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RolStoppable said:
Nintendo is going to fail so hard with the Wii U. They want to win the hardcore back and yet they refuse to release JRPGs for their current home console in America.

Then again, it's probable that the hardcore Nintendo is talking about refers to the typical Xbox 360 crowd. After all, hardcore has such a broad and everchanging meaning that whenever that word is used it could mean pretty much anything.

Reggie needs to go. Iwata needs to go. Miyamoto needs to go. In other words, everyone who isn't interested in doing his job properly. Firing the low level employees won't do anything good, if the desease sits at the top of the company.

I dont know about failing that hard just yet, but nintendo is doing the wrong thing if they think they can get lots of 360/ps3 users just for having the same 3rd party games... COD on wiiu is not going to do half of the 360 sells, and the same can be said for most shooters and other games... nintendo instead of getting all this 3rd party games should support thier internal IPs, Xenoblabe and TLS are not as big as FF or DQ, but they could grow until they become at least something ala tales or so...

 I love Jrpgs, and this is disappointing for me to say the least, really really bad move nintendo... 


 just let me know when, I'll take the eggs...


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NNid: Menx064