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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Link's Crossbow Training Review

You can and do use the C and Z buttons. Have you even played Link's Crossbow Training?

The zapper is ok. I prefer to play with it but my score is similar, either way.

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I think it's an okay game.. I mean there is some lag, the multiplayer is in turns and the Zapper itself is not the most comfortable to hold, but as a pack-in, the game's pretty sweet. It's quite fun to play, and the Zapper is alright too. I guess for the price you can get it, you shouldn't complain. And of course, it's Zelda. :p

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ElRhodeo said:
Did anyone notice the lag in this game? Don't know why, but if you wiggle the Wiimote around, you'll find that the cursor is a bit late. Compared to games like Mario Galaxy, for example.

 You can change those settings to be faster or slower. 


"Like you know"

Dryden said:
Personally, I would prefer a single-handed 45-handgun style shell for my right hand with a trigger to trip the B button, and a wireless Nunchuk for my left hand.

You've probably heard but just in case you haven't, Nyko have brought out a well reviewed single handed gun and are releasing a wireless nunchuk.

The gun's on Amazon for $14.99: 

Dryden said:

Personally, I would prefer a single-handed 45-handgun style shell for my right hand with a trigger to trip the B button, and a wireless Nunchuk for my left hand.

Or better yet, I'd just prefer two hand gun shells and no Nunchuk at all, so I can go John Woo on some Zombies.

I got two Nyko perfect shot shells for Christmas. I've used it for LCT and I think it definately makes the game more enjoyable over the Zapper. I also played RE:UC with them and they are sweet as hell. Ghost squad actually allows John Woo gmaeplay although I haven't gotten coordinated enough to be very good at it.

Here is the video review from IGN.


 EDIT: Couldn't get the embed to work here is the link


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sounds fun ...i'll proably get this soon for the wii zapper. I love arcade shooters house of the dead coming to wii now just need time crisis .

i agree the zapper is entirely pointless. however my mom got one and loves link's crossbow training so they got me one too for xmas. its a decent game for being a pack in $25 purchase. but the zapper does feel very awkward. hands much too close together and the front hand grip should have been offset.

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Dryden said:
seeing as with the package assembled you cannot use the C or Z buttons anyway.

Are we talking about the same accessory?  I can use C and Z just fine.  In fact, you use Z in Link's Crossbow Training to zoom in, so that would be rather pointless if you couldn't use that button.

I just bought this game online at Circuit City and this reveiw has got me even more excited for it now.

I have played a lot of the game now, and am really happy with it. Its an awesome "pick up and play" for a few minutes - and I find there is a real drive to try and get PLATINUM medals on all the levels (yes, you can get more than gold).

At first, I wasn't that impressed with the game - but the more I played it, the more I got into it. There is actually a significant amount of "strategy" in each level - the best order to hit targets, pots that contain gold coins (sooner you hit them, more pts you get awarded with).


I'm still unsure about the WiiZapper itself. It looks pretty cool IMO, but I'm not sure how useful or functional it really is (haven't tried the game without it).

The game seriously rewards accuracy (i.e. never missing, rather than hitting every target) - and I do think that with a little practice (butt against my chest for stability) the WiiZapper will give a higher level of accuracy.

For the price (picked up for $44AU), I think its a solid purchase - and adds another "string" to the Wii bow. Its a game that should interest casual gamers as well.

Around a 8.0-8.5/10 

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