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Comparing Third Party Series 21 36.21%
Comparing Third Party Games 16 27.59%
Locked 20 34.48%

Halo Reach

I beat Heavy Rain in one long 7 hour sitting. Halo Reach is a game with just much more replay value. Co-op is also fun as hell, as well as Firefight.

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Heavy Rain was a good game but it had almost no replay value. I really wish there was a MP component. I beat the game in around 8 hours. It was fun while it lasted but got boring right after I finished the game. I don't really mind if there is no MP but they should have made it at least like Assassin's Creed or GTA which has tons of replay value even after beating the story which is 30+ hours of gameplay. Halo Reach on the other hand is a really great game. The campaign is good and the online is just mind blowing. It's one of the best FPS this gen.

Vote: Halo Reach

Heavy rain as it's something special and i couln't leave the game!!!

dsage01# Multiplayer for Heavy rain......are you serious? Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

Heavy rain was great, one of the few games I bothered to get platinum on. I wanted to see what all the different decisions would do and see all the endings. A great adventure game, very immersive and hard to put down.
I lost interest in Halo at the 2nd one. I am not interested in multiplayer fps anymore, and the recent halo demos did nothing for me.

Easy choice Heavy rain.

At first, I was going to say these games have absolutely nothing in common. But after investigation, I found that both games titles consist of 9 letters: one five-letter word and a four-letter word each. Both titles' words start with an 'H' and an 'R'. Both have the same number of syllables. And most importantly, both are exclusive.

Vote: Halo Rain

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kivi95 said:
Heavy rain as it's something special and i couln't leave the game!!!

dsage01# Multiplayer for Heavy rain......are you serious?

why not. It would be creative.

Damn those Sony fans... another unfair close call.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Jay520 said:
At first, I was going to say these games have absolutely nothing in common. But after investigation, I found that both games titles consist of 9 letters: one five-letter word and a four-letter word each. Both titles' words start with an 'H' and an 'R'. Both have the same number of syllables. And most importantly, both are exclusive.

Vote: Halo Rain

Promo Tag: "What will Master Chief do to save his son?"

OT: Heavy Rain. Great single player >>>>>>>>> great multiplayer.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


Jay520 said:
At first, I was going to say these games have absolutely nothing in common. But after investigation, I found that both games titles consist of 9 letters: one five-letter word and a four-letter word each. Both titles' words start with an 'H' and an 'R'. Both have the same number of syllables. And most importantly, both are exclusive.

Vote: Halo Rain

What lmafo!!! Halo Rain!! Anyways which one did you vote for

pezus said:
Reasonable said:
Damn those Sony fans... another unfair close call.

Why? It's not like Heavy Rain isn't a great game

It's a good game but it coming even close to Halo is very odd.