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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Square Enix SCANDAL DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION

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PullusPardus said:
kowenicki said:

I voted this game would be a disappointment... my vote looks safe.

Your vote is wrong, since this game is already been leaked and everyone who played it, loved it.

Exactly, read my post :P

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I don't get it, what would stop them from reviewing the game objectively? Did SE offer them a free copy of the game if they gave it a good review? If that's the case, they could just buy the game at a retail store if they really wanted to review it.....

I am the Playstation Avenger.


That is just sad.

themanwithnoname said:

If you're not going to bother sharing whatever the "unreasonable demands" were, then I don't really care. Besides, it's not like they haven't put out enough videos of the gameplay by now to determine whether or not it's something people are interested in playing.

EDIT: And OPM gave it 8/10, so that shoots that theory down.

Read =

"I was snooping around in the DX forums,and I found a nice little revelation:

Nevermind, spoke to someone who just translated it, no idea how accurate it is:
"Gameplay is a little excited on whether or not Deus Ex: Human Revolution is as good as Square Enix thinks. We would really have liked to review it in this issue, but you can read in the exact same issue why we have chosen not to"

"No, ofcourse we will not promise you a 9/10 in order to receive the game before anyone else. Do you think our readers are idiots? You can have an editorial and a couple of pages at the end of September instead."

"It's not an isolated case - it is quite common promotional strategy for many games, the publishers told the media that they should not give press reviews before the release date if they do not give the game [x] character. In this case, we demanded the early version and were told that we could not get it unless we promised to give the game a minimum of 9 / 10 (because of our September issue: a few days before the game). When Pigs Fly.

The most stupid thing is that there are many indications that we could easily have ended up giving the game the character (and possibly do, when we review the months after), but we naturally chose to resist and instead are making a fuss about it. We are not aware of others who have difficulty opening up about it (which probably does not have any great strategy if you want to be friends with the publisher), so most have probably just been happy to score the game a month in advance to write a happy review. If nothing else, we have since proven quite clearly that we are not working so, no matter what game they serves up.

The obvious comparison is Rockstar's LA Noire, which we gave a very high character earlier this summer. They gave us it a month earlier, but with no strings attached. Naturally enough if we had given it 5 / 10, they would not give us the same opportunity another time, but it was all completely without influence from them that we gave our character - and so it is with almost all other games, we review. There is generally little pressure on us - as opposed to what some would like to tell stories about how much gaming media are in the pockets of publishers - and we generally enjoy a high degree of freedom to write about games as it suits us.

We will review Deus Ex: Human Revolution in the subsequent number - ie one month after the release, which is not optimal. But we still think that it's better than making a purchase notification to your readers, now we go up so much in being taken seriously.

I knew this went on,but this just confirmed it.I think I will wait for some reviews from the big sites before I even buy it now."


This doesnt mean the game isn't bad, maybe they just want to secure good reviews or something... Still shows lack of belif in their own game.

I suppose we can all wait for the reviews to come in.. after the embargo lifts. Just wanted to share some news! :D

kowenicki said:

I voted this game would be a disappointment... my vote looks safe.

Nope it won't.

You can already find pre-release alpha in one of famous internet bays.

All the people i know who played it said it was good.


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Why aren't people allowed to review it how they want to isn't that censorship and against freedom of speech?

Not that I condone this but other companies do this all the time. A big one does it every single year with their yearly craptastic shooter franchise :)

So it's not like this is something new even though it is bad. This is why you don't trust reviews!

EDIT: After having read Aldros post I don't see ANYWHERE where Square specifically demands a 9/10+ score. They basically state that they can't publish their review until after the embargo if it is 8.9 and under. I don't see the harm in that. They have the freedom to publish a 2/10 score after the game comes out just like anyone else.

I have always felt anyways that the media/press should NOT recieve the game before consumers do anyways. They should have to wait just like everyone else. Just because they are in the media it doesn't make them special.

baggy said:
Why aren't people allowed to review it how they want to isn't that censorship and against freedom of speech?

To review a game you need a review copy or a shop copy.

You get review copies from publisher if you sign agreement with them. If you buy it from a shop you can write whatever you want but your review is delayed 1 month compared to competitors.


Too bad for gaming publishers and developers.
I congratulate profesionals who do not humilate themselves by accepting demands of this nature!

Sounds like crap. Until they actually say what the demands actually were then it's just conjecture. For all we know they might have said not to put in spoilers and we already know that other mags have given the game less than 9. Guess readers will just have to wait an extra month for their opinion.

Either way, gameplay vids and people who've played the leaks have convinced me to pre-order the game.