I'm not surprised. Westerners try to hate on it, but the device is perfect for the Japanese. It fuses the home and portable markets, something i was expecting Nintendo to do first, but Sony got the jump on them.
With that said, i finally circunvented the problem i had and i have pre-ordered my copy of Ys celceta! <3
Hadnt imported a title from the US since Suikoden 3 and Grandia 3 on the PS2. I'm gonna have to wait a week for it to arrive after launch, but its still better than what other people in europe will have to wait.
Also, portable games are dirty cheap on the US. No wonder americans here look at me funny when i say Nintendo games are expensive. They have them 15 euros cheaper than we do over here. Thinking about it, that explains why the US market sells more software than the European one. Its no wonder, we have to pay more for them.