Just think about it.
Your mind just blew, didn't it?
Mod edit:
Edited the title so that it no longer implies that Pokemon Snap was actually announced for Wii U.
Just think about it.
Your mind just blew, didn't it?
Mod edit:
Edited the title so that it no longer implies that Pokemon Snap was actually announced for Wii U.
It did but Nintendo seems to be very hesitant to release a sequel. I mean the game sold shit loads and even on VC continues to sell very well yet Nintendo is reluctant to release a sequel. Using the six inch screen as a camera would be awsome point at the screen and zoom in on your target. Use the analog stick to aim or maybe even use the gyro's in the controller. It would be awsome but like I said Nintendo doesn't seem all that interested in making another one.
I would be extremely happy if one was released though. Nintendo take notice fans want PokemonSnap2!
"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer
Yes my mind just blew. Seeing the topic title made me think the game had been announced or something and now I'm gutted.
Seriously one of my favourite games ever.
I'm willing to bet that Nintendo hasn't announced a sequel yet BECAUSE they're planning on it for WiiU.
It seems like one of the best uses of the controller that we can even come up with. They'd BETTER do it. >=(
would be a pretty cool experience, chances are they will do something like that, just seems likely.
I never thought of pokemon snap being good all you do is take pictures for god's sake.
Idk why but I would like to get a pokemon snap game on the 3DS instead
"I don't know what this Yamcha is, but it sounds just like Raditz."
Seems absolutely perfect. So perfect that it will probably not happen for some stupid reason.
Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic
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my mind was not blown -- mind explaining the gameplay to me cause i didn't play it.
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