that it's going to be GOTY.

And a leak. XD

mmmm Maybe SE are too proud of the game and they don't want to get criticized

just sayin :