I'm honestly not sure how I feel about this. I'm more disappointed than I thought I'd be. My loyalty is ever so slightly shaken. :(
I'm honestly not sure how I feel about this. I'm more disappointed than I thought I'd be. My loyalty is ever so slightly shaken. :(
thetonestarr said: A 30,000-signature online petition can be faked by ONE person. Letters from thousands of people all across North America, thousands of posts mostly from unique Facebook accounts, and dozens of gaming websites who have reported as being involved in the event... that's a lot easier to prove to be legitimate. This movement holds a LOT more credibility and legitimacy than the Mother 3 petition. It also holds a far greater public image that's a lot harder for Nintendo to deny. No, things look much better this time around. |
That wasn't the limit of thhe Mother 3 petitioning. The write-a-thon and call-a-thon had thousands of people - me included - sending letters, e-mail, and phone calls to Nintendo once a week for over a month.
This petition is more public, but it's not nearly as loud or as fervent. Don't get your hopes up for a reaction.
No, Operation Rainfall isn't done for yet. It's not game over, it's time for Round 2.
JTurner82 said: No, Operation Rainfall isn't done for yet. It's not game over, it's time for Round 2. |
Is this the part where we get to EGG Reggie IN THE FACE?
Man, I hope Nintendo holds a public fall conference so they can be booed of the stage!
Until you've played it, every game is a system seller!
Wii FC: 4810 9420 3131 7558
MHTri: name=BOo BoO/ID=BZBLEX/region=US
mini-games on consoles, cinematic games on handhelds, what's next? GameBoy IMAX?
Official Member of the Pikmin Fan Club
gumby_trucker said:
Is this the part where we get to EGG Reggie IN THE FACE? |
NO. It simply means we're going to continue with the writing campaign. In the meantime, everyone please keep supporting Operation Rainfall. WE won't take "no" for an answer.
A friend on another messageboard said Nintendo decided to just ignore Operation Rainfall. Here was my response:
That's not true. What's going on is that there are certain people who run the FB page (pretty low-level office grunts, probably), and they had to go through channels just to see what the current plans are with those titles. They're just reporting back what they got from their boss. And most likely, Reggie is their boss's boss's boss.
We haven't even scratched the surface of Operation Rainfall yet. It's just that the effects haven't quite reached Reggie, or probably even the people directly below him, yet (and while it's not Reggie singlehandedly responsible for the lack of localization, it IS probably the people directly below him that are responsible). Nintendo's had a system for filtering out the bother for a long time. It'll take a while before it overloads the filter and actually cuts through.
Wait until the flood of letters make their way through. Also, wait until Amazon contacts them about the ridiculous number of preorders. And wait until the Facebook guys' boss finally decides it's a big enough deal to take to their boss. Things will change.
RolStoppable said: Nintendo is going to fail so hard with the Wii U. They want to win the hardcore back and yet they refuse to release JRPGs for their current home console in America. Then again, it's probable that the hardcore Nintendo is talking about refers to the typical Xbox 360 crowd. After all, hardcore has such a broad and everchanging meaning that whenever that word is used it could mean pretty much anything. Reggie needs to go. Iwata needs to go. Miyamoto needs to go. In other words, everyone who isn't interested in doing his job properly. Firing the low level employees won't do anything good, if the desease sits at the top of the company. |
I dont know about failing that hard just yet, but nintendo is doing the wrong thing if they think they can get lots of 360/ps3 users just for having the same 3rd party games... COD on wiiu is not going to do half of the 360 sells, and the same can be said for most shooters and other games... nintendo instead of getting all this 3rd party games should support thier internal IPs, Xenoblabe and TLS are not as big as FF or DQ, but they could grow until they become at least something ala tales or so...
I love Jrpgs, and this is disappointing for me to say the least, really really bad move nintendo...
just let me know when, I'll take the eggs...
3DS code: 1289-8222-7215
NNid: Menx064
I am honestly not surprised, it screwed up we are not getting anything. And people wonder why i dont hold Ninty in as high regard as the "other" company. I would bet my left testicle that if this was under Sony's umbrella or hell even MS, that we would see these games. But you know what, enjoy Euro gamers, really. They have been getting crapped on so much in the past that at least they get to enjoy it. and who knows if the rumors of GE going to 360 and PS3 i might just rebuy it and mod my damn Wii
Honestly I don't know which company is worse when it comes to the western market... ScamcoBandai or Nintendo of America. It worked (somewhat, ToV still hasn't come D: ) when fans bitched about tales games not coming over and hopefully it works in NoA fans bitch hard enough. Though Nintendo is a much bigger comapny then Scamo so it would be all the easier to say lolno.
To Nintendo
you wont release these big amazing looking titles.. but you would release such shitty ass fucking games called Mario and Sonic at the Olympics and the 100th Wii Sports game?.... , i know Mario, zelda and sometimes metroid ships in the money but give your fans something new. i know those games will be awesome but we want to experience something original from Nintendo... like those 3 Japanese titles... you tell Reggie i said that or i will go the company and kick him in the balls,
thank you have a nice day.