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johnsobas said:
nintendo doesn't really start advertising until the game is about to come out. A friend from Japan is visiting me now (in Korea), she doesn't really play video games but really wants to play the wii. She said they have Wii Fit on TV all the time, most of the time it's not nintendo advertisements it is regular TV shows that are showing it.
This is where Nintendo is really getting clever.  Similar to the Wii, the 'advertisements' will be on talk shows,  news spots,  etc.  where  for the cost of the  item and  the set up to get it on the show, N. saves tons of money for more effective advertising.  They get more time (versus say a  30 or 60 second ad) and more believable (the talk show host vs a paid pitch man).  And by hitting all of these shows, it builds up the momentum as stated by the friend in the quote.


Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.