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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Top Videogame Villains Elimination Game!! 30 Villains LEFT!!

+ Andrew Ryan
- Mecha Hitler

Around the Network

+ Saren

- Space Invaders Aliens

+ Ganon
- Sephiroth

WiiU/Wii/3DS/DS/Xbox360/PS3/PSP Owner 
3DS FC: 1032-1246-9162  (Nacho)
Nintendo Network ID: Zap786
If you add me, please let me know to add you back


+ Bowser

- Darth Vader

Around the Network

+ Zombies
- Bowser

+ Saren

- Space Invaders Aliens

+ Andrew Ryan
- Mecha Hitler   (eliminated)

+ Lavos
- Andrew Ryan
Also, it'll be a busy weekend, so I'd HIGHLY appreciatte if someone of trust updates for me
