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Forums - Sony Discussion - *Best Sony Franchise Elimination Game*

+ Uncharted
- Killzone

Around the Network

+ God of War
- Jak & Daxter

2012 - Top 3 [so far]

                                                                             #1                                       #2                                      #3


+Gran Turismo
-God of War


God of War 48
Little Big Planet 38
inFamous 38
Uncharted 34
Gran Turismo 30
Ratchet &Clank 18
KillZone 14
Jack & Daxter 8

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

+ Jak n' Daxter
- Uncharted

4 ≈ One

+ inFamous
- Gran Turismo


Around the Network

+ Uncharted
- Jak & Daxter

+ Ratchet and Clank
- Twisted Metal

+God of War

+ Uncharted
- Killzone

+Jak & Daxter