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Have you looked at the Japan preview this week? Wii Fit is likely to cross over the one million mark.

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WiiFit will do awesome sales in all territories. And WiiFit has been having a 85-90% sellthrough most weeks in Japan. That is pretty damn good.

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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According to a thread I read on this site earlier, America spends more on fitness each year than the entire world does on gaming. So, all they need to do is market Wii Fit properly--toss it on the news, put it in a few gyms on-the-house, and have ads on family-style channels like TLC.

I don't think Wii Fit is having the very best reception it could have in Japan, but to think that 740k in a few short weeks is bad is just insane. Especially with it likely to be crossing the 1m mark this week from that point.

Its not the completely insane numbers of Halo 3 like JL was predicting but for a new IP with pack-in hardware upping the price well above standard cost these sales numbers are downright impressive imho.

To Each Man, Responsibility


Hey, your arguments would be better if you use a more serious source.
Have you seen japanese number till now??
It can reach the 1 million mark with 1 month in Japan.
Look at the price and how many game do that in Japan.

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PSaiki said:
It has been selling out and is not selling as well as it could??????

I don't understand your line of thought.

 The Wii has set a new standard for success.

 If your product isn't selling next month's stock this month, it's not successful. :P

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

I never expected it to sell

Dragonball Z pwns all.

johnsobas said:
nintendo doesn't really start advertising until the game is about to come out. A friend from Japan is visiting me now (in Korea), she doesn't really play video games but really wants to play the wii. She said they have Wii Fit on TV all the time, most of the time it's not nintendo advertisements it is regular TV shows that are showing it.
This is where Nintendo is really getting clever.  Similar to the Wii, the 'advertisements' will be on talk shows,  news spots,  etc.  where  for the cost of the  item and  the set up to get it on the show, N. saves tons of money for more effective advertising.  They get more time (versus say a  30 or 60 second ad) and more believable (the talk show host vs a paid pitch man).  And by hitting all of these shows, it builds up the momentum as stated by the friend in the quote.


Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.

Off topic, but strange that you can see the banned poster's post if you are quoting another post.

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.

famousringo said:
PSaiki said:
It has been selling out and is not selling as well as it could??????

I don't understand your line of thought.

The Wii has set a new standard for success.

If your product isn't selling next month's stock this month, it's not successful. :P

 Haha I literally laughed out loud at this one.  At least some have a sense of humor.