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What do you think the future of this thread should be

Comparing Third Party Series 21 36.21%
Comparing Third Party Games 16 27.59%
Locked 20 34.48%

I think ME2 kicks the living crap out of MGS4 (I highly dislike MGS4)
ME2 is gaming nirvana!

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Mass Effect 2 for sure IGN declared it the greatest game of this generation.

Screw it, I'll vote for Mass Effect 2. I find the setting much more interesting.

Mass Effect 2

It's the best game released this decade IMO. Great hybrid of RPG and shooter, best pacing I have ever seen in a game, and one of the best narratives. Story is told in more detail then any other game I have ever played before, and the ability to made good and naughty decisions just makes the story that much more involving.

MGS4 is over-rated IMO. It's a 5 hour long game, with 15 hours of cinematics, with a very dull (world will end with a holocaust theme). Some of the boss fights (Two Metal Gears) are great, but I'm not a fan of conspiracy games, where people have super powers. I know Mass Effect has Biotic powers as well, but they aren't the focus of the game like in MGS.

I also like the atmosphere, and genre of Mass Effect 2 a lot more. In the end, MGS4 feels like an interactive movie, with fun as hell boss fights, where Mass Effect 2 is a 30+ hour action paced shooter, which never gets dull.

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Lets see
Mass effect 2- an rpg trying to be a shooter
MGS4- a game trying to become a movie

Well...honestly MGS4 became one of those games I couldn't stop playing because I actually found the plot to be interesting. Mass Effect 2 on the other hand had more gameplay but the story was basically 3 cutscenes. Hmm...Im gonna have to go with MGS4. Its actually one of the more memorable games I have Played.

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Mass Effect 2 because I loved it, I'm ashamed to say I own MGS4 but played it for 6 hours and never went back. It's one of those I keep meaning to go back and start again as too many people love the game for me to not beat it. MGS4 was one of those epic games of this generation though so it's easy to se why it would get so many votes.

MGS4 is the best game I have played this generation, hands down.

Jay520 said:
RolStoppable said:
When I vote for Mass Effect 2, is it the 360 or the PS3 version?

360 of course

I presume, correctly I hope, that the point Rol is making is that this thread may have just become - to paraphrase Monty Python - very silly.  We've got a PS3 exclusive up against a 360 exclusive that happens to be on PS3 and PC in addition to 360.  That's just... a bit silly IMHO.

Early on the thread seemed fun but by now it just seems to have gone off the rails.  We have 360 games getting multiple goes and elimination of winning PS3 games to make room for 360 games.  Whether this is due to a PS3 bias, the OP not working out how the whole contest would go well enough or considering titles well enough I have no idea but at this point the whole thing seems to have broken down somewhat.

I think part of the problem is trying to have multiple rounds - that just doens't work with exclusives as of course you might find yourself with exclusives from one console going through.  I think a better approach would have been to pick a couple of exclusives by genre and pitch them against each other and have a winner by genre and then maybe a final round of winners.

The bottom line is the 360 factually has less full exclusives than PS3 at the moment and arguably less exclusives with a major fanbase (i.e. I mean that while it has Halo and Gears with huge fanbases it doesn't have as many God of War's or Ratchet and Clanks with more mid level fan bases) and that seems to have set up an immediate imbalance from the very start.

Anyway - I'll go out noting I slightly prefer Mass Effect 2 to MGS4 irrespective of platform although I find MGS4 to be overall the more polished title (which by number 4 in a big franchise you'd hope would be the case) although both suffer from a common complaint in my view - the actually gameplay always pales next to the promise of the cutscenes and the advertising for the games.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

RolStoppable said:
When I vote for Mass Effect 2, is it the 360 or the PS3 version?

360 I guess.

Okay so in round 3 I'm gonna forget PS3 vs 360 games and just go random style. So I'll be putting some PS3 games agasint each other